Before and after

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hey Sue,

One of you pic's here has tall red plants.

What are they called as I would love to get some to add colour to my garden.


I hope we are all doing ok.

Your Mate,
Debi & Sheila

Thumbnail by Degarotty
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Debi, that looks like a little hoya you have there. I think the red plants you are after are Cordyline fruiticosa. They have a different name for them in America. If you see any at friends houses ask for a cutting. You can cut it quite large (about 2 foot long) then stand it in a bucket of water (which you may have to change sometimes to stop it going smelly) it will start to form white lumps on the stem, these are roots! Then pot it up, or put it straight in the ground and wa-laa! They are very easy to grow and don't mind full sun, but I would give it some protection from the wind.
Let me know if you can't find any, and I'll see if I can get a smaller one started.
Sue (ps, Hi Sheila)
Is this the plant?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hey Sue,

Thanks very much as that is the picture.
I just think a little red inbetween all the mostly green plants would just put the "WOW" factor into the garden.

Could you tell me if this "Ti" plant (Ithink) could be done the same way?
It's not red, it's orangy, for the want of a better word.

Sheila sends her love, lol.

I have a lovely lady two houses down that is a keen gardener but now she finds it hard to get around, so I go help her sometimes. I will have a better look when next there.

I appreciate your friendship,
Debi & Sheila.

Thumbnail by Degarotty
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Yes Debi, your Ti is a Cordyline too, and will do well outside with a bit of water and in a spot out of the wind. It would be best to give it morning sun rather than late sun, but it will need light to get the lovely colours through it. It's a nice one isn't it?
Good on you helping the elderly. I garden for a lot of aged people and find that picking their brains teaches me alot about gardening! They are also really happy to share snippets of plants with me!
Happy gardening Debi

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Melbourne outer east, Australia

May I congratulate you all on super gardens. They really are great. Having grown up in a family that is involved in landscaping and dry rock wall building etc. They are really lovely and very organic, and I would say much loved. I have one more big bill to pay (ran into a woman in the wet the other week) and it will be camera time. Have promised my self that as a present and a new battery for my outfit. (Honda GW and sidecar)
Liz who had a quick look in this forum.

Melbourne outer east, Australia

Jean just went and looked at your paintings. Very impressed. The lady was right there is movement in both of them. The Australian one I can almost smell the heat and hear the cicadas. The light seems right some how. Do you enter in competitions? We seem to have a few here in the hills.


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Liz, you're a motorcycle rider! Me too, although I sold my sportster in November because I hadn't been riding it enough to warrant registering it every year, and my back gets sore in about 10 minutes of riding. I am now an official pillion on my DH's Dyna, and I can sit back against the sissy bar and keep my back straight. I've no doubt I will ride again one day, but not while I am doing all this back breaking work! LOL

Melbourne outer east, Australia

Which year Sporster?? Mine was a pre AMF 883. Loved that thing. It was back in the days when there were few Harleys so it was great fun to ride. My first outfit was an old (1948) Indian 1200 with gear shift / suicide clutch and a dustings chair on it. That part was my sons space ship :) As far as I know it is in Qsld with the number plate Chief on it.

I am in the middle of debating paying rego on the old wing one more year. I think my hip can take it but the problem is she has a dead short every so often and if I get stuck somewhere I need some one to give me a push to bump start. It's ok if there is a hill.
I have only ever been a pillion half a dozen times. I am hopless , too busy trying to ride the bike. Do you do much touring? I have done my fair share and then some. the bikes were my only form of transport for about 30 years. Even the chooks moved house in the boot of the chair.


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh, mine was a 1996 straight from Thomas Lees at Mooree. It was a demo model with about 600km on it. I'd always dreamed of riding a Harley and was scared Sh*%tless when I took it for a test ride. it was a bit gutless at times, because of it's weight I think? My longest ride on it was to Caboolture, QLD.
My first bike was a honda CM 250 1983 model . I recovered the seat with burgundy leather, and rode from Katoomba to Hervey bay on my learners. I had to get a new chain and sprocket at the gold coast on my way home and another one 6 months later, then 2 new mufflers after a trip to Moruya, so I upgraded to a Yamaha 650 special, but it had an intermittant charger on the battery, and every now n then i'd break down because the battery would go flat. Of course being middle 20's, I kept throwing tantrums and DH decided a Harley was the go.
I had a trail bike for a while, but that was just plain dangerous! I was riding way beyond my skill level!

Melbourne outer east, Australia

Was non garden related

This message was edited Jan 26, 2008 8:02 AM

melbourne, Australia

here is my garden when i first put in my first plants on 080907.

Thumbnail by shellyto4kids
melbourne, Australia

and this is what i started with:

Thumbnail by shellyto4kids
melbourne, Australia

and this is today:

Thumbnail by shellyto4kids

Wow Shelly you want some 4'0clock seeds? keep them separate because they seed and pop up freely!
You have done very well, good on you

Thumbnail by
melbourne, Australia

hi chrissy,

i have two four o'clock plants growing. unfortunately i put them right in the middle of that bottom bed. i am trying to work out if to try and replant them now... or wait until they flower and seed and then dig them out. what do you think?

they are only still small - probably only about the height of my hand.


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Shelley. Well done on your garden. Is that Azaleas in the last pic? It looks as though you had quite a large area to work over!
Looking forward to seeing more in the future.

melbourne, Australia

Hi ww,

no i don't think i have any azaleas. the burgundy one in the forefront of the photo is a penstemon... and the bright pink ones are rose bushes that were tiny tiny when i started the garden but had been planted by the original owner. because it was total hard clay and they never got watered they were so little. they have now flourished with a bit of attention and are blooming like crazy. so glad i didn't pull them out like i considered.


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Must be the roses I can see then. I wondered why you would have Azaleas flowering at this time of year!
Keep the pics coming when you can!

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