Off topic but I couldn't resist

(Zone 1)

I forget how many you enter in each catagory ... but those last two are MUST adds! I am amazed at how he just seems to look right at the camera! I remember years ago a photographer telling me the most difficult subjects to photograph are kids and animals!!

How old is Eliot? He is just really stunning with those blue eyes!

(Zone 1)

Oh that is a great one of Blake & Eliot together! Like "Father & Son" almost with the difference in size!

and ... I apologize to "Harley" too .... poor fella, having to listen to all this Feline talk!! I bet he's just saying .... Grrrrrr! Nah, not really ... he has a handsome kind face! It is really something to see the young Harley, and how he looks now that he has aged. I remember one of our dogs that began with just a little gray on his muzzle and then it just seemed like overnight his whole face was almost totally gray!

I sure miss having a dog in the family! Please give Harley and Cassie a pat for me!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Only 2 pics per category... The two photos of Eliot by himself are better technically than the one of them together in my lap... Do you have a "first pick" between those two shots?

Eliot's eyes have lost that blue tone... they've gone mostly gold with some green. He and Blake are pretty easy subjects, as they're both very focused on people.

(Zone 1)

Definitely the one of Eliot on the back of the couch! Well ... no, wait a minute. I really, really love the one where he's curled up in someone's arm! They are both great but I think I really like the pose on the second one, that one I'd frame!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I vote number 2 for the unusual pose and crystal clear focus, cam to cat and cat to cam.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Well, I can't resist posting an old photo of my late Sophie from about four years ago.

Thumbnail by wrightie
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

aw, look at her! she's elegant.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

What a gorgeous (big!) girl!

Hmm, maybe I should leave out the photo of Eliot and "Mo" betta then... I'm not trying to win with the photos I choose, just picking the ones I think would be fun for people to see!

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