lessons learned for next year #5

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

cathy, great thinking! Thanks for the tip; I can't believe as cheap as I am I hadn't thought of that!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I created a direction page if anyone is interested - http://lakehousecreations.com/wintersowing_directions.htm

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Awesome!! i do recall your web site from last year... great job!!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks - I hope it helps some of the newbies.

Alameda, CA(Zone 9b)

re plastic pots: I use six packs inside of ziplock gallon baggies a lot, and it works great. (My local nursery will give me used six packs for free, plus I save them from any annuals I buy.) Just snip the corners of the ziplock for drainage and leave it partly unzipped. I curl back the unzipped part to make it gap so water can get in; some people use a clothes pin on the baggies to keep them open.

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Doggone it!

You folks have been over here talking technique all this time and I am just finding everyone here. I thought you all took off for parts unknown without me☻ threads keep disappearing that I had marked to watch. I thought I would never see youses again! Whew! I don't understand how I lost everyone for so long. I saw a post from you Deborah on another thread about the containers,but here you all are making ws suggestions and I'm wandering around the threads looking for all of this info.

I must be doing something wrong so I will have to pay more attention☺

If I am successful with ws, it will be a miracle when I can't even find the threads everyone is sharing all this great info on☻

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

cathy, I bought a bunch (8) of the 66-gal semi-clear rubbermaid tubs (on sale, of course). also ordered gusseted plastic bags 5x3x15, kind of like a lunch bag. I'm going to sow my seeds in the bags instead of ziplocs because they have a flat bottom. should be able to fit about 25 in one tub. if they're not big enough for some things, I can always use more than one. I'm going to staple the tops of the bags shut so they don't dry out too fast, just cut a small opening for ventilation. then when the seedlings get a little bigger, I can just cut the tops of the bags off.

sounds like a plan...just hope it works lol

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Gram -- do you think 8 tubs will be enough... with all those seeds you are getting??

I still have to figure out what the heck i'm gonna do this year.... i really need to get out there and look for some giant rubbermaid type tubs that are on sale.


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I have started #6 here is the link to it. This was getting way to long.


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Did I tell you about my styrofoam? I'm so excited.
I was sitting around having a pitty party because I had lots of seeds I wanted to sow, but no containers. (I'd already used everything I could get my hands on)
Up in the attic was a box with styrofoam cups in it. Off to the attic I went. LIstened to everybody down stairs saying "Are you crazy, get down from there!!! You'll kill yourself!C! Maybe, but I will die with plenty of styrofoam Saw the box. Prayed the whole time I was walking toward it!! Finally there it was. Very slowly I opened it. BINGO A full box of cups. Some 16 oz, some 32, etc. So guess what I did till 3 in the morning. Of course I did a lot of dancing around.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Great, now look up two posts and move on over to #6

Paris, TX

I just viewed Anitabryk2 website and it was just what I needed to see. I have my milk jug out and ready to go.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Glad it helped.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Nice job on your website, Anita.


Holden, MO(Zone 5b)

Me to Anitabryk2 thank you. I did my WS just lke you did yesterday, yours look neater tho. I like the way you numbered your jugs. I did as well. Got your website down on my favorites

beautiful art work you do , I have a whole art room full of stamps and everything to make cards and scrapbooking, so your site is inspriring me to get back with that as well .

If you don't mind I would like to include your site on my blog roll and websites to check out on my blog, go have a look when you get time and let me if I can include you on my site

thanks again and have a great

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks. I actually need to update some of my cards too as I am doing more with my photos too.
Linda, I'd be honored to be a link on you blog. Thank you.

Holden, MO(Zone 5b)

Thank you Anita, I just got in from digging a water leak over at Moms' I'll add you on my web page tonight. I want to thank you again for sharing with nice pictures too on winter sowing.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Great job Anita! Pictures tell it all!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

And Happy Birthday Anita!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Shirley. And thank you Cordeledawg!

Deer Park, IL(Zone 5b)

Wow what a long thread! . . . . I read through most of the postings but could have missed it if someone else posted my labeling style.

I went on a garden walk last summer and someone used white plastic plant identification thingyies with Dymo-labler sticker attached on both sides. I went home and did the same in my garden that very week (Early July) and the labels are still the same (nothing faded and they are still sticking onto the plant ID sticks). I bought my Dymo Labler at Wal-Mart in their Office supply section. I can't remember which label type except that they are silver. Probably a weather proof type.

As far as winter sowing, I did this two years in a row and I have more than enough in my garden (I can't believe I'm actually saying that!). I am doing seeds indoors but they are tender annuals.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi mothermole.....

we've moved on to Lessons #6 http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/805624/
come join us over there.

those labelers are neat... and i may have considered one if i already hadn't gotten the vinyl labels.

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