Watch this thread! 2008 gathering being planned

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Stressbaby and everyone , I love the plant trading and hope that's still part of the get together..

It is hard to plan what's going on so far ahead on that particular day.. But, I'm certainly hoping to go.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Hello to all,

So, still on for May 17th at Mobot? I'm looking forward to it. I know Kingdom City very well. The souvenir shop has great fudge. It was the pitstop while traveling to my mother-in law's home in Eldon. She passed away 9/11/07 after a long illness. My last trip out that way was 9/13/07 for her funeral. I couldn't resist stopping in at Missouri Wildflower on the way home. I also wanted to stop in at Heirloom Acres, but didn't want to test my family's patience. If you ever have a get together in that area, please let me know. I still have family out that way.


Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Excuse me? Anybody home?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm still here and still hoping to come.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Betty, still on to meet at MoBot on Sat May 17, lunch location is still to be determined, as are any other activities you all want to do. I'll have to bug out after lunch. Several want to do a plant trade. I think we will finalize plans after the new year.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Thanks all. I'll keep this open on my calendar. To be continued in 2008...

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

I am going to put it down on my Calendar as well. But the Spring Fling horseshoe tournament in Laurie Mo falls right around that time every year. I will not know until they post the tournament schedule for next year.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Sounds like a great weekend trip.
I have been wanting to go to the gardens.
I live in the Kansas City area, but can bring food that is non-persiable or paper products.
I hope we have a plant trade, it will not be a problem bring plants.
I will mark May 17 on my calendar.

Thanks to all of you putting this on!

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

As of right now the spring fling tournament in Laurie is planned for 10 May so I will be there.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

This sounds like a lot of fun!

It has been pointed out to me by a friend who stumbled upon this thread and read it that I had made a horrible mistake and needed to come back to read it all over again very carefully. I have now done that.

KathyJo, I am sorry. It was you who I had started the cutting of Nepenthes sibuyanensis for. Please forgive me. I was rather distracted and lost track of who was who because all of you were new to me. I can not apologize enough for this mistake and I am very grateful a friend caught the mistake because I unwatched this thread. KathyJo- you were the KJ I referred to here-

I'll start a cutting for you right now KJ. This is what I will try to start for you-
That's not an easy specimen to get and not all that easy to root from a cutting but let's see if it takes. Learn how to grow it so you don't send it to plant heaven. It will like a pinhead or two once it starts pitchering.

yet I typed this when I became flustered-
tetleytuna, please d-mail me your address and I will mail your Nepenthes sibuyanensis to you. It takes about 5- 6 months to root if it's going to take and I did take a cutting and dipped and treated it then wrapped it in LFS about a half hour ago for you. If that one doesn't take, I should still have others as I took cutting from two more plants that are equally desirable.

KathyJo, I can't apologize enough. I wish someone would have contacted me privately to let me know about this big boo boo. Please take a moment to d-mail me your full name and mailing address as I am sending plants out this Saturday and that cutting will go to you.

tetlyetuna, I have an equally nice Nepenthes cutting to send to you but (sigh) it is not a sibuyanensis. Please forgive me for this horrible mix-up and please forgive me for being an Indian Giver of the sibuyanensis. I only have one cutting of that particular plant. I am actually rather upset by all of this and am thanking my lucky stars so many people read this thread that the mistake was caught.

Please do not offer me money for shipping and handling. I do not take it from anyone I share plants with.

Truly sorry,

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Hi Lauren,

After reading the Upper Midwest thread about a get together at Chicago Botanic Garden, I decided to check out their website. Wow! 385 acres. Now I'm longing to travel North. It may take me a few years, but it's now on my "hope to do before I die" list.

Betty 8-)

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

The Chicago Botanical Garden looks wonderful! Seems they have a narcissus collection.. Bet that would be something to see.

Apology accepted. Thank you for your generosity. Hopefully, I will give the plant a wonderful home and be able to share a cutting with TetleyTuna in a couple of years..

KJ- your N. sibuyanensis went out this morning USPS Priority. Be very careful opening up the box. If you nick the heat pack in there it will make a big mess for you. As far as the cutting, it's still nice and green after almost 5 weeks which is a really good sign. When you receive it, find a nice eastern windowsill and stick the cutting in a little bowl that has a little bit of rain water added to it to wick up into the LFS ball I have it tightly wrapped in. All you need is for that LFS ball to be damp not moist so adjust the water you trickle into the little bowl accordingly. Now that you have it in the windowsill, place a large zip lock baggie over the top of it to create a little humidity dome. Don't take it out of bondage for another few months. Just leave it be in the tray. Sometime next April or May, take it out and re-pot it into a small pot. A mix of hydroton (or similar-I've used small marbles in the mixes for larger plants if that gives you an idea of how to play around with a substitution), LFS (preferably New Zealand Long Fibred Sphagnum Moss but Chilean would be fine), fir bark, and charcoal should work well. Go about 2:2:2:1. When ever using charcoal in a medium, repot at least once a year. Choose a pot that is not too large for the plant as you want a fast draining medium with lots of oxygen around the roots.

tetleytuna, yours is going to have to wait to be shipped. I started the sibuyanensis almost 5 weeks ago and it was stabilized. I only started the other cuttings last week and I started thinking that might be a little bit too much stress on them. I'm going to give yours another few weeks and then I'll ship it out USPS Priority with a heat pack.

