Tall Bearded Seedlings - Possiblities #2

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

The spring of 2007 delighted me some wonderful 1st year (maiden bloom) seedlings. Here are a few of them:

Seedling #1

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Seedling #2


Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Seedling # 3

This seedling and the one below are siblings.

As you view these - let me know which ones are your favorite, OK? Any and all feedback is appreciated!

This message was edited Dec 15, 2007 9:32 PM

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Seedling #4

A lovely formed near red plicata.
~ Margie

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Seedling #5

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Seedling #6

Another ruffled beauty. :-)

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Seedling #7

This one is a sibling to the one above.

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Seedling #8

Older form - - but unusual - - with greenish and purple coloring.
~ Margie

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Seedling #9

Several different patterns are going on here.

Thumbnail by Margiempv
South Hamilton, MA

Late at night here, stayed up for weather report, but not too alert otherwise. #4 the red plicata really jumped out at me in spite of being sleepy. I also like the classic form as well as the color.

South Hamilton, MA

#9 the yellow came on as I was typing. I like that one also.

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

I'd have to say - I think you have a good eye for uniqueness and color patterns. Both of those are quite striking in real life! :-)

~ Margie

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Seedling #10

Some unusual veining coloring in the falls going on with this one.

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Philadelphia, PA

Very nice Margie. I like 5, 7, and 8
I like 5 because of the terrific veining, 7 because of the great coloring and 8 is so unique.

It's tough to pick when they all look so good.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Margie, I love them all! #4 is a beauty. I'm really partial to plicatas. Thanks for sharing.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Margie, really love no.1 and no.8!
Gorgeous coloration on both.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Sorry not to be more discriminating, but I love all of them! I am really impressed with the quality of seedlings you have produced.

South Hamilton, MA

After a more alert look at seedling #1 I was interested in the petal edges, particularly the falls. The edges look by Decedence as blooms in friends' gardens. Any relation?

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thank you................. I do enjoy your comments and feedback. I'm anxious to see how they look next year because the 2nd year they tend to look even better!

IrisMa Seedling #1 is Knock em Dead x Social Graces. This seedling gets it's ruffles and lace from Social Graces. Knock em Dead gave it great height and good branching.

Mitt, Seedlings #5 & #10 intrigue me because of the veining in the falls. Both came about unexpectedly and surprised me. That is why hybridizing is so much fun.................. one NEVER knows what will show up. That unusual Seedling #8 came from : Daughter of Stars x (Epicenter x Burnt Toffee). It increases VERY well......................I'm hoping it may turn out to be a rebloomer like it's parent DOS.

Louise, I was never much of a plicata person myself, but as these plicata beauties keep popping up I'm becoming more of a fan of plicatas. This Dark red plicata was really impressive! I'll see how it does next year.............................It was a shorter TB with six buds. I hope it's taller next year.

Maxine, both of those DO have nice coloring. Each are unique and special in their own way. thanks. :-)

Pajaritomt, ........................I know what you mean. I love them all too! :-) Crossing irises have been a real joy! The best thing is - - you don't have to know a thing about genetics to come up with something unusual and lovely.

~ Margie

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Keep posting your beauties Margie, I enjoy them so much.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I second that. Please keep posting. I'd be hard pressed to pick one, they are all lovely.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Hi Margie
over all a great group of seedlings
#1 - this has great color, lacing, buds looked well placed good form
#2 - now remember I am not a yellow person but this looks robust nice form love the brown on the shoulders
#3 - Love the color, beards, form would be fabulous but form on fall but that may strickly be due to time, temp overall I like this alot
#4 - Love the sibling more because well I'm not a plic person but the color on this is great nice and rich great form
#5 - Leaves me cold
#6 - Great form and substance, love the blush
#7 - Keep the sibling
#8 - not great form but with Daughter as parent I would try her with #3 just to see if you can get more color saturation.
#9 - Unusual, good form, looks like great substance, love the shoulders and beard
#10 - Nice saturation of color, nice form wonder what it would do with #9

Over all like I said great crop of seedlings

South Hamilton, MA

In 1985 I was lucky enough to go on a garden tour to England. The horticulturist assigned to the group was the late Henry Mitchell, garden writer for the Wash. Post. Tongue in cheek his advice was not to plant plicatas as everyone would rush to see them and not pay attention to the rest of your garden. Judging by all of our attention to your plics, I would say that he had something in people's attitudes. I really related to seedling #4 because of the depth of color in the markings, I do still like your pastel plicatas,

we have had Social Graces in the garden. Happenstance, its sister would not bloom of us,

I like the fact that #9 is a yellow blend, not just plain yellow. The light must hit it different ways, adding to the interest. L

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Okay, I will hazard a guess. I do love them all but my favorite, and I am not trying to be contrary is #7.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

First choice number 10, love everything about it.
Second choice number 6, I don't usually like yellow but this one is radiant. I would name is Golden Radiance. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing your pics.

