Fuji no Monet grow out

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

These made a lot of seeds for me, but like any nil you need to collect and protect the seeds for next years planting. They don't pop up in the spring like purpurea, and they aren't that easy to grow! I don't think I have any more of this exact one until later this fall when I grow mine out, but I have others similar.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Would you want to trade a few for dl seeds?

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Just send a SASE, I'm in the addy file. Be sure to put what you want on the envie!

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

The time is soon for more results. Karen

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

OK, Beth here you go. I have one pink and one purple both solids so far. The weather mucked up the pink one so I`ll wait for a better photo opportunity for that one. Karen

Thumbnail by gardener2005
Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Beth....just wanted you to know I soaked your seeds this weekend and planted them this morning. They are now sitting on a heat mat and should sprout within the next day or two I'd think. We have had such an awful cold May (I don't think it hit 50 degrees today), that I will not plant anything outside until probably June....


scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

I'm doing the same, Sandy. My nils don't like it outside until it's at least 70 degrees. That's why I'm so thankful that these other folks are sharing what they got from the seeds, it's like a preview of what I'll get later this summer!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Beth - As we all suspected, my 1st bloom is also solid! Huge bloom and I love the color of that purple. It will be a great one to cross with some that I am currently growing! Thanks so much for sharing your seeds with me! :-) Very rich looking purple bloom!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Wow, Becky that is a beautiful picture. The white railing really bring sout the pretty white throat on the bloom. Nice!


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

A gorgeous purple.

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Great shot!!!!

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, wow I now have seeds to try! I hope mine are as pretty. Does anyone plant them with white clematis?

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Beth, Here is the pink one... Karen

Thumbnail by gardener2005
Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Beth

Sorry I didn't get around to this sooner. Here's two photos of the grow out from your seeds. Not the greatest pics and although they didn't turn out to be the monet....this is the one MG vine I was able to collect a ton of seeds from.

Thumbnail by Seedsower
Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

Here's the pink....

Thumbnail by Seedsower
Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

I believe Beth and everyone involved in this grow out deserve a good word and comment for the beautiful flowers and jobs well done. :)

Everyone check my Journal for my own grow out result for Fuji No Monet seeds purchased from ebay. As you see they will not throw all true to type Fuji No Monet and it is a possibility the Fuji No Monet has been grown in the open and repeatedly cross pollinated resulting in eventually different colors showing up in further generations. Also, as I already knew the solid flowers result from the parent vine only having one instead of two genes for the white ray so when the genes recombine in the seeds it is possible for a few solids to show up. You can cull those out if you desire only ray white in your vines.

I have hand tied the Fuji no Monet and what I got was more true Fuji no monet and a few white flowers with a green vine still showing up. This was a improvement in the numbers of the Fuji No Monet vines in the F2. I plan on working on this one to get seeds that will be more consistent for my own enjoyment first and then if I have enough seeds I`ll share and that will take time and patience.

Each year I hand tie at least a handful from every vine to keep for reference to avoid cross pollination and for my own reference and enjoyment of growing.

I will share more of my work in my journal later because it is plain easier to keep up with it for later reference than to hunt threads. Thanks freinds for keeping in touch through Dmail. Also, later after Christmas and New Years settles down I want to set up a trade list for spring. Happy Holidays and Happy Gardening.


Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

P.S. Friends and flower seeds never go out of style. :)

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Thanks for your comments Karen, this was interesting to experiment with!

Mesilla Park, NM

Now I'm wondering what will come up from the ones I had. You would think that it would happen with the other Mt. Fuji colors (them reverting to solids or other colors), I've not had that happen with any of them so far. I did get a feathered on from the dark blue Mt. Fuji but never any solids at all, they all had spokes.

What could be the difference in this one? too much crossing? it makes you wonder for sure.

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Gourd, If you have flowers with two genes for the ray white they will never produce solids. As long as they do not get any pollen from solid flowers on them they will continue to breed true forever unless some wierd mutation we don`t know about takes place.

It is when the bees (or a person perhaps desiring a different color) crosses the ray white with a solid flower so that the F2 will still show the ray white but will have inherited only one gene for ray white. Since one parent was solid and did not contribute a ray white gene the resulting flower from a solid x ray white ray white will appear the same as any other ray white exept that unseen to the eye there is only one gene for ray white present. This flower when selfed will throw mostly ray white with some solids being produced.

That is pretty much why this happens(in this case). Karen

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

P.S. What I`m getting at is that it isn`t necessarily a "bad" thing for the Mt. fuji or a youjiro to throw a solid because for all we know one of the original plants used to get the larger corolla or a desired color could have been a solid. Plus,a ray white flower with one gene looks exactly the same as one that has two so you couldn`t know just by looking.

Keeping the ray white just means it is wise to tie a handful of blooms and keep them culled. You could possibly never see this happen but If you do then realize it doesn`t necessarily mean your flowers are poor quality. You can keep them going the right direction you desire for yourself through hand tying and culling.

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

The ebay seller said the blooms were open pollinated so they were mixed to begin with. I only got solid flowers from her seeds :(

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

That is disappointing when you were expecting your flowers to look like the picture. Now we know open pollinated means the flowers Might not look like the picture...or a Few of them will vary. Hold on to your money unless you are willing to take a risk. Don`t pay much for open pollinated seeds. Now, as a group it is possible once someone gets a hold of something then the vine can be worked with. It sure is fun to try.

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Let me clarify more now that I`m thinking about it. Open pollinated means the flowers were grown outside and it is Possible bees could mix the pollen of different kinds of vines and bring it in to the flower adding and mixing with the mg flowers own pollen.

It is possible the flowers will be mostly or even 100% true to type if the flowers are a true cultivar that breeds true from seeds and it selfed adequately and the bees mixed pollen minimally. You may or may not get a few variations.

If the mg vine is low on pollen and the pollen source was from bees spreading pollen then a large percentage of the seeds will be crosses with whatever other flowers viable pollen the bees encountered that day. It is possible for a pod to develop seeds with different pollen parents.

If the parent vine does not carry two genes for each trait (such as the ebay Fuji No Monet)or has a dominant and recessive for some traits then you will find a lot of different combinations and variations in the resulting seeds whether open pollinated or not.

Untested open pollinated seeds should be purchased relatively inexpensively considering the possibilities involved.

Edited: removed a word typed twice,syntax first aid....

This message was edited Dec 2, 2008 10:35 PM

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Open pollinated means excitement to me, what will I get from hundreds of potential possibilities?
Who cares? Many of them are and will be lovely! One summer at a time for those of us that just enjoy these wonderful flowers for what they are! I'm well aware there will be those who will criticize, I just love to grow these flowers, enjoy them and show them to my friends, enemies alike. Love Y'all for you don't know just how bad it can get.

A prayer from Jon, Please God bring us all together in our passion for morning glories, Unite us regardless of our differences and past disputes for I want us to be together and not fight.

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