More new Succulents, Please take a peek!

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

Ran back to Walmart today. The last few pictures in thr group are all of the same plant. He was in a dish garden with about 5 other Succulents that had all gone to mush (from the excessive water) So they let me pinch off the last bit of healthy growth and take it home at no cost! I was thrilled, I felt like a dork doing it, But I got more joy out of that then the other plants I bought! SO any help in identifying any of them would be appreciated.
Thanks Holly
Under the link "NEW"

Wab, what you got is a crassula (crassuwa?). I think he's called 'Tom Thumb'; but Norma will know for sure. I vaguely recall that's the name I got it as back in the 70's--it's an oldie. You can grow it like a little tree, but restart it from time to time by taking cuttings.

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hey Jon! YOUR THE GREATEST!!! Thank you sooooooooooooooo much! That was pretty darn quick! I just looked at a pic on another site once I had the name. ANd you are right on target! Thanks so much for the help

Valley Village, CA

Poor tired rabbit.
Going across 1st row: Ech. Puv. Oliver.Needs more sun, leave edges will turn velvet wine color, great for Christmas wreaths, mine just finished flowering, orange flowers. Up front Jade with it Sedum platyphylla if the leaves are green with golden tips. Really nice with good sun, and will have golden flowers in the spring.
2nd row: up fron C. 'Hobbit' if leaves turn backwards
C. 'Gollum' if the leaves are red on the tips, looking like suckers of frogs toes or suction cups. Will develop a thick trunk in time. Keep pinch back, give good sun slowly. You also may have a Pachyphytum 'Moonshine'? or 'Blue haze' if very blue, can't tell by the picture the color did not come in well. Next would be Crassula all right, probably C. rupestris, or hybrid (it will have pink flowers if I'm correct) the leaves look about 3/4" if they are very tiny it would be 'Tom Thumb' like Jon says. If the leave are short but very keeled (plump) it should have a red v on the top in red, this would be called v. brevifolia.

Now if you would please send me your address, I would very much like to send you a gift of some plants. I just can't stand you buying plants from WalMart, or whatever, they
remind me of puppy mills.

Jon thank a bunch for helping me and the poor tiredwabbit.

Valley Village, CA

Sorry didn't have time to check the spelling, the machine almost cut me off again before I could send this information to you. Crasulady

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thank you Crasulady!! I am at a loss though as to what the first one means. Sometimes I am brain dead and cannot figure out the abbreviations.
I can just see you fretting over there about the plants I am getting and what condition they might be in!

Valley Village, CA

All of the above information is dependent of color of flower, size of leaves, color. I have called to server to give me more time to write, we tried to correct the problem it did not work. Holly there may be several plants, even in different species, that from a photo mimic otheres, nothing is in stone. Crasulady
Sorry for the messy letter last night. Ask me questions, I read that letter this morning I can see why your confused.

Valley Village, CA

1st one. Im sorry Holly, very lazy of me. Echevieria Pulv-Oliver this is an old hybrid. I could be wrong, there are several Echeveria that have leaves that shape. Ohhhhhhh, I wish had spell check on this program. I leave off d on the end often. So just add one and see it then makes more sense.

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