Need help identifying a turtle

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

or a trapezoid turtle

plano...they sure are entertaining aren't they?

Plano, TX

weeds i think you and i have the same type--i was comparing our pictures --some time i will try and get a pic of the shy one --he might be a different type

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

good plano, then we can compare. It looks like your girl has 3 toes on the back legs....I think that means something. I haven't had time to do much research yet but Floridian and trois sure know alot.

Plano, TX

my husband just read that box turtles can live 30-40 years and have been known to live 100 years!! might need to make plans for our turtles --figure out who will take care of them after us--put them in our wills!!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

LOL, I guess so! For the last 15 years, I have threatened whoever I am mad with leaving them my quaker parrot. He is the meanest, bittingest bird in town!

Plano, TX

oh yeah--parrots can outlive their owners too!! funny how you can love a mean ornary pet--we had a dog that would bite, snarl and was crabby--a small dog that we all absolutely loved!! the kids loved that dog more than the sweet ones we had! i was embarrased if anyone tried to pet it because i would have to warn them not to and i always thought i would seem a bit crazy to have a pet that bites so i would make up a story about it having sore ears!!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

oh...that is funny and really hits home. I have a little rat terrior I rescued and he is deaf. I didn't know til I had him for a day. He is the funniest dog I have ever had and knows some signs. Would know more if I took the time to teach him.
Anyway, he has issues and gets really scared, especially of other people and shadows. Will growl and has nipped a few times but never hard, just a warning I guess. Doesn't matter to me! I just have to warn people about him.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

After some thought, I have decided that a better name would be a trap-door turtle after the way they act when scared. Just pull everything inside and close the doors.

Plano, TX

sounds like my old dog --also part terrier and also rescued--who knows what happens to those dogs before we rescue them to make them so defensive--my dog really only nipped too but to others that is biting! also i described her as mean i think and of course she was just always overly on guard and didn't easily trust anyone--she scarred big dogs away!!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

trois, it is now offcially settled. on this thread they are trap-door turtles!!!

plano, i too wonder what happened to these great dogs before. i have rescued several and they all have issues but have been and are my best friends. i prefer dogs to people!

Plano, TX

we rescued 3 dogs at different times and ours all had issues too--one had terrible epilepsy and never could quite get the whole using the outdoors only for a bathroom concept--
i love dogs too --they are the best!!
yes trap door turtles is correct i think

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

here is a blurry pic of my deaf jack this christmas.....he tore into all of our presents without hesitation....betsy, my other rescue is so shy and scared of people, she hid on my bed the entire christmas holiday!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

oops, how about adding a pic?

Thumbnail by weeds
Plano, TX

cute! i like the black patch on his eye--makes him look rough and tough!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Plano, do you have a dog now? If you do, I would love to see a picture.
trois, how about a picture of Becca? What she up to these days? Still hoarding her toys in special places?
Here is Jack opening MY present.

Thumbnail by weeds
Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Here is Betsy, my other rescue. She is a mixture of many breeds but definitely has some doxie in her. The most STUBBORN dog in Lynn Haven. Also a scardy cat. Runs from people and if anyone, including my son comes in the house (he visits, does not live here) she runs and hides in my bed. Great watchdogs I have, one can't hear and the other runs and hides.

Thumbnail by weeds
Plano, TX

no--i do not have any now--we had one (the "mean" one) and then added a sweet dog--well the first dog got run over and then we had one again--we added another stray and after a while dog #2 died of stroke -and we had one again--then she died of an epileptic attack that just did her in--so we had none--the 3 died within 3 years of each other and it made us too sad to get any more for a while!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

This is Becca today. She will only go outside for a few minutes if she really needs to go. She doesn't like 99 degrees. She just woke up from a nap. She is a careful listening dog. If someone knocks she sounds like a pack of junk yard dogs. Sometimes we open the door and see some youngster running for his life.

Thumbnail by trois
Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Well good girl Becca! She is sure cute. Gots some golden retriever in her? Like to swim?

Plano, TX

what a sweet face!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

She loves to swim and share with a shower for us. She has a partially black tongue.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

This is the "don't wake me up with that flash again" look. Note the claws.

Thumbnail by trois
Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

what is her name? she is so sleek and beautiful!
btw, i wouldn't wake her up.

Plano, TX

it has really gotten hot here--like 114! and so i have been putting extra food out for the turtles in a hidden shady spot and they find it and eat it-pretty quick too so i know they have gotten a bit used to this--but i wonder if i am doing wrong because i do not want them to depend on us-our turtles have always been "wild" and that is how i want them to stay--what do you think?

PERTH, Australia

IMHO, I believe we have altered the environment to such an extent that there is little left that is truly wild. In extreme conditions, such as you're experiencing at the moment, providing shade and water could be the difference between life and death.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Well, my opinion, as I know many will disagree with me, is they never forget how to search in the wild for food. We lavish Charlie (second session he has spent with us)with food, water and attention. Yet, he will wander off every few days to be in the wild. I think you are ok feeding them when they want to eat it. In fact, Charlie has been "out on his own" for 2 days and just ignores us. When he gets ready, he will come back and shower us with attention.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Her name is Black Magiic.
I agree with weeds. The wild birds mooch off us for much of the winter. When nesting, they revert back to nature food.

Plano, TX

thanks--that is what i was hoping--i love feeding them and yet i love that they are wild and not pets--
oh--i googed and put 114 for our temps and don't want to mislead--it is only going to be 104 today and 106 monday!!!! in the shade!! did you know the weather man tells the temps in the shade---i didn't know that till he explained ---

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Well plano, i am sure glad you clarified that HUGE mistake of 10 degrees but over a hundred is over a hundred...the end. i too just learned that they take the temp in the shade...must have seen the same weather program or snippet.
trois, great name. is she loving and purry or does she live up to her name ALL the time? what magic has she performed lately???

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

She likes to sleep in my room in a suitcase. She likes to be near peoply as they do entertaining things.
Also, if I let a bare foot stick out while sleeping, she licks it, wakes me up, and runs like a galloping horse.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a) cute is that! (unless you are the one being licked in the middle of the night)

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

For anyone out there who is a turtle fan, wants to learn about turtles, has a turtle or for that matter anyone who is curious, this site is all about turtles. When you go there, click on forums, you will have to join (it's free) and can post pics etc and talk to people much like on Daves.
I have just joined and not posted much but go there with questions. I am wareagle on that site.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

MargaretK, I totally agree with you about helping them out when they need it.

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