Before and after

Coffs Harbour, Australia

A couple of pics to show how quickly things grow and change in my garden.
April 05. Before.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

and this month

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Are you one of those gals that re arrange the garden instead of the furniture? ha ha ha looks good!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Yes Chrissy! My DH gets very frustrated and can't understand why I keep digging things up and moving them around. But you know, sometimes things get too big for their current position, or they don't do as well as they would somewhere else, so they have to move!
October 03

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

October 07

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

February 05
(please ignore DH setting up shade sails) ((PUT SOME CLOTHES ON PULEEEASE)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

October 07
Not much to see here anymore. Plenty of privacy!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Feb 06
The beginning of the boat garden

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oct 07

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a) have done great...very remarkable afters!!!

Yes ww fantastic!
I just have to have my privacy too.....(so I can bend over!)......but seriously you need privacy for dreaming.....
view from my kitchen window

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I don't have any before shots but there was nothing here but 4ft grass when I moved in!

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Hi sticks_n_stones!

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Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

hey chrissy

Is it cool up your way yet?

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Ooops that last one was x rated ....see the paintbrush?

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

nope nineties today!!!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)


About that here too ....isn't that funny ....You have a good one ok :)

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Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)


Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

oooo, can I play before and after too?? It's more like before and during though.......

Before (planning the beds):

Thumbnail by khopton
Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

The before was back in early Autumn, this photo was taken at the beginning of October. Still need to do something to the paths because we don't want lawn that we can't water. Thinking crushed rock for economy reasons but would really love brick pavers. Ideas are always welcome.

Thumbnail by khopton

You have done a lot of work in a short's looking good k :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oohhh, I'm glad someone else is playing! It looks amazing Khopton! it HAS come along way in such a short time.
The tropical walk, before-Dec 05

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oct 07

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh yeah, thanks sticks_n_stones!

Very nice love the palms and cordys!

Merino, Australia

Hello all. Like khopton, can I play too ? I love before and afters. It's great to save pics to look at years later to see what you have achieved. The first pic is the paddock when I started on it . There was a leach drain running down the middle from our septic and kitchen. (It's still there somewhere, but hidden now ) I planted the willow as a 10" cutting. It loves living on the drain. At last count , I had planted 45 trees around the paddock ,including self seeded ash trees and melaleucas. . they are looking good now and help to shelter all the other plants as this hill faces south with all the cold weather.
The following pic is the paddock garden this morning
Next pic is the front rose garden at it's beginning and as it is this morning with all the roses ready to flower.
The large cypress tree was actually growing over the entire side but we cut into it and removed the whole side so now it does a job as a windbreak for everything else. . Note the rustic arch with the Gold Bunny rose. It was made from branches we cut off an old nectarine tree . Today is cold again so I am going in by the fire.
The whole garden is only 7 yrs old so is an ongoing project.
Have a great day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

pic 2

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Merino, Australia

The rose garden - before

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

roses after.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Wow 77 - I think you win that contest!!! On size alone! What a lot of work - but it doesn't really feel like it, does it? It's my favorite way to pass the time. I find that I can lean over to pull a weed and two hours are instantly gone!!! Some obsessions can be a good thing!!

I second that!
Look what I scored this morning ....thrown out into the rubbish at the Daughter in laws Nursery! a bit of tender loving care and it will go into my jungle them!

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Burn't off in the freeze....a bit of a tidy up and instant tropics!

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Merino, Australia

Good morning again. I have just been exploring into the realms of the American forums and have posted some pics of my paintings in the artisan forum.
It is freezing here today. Yesterday was quite warm. I give up on the weather. We are not having seasons anymore just all the weather in one day every day.
I like your orphan chrissy. it will do very well with some tlc.
Hello khopton. I know it is showing off a bit with the pics but don't we all like to a bit ?
The garden was a bit of work as it was going but I don't believe gardens should be work so I just did what was necessary . The paths in the paddock garden are just leveled and a few steps put in, but around the house , all the paths are done with bricks. We would pick up all the old bricks and 1/2 bricks from the tip and I slowly got it all done over about a year. When we had our local rubbish tip, it was a goldmine for things, but now we have a "recycle station" , we cannot take anything. Although, sshh, I do manage to "find" a few things when no one is looking. What did the council think we were doing with the old tip? We gardeners recycle all the time.
All those lovely pieces of junk we could turn into garden art. Not to mention all the poor orphans that will now never find a home.
Time for a cuppa . Have a great day all.

that is 6 pots 77......and they look better already .....I am going to go have a look at your paintings .....never been to that forum before
your brick paths are amazing!......look this morning I found the tiniest little is made of she oak needles mainly with a few bits of thread and some of my old mam'n very cute! and in my camelia tree which is a first!

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of course that should read old man's whiskers .....
Hot hot winds again today! pretty nasty...

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Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

77 - nothing wrong with being proud of good hard work!!! This is the best place to have our work truly appreciated!!

Merino, Australia

Good morning all. Chrissy, I think your little nest is cute. We had a grey cuckoo shrike that nests in one of the sheds each year. Sadly , we found a body that a feral cat had killed. The nest has now been deserted and we'll have to wait until next year to see if the lonely one finds a mate.
What little tiny birds do you have there that may have built the nest. ? I have found little nests in plants near the ground that I think were from a small bird similar to a little greeneye. They are plump little greenish grey and very shy.
Maybe we should have a go and try to see how many species we all have in our various gardens.
I have a large Readers Digest bird book that I refer to when I look up our birds. I am not up on all the scientific names but it is fun to see if you can find a particular birds name. They do vary from state to state. For instance, over in WA ,cockatiels are called weeros..
I am going to go and write my bird list .
Have a happy day all.

Well we have fairy tiny you find them caught in the spider webs (awful) and blue wrens..........many finches......and there is one bird that calls all night outside of my bedroom window......can anyone tell me what bird calls all night?'s a sweet gentle twitter......there are 4 different nests that are close enough to see.....I think one is the native dove ....I have a resident pair (you know the ones with the little feather poking up)....of course the usual cockies and grass budgies.That little nest is very tiny ....must be a fairy wren I think.....don't know what else would fit ......ideas anyone?
Happy gardening !

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