Watch this thread! 2008 gathering being planned

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Oz & others, please make a suggestion for a different date.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Cathy--- I would suggest the next weekend because I could pull off both with the same drive. The only problem is however, I would miss the entire day Saturday if it was a 2 day affair. I would have maybe 6-8 horseshoe matches to plat Saturday out at the hall of fame in wentzville.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Okay folks, I've heard from several of you by dmail (some nice, some not so nice) that hotel reservations, vacation days, etc. have been made based on the 17th (despite it being a tentative date) so I'm going to be the one who gets her head cut off by saying the date will be May 17th.

PLEASE no more dmail to me or disagreeable talk in this or other threads. I had hoped to help make this a lovely day for everyone, but as of right now I am OUT of the planning. I will not be able to attend on this date.

This message was edited Dec 28, 2007 12:20 PM

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

I do not know what it is with some of the people on here. this is a discussion forum not a debate corner. I expect to see Pepper and Leaflady at my home this spring for a day but I will not be going to any reunion. I am also 100% sure this will be my last year on Daves Garden.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Cathy, thanks for the MBG calendar info. I hadn't checked the calendar lately & glad that you did. Oz, I like horseshoes too! I bought an official set a few years back & keep meaning to set them up in the backyard, but haven't decided on the best spot yet.

I just returned from an MBG visit. The weather was warm for this time of year and with the sunshine it was a nice day for a stroll outdoors. While visiting the Kemper Center and waiting for my youngest daughter to find the Queen bee in the transparent hive, I had the opportunity to speak with a very nice volunteer and "The Plant Doctor". Advice from the plant doctor will be shared in the rose forum because she answered some rose questions that I recently posted on that forum that went unanswered.

The volunteer was interested in hearing about our tentative group meeting at the garden. She advised that the Japanese Festival and the Best in Market days are the busiest. She said that the Chinese Culture days weren't as popular. The volunteer also told me that a group of 15 or more may be able to reserve parking spots.
I see that admittance is a bit more on those days & there's also an additional cost to members. It sounds like a great time if you can beat the crowd. If you find the garden too crowded, the volunteer suggested visiting the St. Louis Zoo with it's diverse horticultural interests or Forest Park's Jewel Box @

If anyone happens to be visiting the St. Louis area & wants to meet me, please send me a d-mail & I'll try to meet up with you. I can't make any promises, but I'll sure try. I'll probably be at MBG on May 17 anyway for the Chinese Culture days. May 24th is the Rose Society show and sale, so I'll try to make that also. May 25 thru May 31 is Illinois Appreciation Week when Ill. residents receive 2 for 1 admission if you're coming from Ill.

Happy New Year to you all.

P.S. Please Oz, don't leave us. I'd miss you. : (

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi greenbrain, thanks for all the helpful info. If I can come, I would like to meet ya, and I am sure Pepper will be with me... (I have her cornered)... lol...

There is still a lot to discuss and input to be had from everyone.... so let's talk, y'all.... Oz and Cathy, we want you... so you can't go.. .

Thumbnail by fsrstarr
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

As usual, I am lost here. I guess I haven't done a good enough job of keeping up!

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I almost forgot to mention a mishap that occurred today while visiting Mobot. While visiting the George Washington Carver Garden, my daughter asked if it was ok to walk on a low wide stone wall. I said, "sure, why not?" & decided to join her. When we got to the end of the wall, I noticed that my daughter had already stepped off & asked me if I needed help getting down. Well, I thought that she was concerned about me falling & hurting myself, so I said, "I can handle it". When I jumped down, part of the wall came with me! I looked around to see 2 slabs of stone lying on the ground. I noticed 2 people across the way gasping. My daughter also gasped as we both scrambled to replace the stones. I could see that the mortar had come lose that had held the stones in place. We were both ready to leave & started toward the exit. I contemplated aloud what to do. "Should I tell someone?" My daughter answered, "Mom, that would be the right thing to do." While approaching the security desk, a large group came pouring through the door & I imagined being humiliated in front of all these people. I said, "I could send an e-mail". My daughter gave me a disapproving look, so I walked up to the security desk & explained what had happened. The security guard smiled & appeared grateful that I had told him. He asked exactly which wall needed repair & said that he'd put in a work order. That's was it! No questions asked. Wow! Anyway, I'm staying on the paths from now on. The next time that I visit, I expect to see a new sign, "No climbing on the wall".

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Glad you did not get hurt from those loose slabs...

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