coming in from the cold

Wayland, MA(Zone 6a)

How do you all prepare your plants that have been out for the summer to come in for the winter ? I have several plants that just thrive when they are placed out side for the summer
my clivia gets layed on its side and sprayed with a strong stream of water to get any debree that has lodged between its leaves out then a good spray of neem, I am always tempted to treat the soil as well ( not that there is much soil in the pot anyway, mostly roots!) : )
what do you guys do

Thumbnail by laurawege
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Wow....that's gorgeous, Laura! When I bring in all my plants I also will spray the soil.

:) Donna

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

laurawege: You say that you spray your plants with 'neem'. What is neem?(forgive my ignorance) Does anyone of you know anyting about mandevillas and what to do for them when bringing them inside?

This message was edited Oct 7, 2007 1:23 PM

This message was edited Oct 7, 2007 1:25 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

mandevilla- i bring mine in in the same pot and in a light place. it loses leaves so it doesn't look pretty. keep it pretty dry. cut off vines that die. in spring, new growth from base.
other plants, should check for pests, in bottom of pot too. ocassional ant colony!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

X, you know the guru on Dats. Posted that he/she prepares his pots before he/she brings them in by placing ants-poison granules under the pots. Water them, in few days all the ants will leave the pots alone. What great way to rid of one of the pest problem. Neem oil will smother crawling pests such as scales aphids. I'm learning and will try that with my plants. Thanks.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Neem Extract as an Insecticide

In India mainly, but also Asia and Africa, grows a tree all plant enthusiasts should be aware of, Azadirachta indica, commonly known as the "neem" tree, and a relative of mahogany. Extracts from the tree’s seeds contain azadirachtin, a relatively safe and effective naturally occurring organic insecticide. Let me preface the comments following, by reminding you that the terms "naturally occurring and/or organic" do not universally mean safe. Pyrethrums, rotenone, and even the very dangerous nicotine are all organic insecticides that should be handled with great caution. Neem extracts, on the other hand are very safely used in a wide variety of cosmetics, as a topical treatment for minor wounds, as an insecticide in grain storage containers, bins, and bags, and a whole host of other applications. Neem is very safe for use around birds & mammals. I'll limit this discussion to its use as an insecticide.

Neem works in many ways. It is effective both in topical and a systemic applications. It is an anti-feedant, an oviposition deterrent (anti-egg laying), a growth inhibitor, a mating disrupter, and a chemosterilizer. Azadirachtin, a tetranortriterpenoid compound, closely mimics the hormone Edison, which is necessary for reproduction in insects. When present, it takes the place of the real hormone and thus disrupts not only the feeding process, but the metamorphic transition as well, disrupting molting. It interferes with the formation of chitin (insect "skin") and stops pupation in larvae, thus short-circuiting the insect life cycle. It also inhibits flight ability, helping stop insect spread geographically

Tests have shown that azadirachtin is effective in some cases at concentrations as low as 1 ppm, but some producers use alcohol in the extraction of neem oil from plant parts which causes the azadirachtin to be removed from the oil. Some products touting neem oil as an ingredient actually have no measurable amounts of azadiractin. I use what is referred to either as cold pressed or virgin neem oil. You may also occasionally find it referred to as "raw" neem or "crude" neem oil.

Neem oil is most often used in an aqueous (water) suspension as a foliar spray or soil drench. Commonly, it is diluted to about a .5 to 2% solution, but the suggested ratio for use in container plant culture is 1 tsp. per quart of warm water. A drop or two of dish soap (castile or olive oil soap is best) helps keep the oil emulsified. The mixture is then applied as a mist to all leaf and bark surfaces and as a soil drench to the tree's root system. It should not be applied as a foliar spray on hot days or in bright sun as leaf burn may occur. Remember to agitate the container frequently as you apply and do not mix anymore than you will use in one day. Neem breaks down rapidly in water and/ or sunlight.

Some users of insecticides feel the need to observe the instant results of their efforts in order to be convinced of the effectiveness of what they are using. The application of neem derivatives does not provide this immediate gratification. There is virtually no knockdown (instant death) factor associated with its use. Insects ingesting or contacting neem usually take about 3 - 14 days to die. Its greatest benefit; however, is in preventing the occurrence of future generations. It is also interesting to note that in studies it was found that when doses were given, purposefully insufficient to cause death or complete disruption of the metamorphic cycle, up to 30 surviving generations showed virtually no resistance/ immunity to normal lethal doses, so it appears that insects build no ‘resistance’ to azadiractin.

I have been using neem oil for five years as both a preventative and fixative and have had no insect problems on my container plants. Applications of cold-pressed neem oil are most effective for use on mites, whitefly, aphids, thrips, fungus gnats, caterpillars, beetles, mealy bugs, leaf miners, g-moth, and others. It seems to be fairly specific in attacking insects with piercing or rasping mouth parts. Since these are the pests that feed on plant tissues, they are our main target species. Unless beneficial like spiders, lady beetles, certain wasps, etc., come in direct contact with spray, it does little to diminish their numbers.

Neem oil does have an odor that might be described as similar to that of an old onion, so you may wish to test it first, if you intend to use it indoors. I've found the odor dissipates in a day or two. As always, read and follow label instructions carefully.

Neem oil can be purchased from many net or local sources. My favorite brand is Dyna-Gro, pure, cold-pressed neem oil. If you have trouble locating a source, you can contact me via the forum or directly.


Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the info, sallyg and AL. So far I haven't noticed any pests on the mandevilla but I will certainly check her out before I bring her inside.

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