Clone machine (Air Bubbler)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

but of course...we are partners right? you do the work ....i cheer you on? (grin)

U.P., MI(Zone 5a)

I have a questions about that foam. Do you get it at the hardware store and what is it called.


U.P., MI(Zone 5a)

Pupil, Maybe you have too much water in the bin. They shouldn't soak in the water.
Mine tend to slip down and do that sometime too so I'm thinking of taking my turkey baster and removing a little of the water.

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Sue it is standard building insulation foam. Colored blue. Found at all building material suppliers.

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

This is the first trial build.
Need to find a piece of glass for the top.
Bought two grow lights from Walmart and need two more.
Will mount all four on a board to go on the glass top.

Thumbnail by TARogers5
Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

ted...tell me again why you are needing grow lights?

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Walmart had them. LOL
Indirect light for the plants when they put on leaves.
Mini greenhouse if I want to use it that way.
Same price for either the cool or grow light. Lowes wanted 34.00 for one. These were 10.00 each.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

okie looks great:) hubby is working on mine....

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Quick one. Running out the door. TA, looks great. Got roots on some. Will tell more later.

U.P., MI(Zone 5a)

details details please!!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

this is like reading a great book!!!

U.P., MI(Zone 5a)

I know it really is interesting! One of my rose clipping has been in the cup for one week today. It is the one I was so excited about. It looked like it was getting roots right away but it has been at a stand still ever since. The others out 3 out of 4 look like they are getting a few roots on them. They look very healthy.The 4th one is still green and the leaves look good but i don't see any roots,
I am going to cut some more roses tonight and try soaking them in a gallon of water with an aspirin in it. That will similate willow water than I am going to plant it in a cup with coir in it.
I have also been lifting the covers and misting them for the last 2 days because i read that they need lots of moisture.


Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

talk about micro managing....(grin)...maybe you can sing to them too?? (huge grin)...aren't we bad??hehe

U.P., MI(Zone 5a)

my aim is to have huge rose gardens without having to buy em :)

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Glam, in a thread I read a long time ago it states to take a glass or container of hot water out with you for the cutting. When you cut, immediately drop in the hot water. Apparently, they heal over quickly and this keeps the ? open to wick the water and nutrients up. Take the cutting and place in a 1 to 10 ratio of bleach and water as hot as you can stand. Place something over them to keep submerged. Leave for 30 to 1 hr. This kills all the microbacterial something or another. I don't recall it saying anything about soaking it in anything else, but the next time I try this method, I think I will soak with the bleach first and then have the other side ready with supertrive. I will try to find that thread and post it. I current have two cuttings done with this method, but did not follow it completely. They have been in the soil for two weeks and it looks like one is starting to black off, but like I said, I didn't do it exactly the same way. Funny how we try to modify or take shortcuts. I tried this before, the same way, but forgot a couple of steps and they didn't make it either.

Ok, heres what I got. Glam you are right about the cuttings being to low. DH made it without me and I never changed it. Next batch will be higher. Hydrangea is showing roots, but was also smooshy. I clipped to smooshiness (a word?) and put back in. It was rooting the best, but the are easy to root. Both my tropical and hardy hibiscus have tiny roots. The hard has the regular string roots. The tropical had nubules ?, like angel trumpet, and the are really going good. The rose has one little root. the camellias have none. Unfortunately, the camera I use is company property and I just resigned, so I can't take pics. I have another one somewhere in the house and will go on an adventure to find it. The definite modification is to raise the roots next time. I will use the same set up and put rings where the holes are to make them smaller. Also, the water has been running 24/7. I think I will attach it to a timer next time. It seems they are getting too much. I have mine under lights too. I didn't do it on purpose, but they are located in the same place the plug is. I will keep that part as it can't hurt. They are under regular ole shop lights. This is really exciting and fun.


Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Today was a day of failure. LOL
My floating tray fell apart due to the glue not setting up. Glue was over a year old. Back to town and buy a new tube of RTV Silicone.
The glass I found to cover the top of the tank. I broke it trying to cut it. Guess I need to go to a piece of plastic.

Got to drop this project for a while and play catch up on a lot of things.
Roundup on the 28th and I have not gotten a thing ready.
Master gardener show this week end.
Have not brought in anything for the winter.
Need to take a lot of cuttings
Have to take care of my mothers stuff and take her in to daily treatment for breast cancer.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Oh TA, how is your mother? I didn't know. My mother is a 3 1/3 year survivor. I am a strong supporter of Susan B. Koman. I do the walk in Birmingham and volunteer for local events. Is she doing the radiation, as it is everyday? You and your mother will be in my thoughts. This was one of the hardest things we have had to go through. Even finding a competent Dr. was difficult until I finally convinced her to come to UAB.

I would say it sounds like your method was working against you. I do like the design and maybe I can find the materials. The tank is the hardest part. I think I would like to try my seeds in it. If I can find time, I'll make one up.

I have been wondering why not plexiglass?

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a) many days have your stuff been going? how long does it normally take the things that have rooted to root? you think this is speedier? i have the goods...i am just sorta hesitant to start as i am just wondering if i really want to do it....

did you use aquariam rocks or what to hold your plants in the cups?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I hate to admit it, but I used peet pots. DH went to the store and this is what he came home with. We did it last Sunday, so it hasn't been a week yet, so definitely faster. My concern is the "water roots" I have once or twice taken water rooted plants and had them grow. A couple of times they didn't. I will let the roots get at least a half inch long, if not more. Darn, have to go check them again. lol.

North Hills, CA

Place the tip into a 10 percent bleach solution for 10 minutes. Be sure that all plant tissue is submerged in the bleach solution. Rinse off excess bleach by placing the shoot tip in sterile water.

Above is a qoute from this site below

It's from the section on growing cuttings in agar.

Sterilizing plants for terreriams:

Some sites say use hydrogen peroxide,35 percent at 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 100 parts water.

Hot water bath

The idea of using hot water treatments to control pests is relatively simple but effective. Most pests of ornamental plants can survive at high temperatures but there is small temperature window at which insect pests die and at which plant material is tolerant. Dr. Hara at Hawaii University has tested the hot water bath method on a number of plant species and found that 49 °C (120.3 °F) for 1 –10 minutes gave effective control of several species insects including aphids, scale, mealybug, and mites on nursery plant cuttings. Hara tested hot water treatments on tropical plant material.

There is a lot of stuff about treating cuttings/plants for diseases too.
Googles got a lot of stuff.
Maybe tonight I'll research some more.

bedtime for me.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Bed time? Working on the Night Shift, Marvin?

Great sites. I will delve into them when the sun goes down!! Thanks!

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Chris on the Hosta threads described using the hotwater bath to kill nematodes. I believe she also mentioned that a cool bath directly afterwards in order to not "fry" the plants ...... I guess the hot water didn't kill the plant, but sure knocked back the foiliage. If you're interested..

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