asparagus plant

Plano, TX

posted this also in beginning houseplants so sorry if you end up reading it twice! my asparagus fern has sprouted tall stems shooting straight up--what are they?

North Augusta, ON

They are new branches!!! It's happy.

Plano, TX

oh--then do they just flop over like the others?

North Augusta, ON

Yes, they will---they get really long, I usually cut them off all at the same length, makes the plant tidier.

Plano, TX

thanks--they look so strange now!!

(Zone 1)

Yep ... new branches! I just worked in my yard today for hours cutting back some Monsterous Asparagus Ferns!

Here's a photo of a huge Asparagus Fern growing in my yard. When they get large they have awful thorns!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
North Augusta, ON

What a beauty Lin---zone envy here, mine only gets to see outside for about 2 months.

(Zone 1)

LOL .... The Asparagus Fern is a VERY invasive plant down here. Years ago we dug so many up and threw them in the garbage .... they were taking over the yard! And, the root system gets so strong they are almost impossible to dig up! Hubby had to tie heavy rope to the underside of his truck to pull some out after he dug around the base ... one even broke the rope! And, I'm talking about thick heavy dock line that he uses on his boat! They are beautiful plants but spread like crazy if you put them in the ground. We had the same problem with Boston Fern/Sword Fern, another invasive down here in Florida. That's the only bad thing about Florida .... there are a lot of plants that want to take over the state if given a chance!

Plano, TX

i had my asparagus fern outside in a pot for the summer--the little seeds were falling off around it--i wonder if they will germinate in summer--i hope not --i would rather just have them in my pots--but they most likely wouldn't be so invasive here since it is dry--do they like it wet? do they like it sunny? mine was in the shade but only because the lady who gave it to me had it in the shade

(Zone 1)

These things will grow in full shade, full sun, dry, wet .... I don't think they care! I've found they just grow, no matter what the conditions!

Plano, TX

if only the pretty flowers were as easy as the weeds and invasives!

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