Abutilon - good indoor choices?

Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

I am thinking of trying a dwarf abutilon (flowering maple or "parlor maple") as a houseplant. What type or types would be best? I have lots of sunshine, so that is not an issue. I want one that stays as small as possible, even though I've read you can prune them by 1/3 to fit into your space. I like the peach, apricot, orange and red shades. I also LOVE variegated foliage, although its not an essential. I've had no experience with these plants, so any suggestions would be appreciated.


(Zone 1)

Oooh, I will be curious to hear the response on this question too. I love the Flowering Abutilon's and have wanted one for a long time ... preferably that I could grow in a container on my deck!

North Augusta, ON

I have grown them all indoors....they get nice and bushy if kept pruned back, and bloom all winter. I did notice however, they are prone to spider mites in my dry indoor conditions.

Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

Thank you, Threegardeners. Spider mites are the pits, and I hope I never have to battle with them again! I had them on my mini roses that "were" doing so well, and constantly blooming. No matter what I did, I lost my roses. Then I a couple years later I got them on my plumeria. So that really makes me nervous. I also have very dry conditions. But boy would it be nice to have an abutilon blooming indoors all winter!


(Zone 1)

We have tons of humidity in our area so spider mites aren't usually a problem. Just a day or so ago someone was talking about a humidifier they bought at Wal-Mart for use in the house this winter and said it was only $17!

Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

Wow, $17! Actually, I DO have a humidifier that I got at Home Depot. It was close to $100, but I haven't even fired it up, and have had it over two years. The instructions say you have to clean it once a week, and mentioned all this other stuff you have to do, and it sounded like too much work to me. I spend plenty of time as it is taking care of plants every morning! So it bummed me out. . .


Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

I grew Abutilon's inside for a couple of years and found that they were one of the worst plants for attracting aphids that I have ever encountered. I finally gave up on them. Nice plant, easy to grow with enough sun, but to prone to insect infestations to bother with in my opinion.

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