Anyone recognize this growth on my Scheff

(Zone 1)

Has anyone ever seen a growth like this on a Schefflera? I've had this variegated Scheff for many years and and have never seen anything like this on it. Is it a flower stem? Or some sort of seed pod?

Thumbnail by plantladylin
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Sure looks like a bloom stalk to me, girl!!

Does it live outdoors all year for you?

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

See this,


Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Lin,What a gorgeous plant!! The foliage is to die for...I can't wait to see those blooms! You lucky girl..Please make sure you snap pics as soon as those babies open : )

(Zone 1)

Nan: It's been in the same pot for probably 7 or 8 years now. I tend to pot things and never get around to repotting some until the roots are coming out the bottom. This one was out on the back deck for years but the past 2 years I've had it on the east side of the house on the front porch.

Thanks Senlarrs for that link. I have a solid green Scheff that my mom gave us for our 15th Anniversary (we've been married 38 years) and it's been sitting in the pot with roots coming out the bottom in the corner of the backyard for a few years now. Last year I noticed it blooming .... looked just like those pic's in PF.

Cedar: It's not that gorgeous to me .... I like Scheff's but they aren't my favorite plant. If the blooms look like the ones the green one had they aren't anything to write home about! I'm wondering if being root bound forces them to bloom? We have two huge green Scheff trees in the ground in the backyard and they have never bloomed! When and if these blooms open, I will take pic's to post.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Well..Lin....I'm sure the reason I think its so great is variegated foliage always sends me and... I have never had one...LOL..another new to me : ) I checked out that plant files link and you are correct..the blooms aren't very pretty though...still a really pretty plant....I didn't realize they grew so big either...

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

lol!! I think it's quite lovely, Lin;)

'Rootbound' probably factors in, but I'd guess it's the right conditions combined with 'maturity' that's causing it to bloom.

Maybe the blooms on this one will be 'purtier' than the other!
I'd still love to see it progress!

Have a great weekend, all.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

I have an over 10 year old Sheff and it's never bloomed. Congrats!

(Zone 1)

Thanks tommy ... I'm not sure how old this plant is ... I have had it for a long time just haven't repotted it in many years. The solid green Scheff sitting out in the backyard was blooming late spring/early summer but I didn't notice it before the flowers popped open and the stalk didn't look like this I guess because they were already open.

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