Betty! When you come up my way, you and your daughter and your granddaughter are staying at my house. Check this out that is only 45 minutes from my house-
Great place for kids to run around and they also have an interactive workshop area for young ones. Come to think of it, the Milwaukee Zoo is a hop skip and a jump from there and that's our favorite zoo in the area.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Thank you so much Lauren for the invite. How could I refuse? Will we go dumpster diving @ Home Depot. I have my own stool? This will give us something to look forward to though it might be some time before we can make it. Of course, you know how that goes. All we can do is plan & hope for the best. I would like to try for an Upper Midwest RU. I actually have 2 daughters living with me. The mom is 25 & busy working most evenings & weekends. It would most likely be the youngest-daughter to come with me. The gr-d may have to tag along though. ;)


You can't refuse statying at my house. No dumpster diving though. My husband asked me real nice to not do that any more.

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Equil, I have a funny story about dumpster diving that you can pass along to you will be allowed to do it again. Before he retired hubby worked as a UPS driver and suddenly he was bring me flowers all of the time which he had never done before. While I loved the flowers I just had to find out why. I have never really gotten cut flowers as I would much rather have the plant that produces them. Anyway, it seems they had changed his route and one of his stops was a place that provided the flowers to the retail florists. He was going dumpster diving to get their discards. The flowers were quite pretty but apparently not good enough to sell to other florists. I felt that was even better than purchasing them as digging around in the dumpster was more work and probably a little embarrasing for him. :^)

I've always felt that cut flowers were frivolous and then there is this deal with severe allergies so I always keep anything with pollen outside. For the most part, I hold to much the same belief as you, "I would much rather have the plant that produces them". Those flowers I would have taken even if I just passed them on to others who could keep them in their homes.

I can honestly say my husband would never dumpster dive. I give your husband a lot of credit for going for it and it was a very kind and loving gesture. After I had my incident getting stuck in the dumpster, we had a barbecue and my husband couldn't resist holding up the baggie with the dollar bill in it. We all got to talking about dumpster diving and almost every woman there said they'd do it in a heartbeat. Almost every man there said no way, just buy what you want. Men, they know not what they miss.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Ok. I do remember dumpster diving once. It wasn't for plants. I live next to the library & went after some discarded books. Found some good old gardening books, & I'd do it again for the free gardening books.

I'd do it again for gardening books... but don't tell my husband I said that ;)

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

One person's trash is another ones treasure. Guys don't know what they miss out on.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Well its not treasure but i clear out two dumpsters every morning called litter boxes.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!

We've got twelve litter boxes here that get stripped, bleached, and refilled every Sunday. We had to cut a hole through the door down to the basement and put them all down there so that one of our environmentally conscious dogs would stop "recycling". That darn dog was always rooting up treasures in the litter boxes! Ewwwww, gross.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Never heard a dog be called environmentally conscious before!! LOL

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Pepper---- dogs will eat cat droppings. so you can say they are recycleing

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Merry Christmas everyone!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Merry Christmas!!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Peace, Love and good health!

(Cathy), MO

Merry Christmas everyone.Hope your days are all wonderful

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)


(Cathy), MO

Uh oh! A scrooge in our midst!!! :-)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I almost feel hum buggy with my gut so full now! LOL

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Merry Christmas everyone...I am full too and think I'd better go walk the dogs just so I can get into my jammies tonight! Hope you all had a wonderful day!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thinking I might need a nap! :)

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

just woke up from my nap, haha

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I almost fell asleep earlier but made myself stay awake. lol

Oz, quit scrooging. :~)

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

DH bought me a matched set of 4 large pots, woo hoo!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Alright!! lol

I got too many things but the biggies are a carved horse, pjs, hoodies, and small congas.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Okay folks, MoBot finally put their 2008 calendar up so I was able to check our date.

May 17 & 18
Chinese Culture Days

The garden would be packed on these two days. What do you all think about changing the date?


Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Cathy--- I would not make that 17 & 18th date. I would not want the the 320 mile round trip run two weeks in a row. I have state doubles horseshoe tournament in Wentzville the very next weekend.

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