
Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

My daughter has several cacti and succulents but have no clue as what there names are.It sure would help me(as well as others) allot of some of you that are so familiar with them and have pictures would add them to the data base so I can figure out what she has.I figure if she has a name for them the more she can learn about them. Thanks so much.Not only would you be helping me but also Daves Garden and lots of other closet cacti and succulent growers. lol

Valley Village, CA

Books, books, books, would solve the problem, see if your local library has 1 book, start there, then request some more. I have a camera, but don't know how to use it yet. It seems that it would be very time comsuming to put up on screen that books have already taken years to do. It will not guarantee that you will have the correct name. I use about 20 books for reference, wish I had 20 more.
Example: I took a plant that is vine like, having leaves that have five lobes that are serrated, took it to the Huntington Gardens and asked 5 experts sitting at the table at lunch, only one knew the name, most thought it was of the cucumber family. It was not. No flowers yet.
Most pictures don't come over well enough to use for identification. Many plants species have leaves that can mimic another species, so without flowers we cannot identify the plant. It's just not that easy. Perhaps you could take the pictures and post them for all of us to see, this group is a very friendly group. Crasulady

Valley Village, CA

If there is a botanical garden, it will have a reference library. Kentucky, I think I have a friend that lives in that state, I'll try to reach him and ask for suggestions. What is your closest city. Crasulady

Valley Village, CA

I purchased a book for you daughter, I hope the plants that she has is listed in this book. It was one of the first books that used when beginning. I will now need your address for mailing. I hope she has fun with the hobby.

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Crasulady thank you so much for going to all that trouble you really didn't have to. I am sure she will appreciate the book very much. I have posted 1 or 2 of them in the id forum and haven't had any luck. Most of them are in dish gardens and its hard to get a picture of just one thing in it.She has really enjoyed them. Thanks so much for you kindness I will email you.

Valley Village, CA

Get me to the ID forum, I want to look and see. Crasulady

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Here is the link to one of them
thanks for looking.

Valley Village, CA

I am making a guess that the Cactus is an Echinopsis, be sure to let this plant go dormant in the Winter, it can take cold down to 20 for short periods of time. Below 30 it is really unhappy however. If you don't let it go domant it will not flower in the Spring, water and fertilize starting as soon as it warms up. Here it is April 1 Norma

Valley Village, CA

Mestic, get me a link to that dish garden please. Crasulady
Book is on the way.

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