My "Hurricane" will be here Sat!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

We've been searching since January for a new pup and we found her! I was getting anxious thinking we weren't going to find the "right" dog and Rick said, be patient and she'll "come to us"! We were at the plant sale at the American Hort Society in Alexandria and told Peggy, the horticulturist there, that we were still looking since she's involved with the Lost Dog Rescue Foundation and has been a wonderful foster Mom in addition to owning two wonderful dogs and two cats! Surprise, surprise - she had a new litter of eight sweet puppies and they are ready for new homes this weekend! She had her husband bring all eight of the pups and their mother to the plant sale at the end of the day so we could have a peek - we were quite taken with three of them - Ivan, Hazel and Rita - and finally decided upon Rita. Hazel had a little too much spunk for me, although it was a toss up and Ivan unfortunately was a male and we were looking for a female, darn it - he is so cute! Peggy gave all the pups Hurricane names because they were born during the Hurricane season and her husband is meteorologist with NOAA. We weren't keen on the name Rita and decided to change her name to Phoebe - long story, but it's appropriate :) Anyhow we pick her up this Saturday at the K-9 Karnival in Purcellville and I can't wait!!! If anyone's interested or looking for a pup, here's the link to all the puppies - scroll down to Hurricane Pups :) These puppies are so lucky - you couldn't ask for a better foster home and foster Mom!

With a new camera AND a new puppy, I'll have plenty of pictures to post in the coming weeks :)

Thumbnail by rcn48
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

So cute, I can almost smell the puppy breath!

I also added a new face to the household this weeekend. Meet Mary Chris, the blond in the foreground.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Awwwwwwww! What cute puppies! Good luck with your new babies, Debbie and Chris. We want more pictures. LOL

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Debbie, honestly your puppie looks so sweet and almost exactly like my favorite dog in the whole wide world, Aspen. My Aspen died in May '05 but I still miss her so. She lived a real long life. If only I had a scanner, I'd scan in a puppy picture of her which her sweet face and body was so much like your Hurricane. Your puppie has brown over her brows and more grey on the nose, whereas my Assie was all black with white paws. All the best to you. I love dogs too. We have a Shepard now whom I love but nothing like Aspen was. Aspen was a golden retriever/lab mix and was a bargain...50.00 in the local paper.

all the best with Hurricane, your new furry friend!!!!!!!


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

.........didn't mean to leave out mary chris!!!!!! all the best with your new baby too xo your other doggie getting along ok with her?

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Only three more days to go! It's been a long time since I've had a new puppy and know we'll be busy with training, etc - but still can't wait! Thinking we might need to make a trip to Petsmart in Winchester to pick up all the "supplies" we'll need since the only place to 'shop' here is Walmart.

wind, aww... sorry to hear about Aspen :( We lost 'Summer', an Australian shepherd mix two years ago and 'Flopsy', Jack Russell/Springer Spaniel mix passed away in January - it's been tough adjusting to not having any canine companionship. Really looking forward to Phoebe's arrival this weekend! I haven't forgotten about your seeds - just been so busy and trying to catch up this week - hopefully will be sending them out soon :)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

oops, wanted to include this picture. Peggy sent it to me last week - taken at 5 weeks old and she's been growing like a weed ever since!

Thumbnail by rcn48
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Phoebe!!!! I thought her name was Hurricane!!! that's so funny...sorry about that!

all the best with your new puppy ~ Phoebe :)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

LOL - they're the "Hurricane" puppies :)

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

just a thought....DG is taking photos for the calendar contest now...Phoebe is so may want to snap a bunch of puppy photos and enter a winner :)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Hey what a great idea! Now if I can just hurry up and figure out how to use the new camera LOL

Wind, I sent out your seeds today :) Have no idea how they will do for you but keep me posted on your success!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Debbie - she looks like a curly haired Rottie to me (course you know I'm biased about those Rotts) - Rottie and Poodle (with those curls)!! Did they tell you what she has in her?
Chris - what cuties you have!!!! Yipeee!!!
Diana - it's so hard to loose a furbaby!!! Teddy, my first Rott, has been gone for almost 8 years and I still tear up.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chantell, first they told us Australian Shepherd, maybe Border Collie mix - now I'm seeing they've changed it to A.S. and German Shepherd??? They think there may have been several fathers - one possibly a Husky because at least two of the pups look like "red" Huskies - they are all so different!! Looking at Ivan and Phoebe, you'd almost think there was some Newfoundland in them - so who knows?? LOL

Crozet, VA

Congrats to Debbie and Chris on your new family members. Thank you also for sharing pics. They are so fun.

You folks all have a great weekend.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Well if they're GSD, Border Collie or Australian Shepherd their muzzles will elongate as they get older. Newfie or Rottie they'll remain shorter and squarer...will be excitomg to see what she looks like as she grows up! Sweet baby!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

just for muzzle- pointiness comparison.. I happen to have this pic of german shepard pups at five weeks
oops, sorry, ths is around six weeks.