Louisville, KY

I named your iris starting with my favorite

# 4 *Band of Hearts
# 7 *Bernini's Cherubs
# 9 *Atomic Nectar
# 6 *Laughing Buddha

least favorite:

# 8 blind willie walker

still, I wouldn't kick any of 'em out of me mailbox mate! they're all beautiful Margie.
I just love your pictures on these long dark cold inside the house days.... dreamy.

South Hamilton, MA

OK, if we are naming plants--#9 Follow the Sun. This is why everyone names their own plants. Maybe that name was used. It was the title of a movie about Ben Hogan. L

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Margie,as usual you have come up with some stunners. I love 1 - just my colors and a lot of ruffles along with the broad falls. #9 is also beautiful. Isn't it great that you make it so hard to pick?

Hebron, KY


You always have beautiful Irises! I love them all!

#1 is gorgeous! Love the colors together and the lace!
#4 is another beauty! Love the colors together!
#7 is beautiful! Again, love the colors together! Love the red beard!
#6 is another beauty! Love the colors and the ruffles!
#10 is an exciting beautiful color combination! Love it!
#3 is deep and beautiful! Love the velvety sheen on the falls!
#5 is a fresh and beautiful combo! Love the simplicity of it!
#2 is a beauty! Love the rusty color on the edges!

Would love it if you would post all the Irises parentages of all these pics!


Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

If I had to choose only one it would be #7. I've always liked the two toned ones. Thanks Margie for sharing !

Greeneville, TN(Zone 6b)

Margie they are all beautiful,but if I could only have two they would be #9 and #1. Those I would purchase immediately,lol. Again they are all beautiful.Dora

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

My favorites would be:

#1--I love the color and substance of this one. I like the way the beard blends into the color on the falls.

#3--Beautiful, deep, rich color

#6--I don't usually go for yellows, but I like the color blending and ruffles on this one.

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Margie.........your seedlings are absolutely stunning!! I love what you have done....

My favorites would be:

#6..Your Very Best

Soulja........Love your names!!!!!!!!

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Margie, they're all gorgeous - #3 and #9 are my favorites. I do hope you have big plans for them: #9 is so unusual it would be a MUST HAVE for me! Shelly aka puttytat

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi......I'm back! I'm so sorry for not getting back sooner........................ I've had the busiest holiday season EVER!! The last of my company just left on Friday, then a wedding this past weekend. And as crazy as it may sound - I just finished putting away my Christmas decorations! :-) (that's how busy it's been this season).

How wonderful to read all the feedback and suggestions concerning these seedlings! You have no idea how appreciative I am for your replies concerning each and all of these seedings! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I find your input so enlightening.

Seeing the various name suggestions for these seedlings are always so fun to read. What creative minds we have among us! Thanks for those names Soulja and IrisMA!

Like Dan.....................I too have very limited space to grow these seedlings - so it's pretty tough making the decisions 'which ones stay' and 'which ones go'.

Since all of the above are first year 'maiden bloom' seedlings I'll be growing them another year at least!

What is nice about having all this detailed input on Dave's Iris forum.........................is if (for future reference) I should need to test out some of these seedlings I have all the feedback info on who likes which varieties.

I'll look to see if I have any other seedling pics worth sharing.

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Here a few more:
Seedling 11

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Seedling 12
(a little hard to see so click on photo to bring up a larger image.)

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Hebron, KY


I love seedling12 a lot! Very beautiful! Love the colors together! (including the beard color with the S and F)! Gorgeous! A winner! What are the parents to this beauty? I gotta have it when you introduce it!

Do you have another photo of seedling 11 so I can get a better look at it?


Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Seedling 13
Note the red behind this one. In the morning light it was really a nice red. Mid-day not too bad either. I caught this one in the photo by accident. A first year seedling too, I'll have to see if it's a nice red this spring.

This luminata -plicata just might be a rebloomer...........................out of Daughter of Stars.

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi Marilyn,

Thank you. The parents to number 12 is (Sapphire Hills x Pencil Sketch) x Flights of Fancy. I'll see if I have another photo of number 11. Here is another one - just opening so the falls will be falling still a bit. (Not as good of a photo) It does have flaring falls.

Thumbnail by Margiempv

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