This message was edited Oct 6, 2007 10:15 AM

Thumbnail by sallyg
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Look at those precious babies!!!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

What sweet pups Sally!

Happy to report that we had a safe trip and Phoebe is adjusting to her new home :) Left at 6 yesterday morning, stopped in Harrisonburg for breakfast and arrived in Purcellville at 10. I parked the car and found Rick and Phoebe shortly thereafter - not fair - I wanted to be the first to hold her! Peggy had arrived at the site of the K-9 festival the night before with all the pups, their mother, and her two dogs - that woman sure has alot of energy! Everyone came over to visit Phoebe, said they had seen the pups the night before and Phoebe was their favorite :) It was kind of chaotic with all the dogs arriving for the festival, but Peggy and I took care of the paperwork quickly and we were back on the road for home by 11:00. Phoebe did very well on the ride home - not a peep out of her - although either Rick or I were riding in the back of the van with her during the whole trip :) Stopped off at Harper's in Harrisonburg to pick up my door prize from their August Open House and she took advantage of it for a potty stop :) Arrived home by 3:00, after a short stop to show her off to Rick's parents, and introduced her to her new 'surroundings'. Within an hour our cat, Lucky, was laying in the chair above her and wanted to play! Took her for a quick walk before bedtime to tucker her out and she slept on the bed with us during the night - and yes, even Lucky gave her space :) She's had a few 'accidents' but has also used the newspaper as well - not even 24 hours and she's doing great! Took a few pictures of the remaining pups yesterday but haven't loaded them yet - hopefully they'll come out okay and I can post soon. Good news, within a week of Peggy's posting the pups on their website, two were already adopted before the festival yesterday and three more were scheduled to be picked up yesterday - only two left! Will be back soon with new photos - Phoebe will get her first visit of the nursery today - should be interesting - we already know she loves water - she loved it yesterday when we were watering the deck plantings, she got soaked!

Chantell, she's changed so much in just two weeks - her muzzle already looks "elongated" - looking more and more like a Shepherd :)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Debbie, so nice to hear you had a wonderful day and Phoebe is settling in well. Good that Lucky wants to play and not hide, hope they become best buds. Will be looking forward to more pictures.

Crozet, VA

Thanks for the pet news Debbie. I believe that I saw yesterday what will be the next dog that I get after the three that live here now are gone. I saw a miniature collie. I had never seen one before and I was quite taken with the looks of this one. Since the collie was with her owners and taking a stroll down the boardwalk, I didn't have the opportunity to see her up close, or find out what sort of temprement they might have. Anyone know?

If I had the space and the money, I would own a lot more dogs. I am like all of you other pet lovers. I am positi ve that the three pups that live with me now are responsible for me having much better mental health these days. So, it is all good.

Ladygardener, you recently had a little lovely come to live with you too. How is Penny adjusting to that?
Sure have a lot of us guys, gotten new puppies recently. My kind of folks, all of you.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Ruby, did it look like these Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)? We have one in our neighborhood - have no idea what her name is but Rick and I used to call her 'Prissy' - it fit, the way she walked, etc. LOL We had never seen her before and one July 4th she came up to our deck in a frenzy because of all the fireworks that were going off. She was scared to death, we opened the door and she came in, walked down the hall right into the bedroom and laid down - just like she'd been here before??? Ended up spending the night with us and as soon as it was light out Rick took her out and started walking in the direction she had come from and she took off for home. We've only seen her a couple of times since that night but have never figured out her owners are - nonetheless a sweet little dog :)

Didn't have a chance to take any puppy pictures yesterday - too busy just trying to keep her out of the plants at the nursery while watering. Phoebe was at my side constantly, kept dodging in and out of the plants, would lay down 2' in front of me - then I'd come along with the hose and she'd have to move again. She'll get used to the routine quickly! She does look awful cute wet though :)

This message was edited Oct 8, 2007 5:56 AM

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Forgot, I did get one of Phoebe from Saturday morning when we picked her up!

Thumbnail by rcn48
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

oh my gosh....that little face and eyes does remind me so much like my dog Aspen did when she was a puppy...I can't get over it. Aspen was a lab/golden retreiver mix. My neighbor has a scanner and I'll dig up a puppy photo and try and send it if I can. Your photo is great ~ you can really see the nice tan markings on her sweet face. Oh and Aspen LOVED the water too!! You have a nursery for a business? that sounds neat.
All the best!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Grabbed a few today while watering - this puppy is like no other I've ever had - will put her face right at the end of the hose to get a drink - she gets soaked and she loves it! "Resting" next to a flat of Wisteria while Mom is watering....I'm trying to get a shot of the markings on her chest - better luck next time!

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

One more - she just keeps finding these little spots to rest and as soon as I've moved farther down the aisle, she's up and running to find a new "spot"! When we finished up today, she was pooped and slept the afternoon away :)

Thumbnail by rcn48
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Debbie, she's beautiful! I love her tan socks and those big, fuzzy paws. Give her a big hug for me.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG...I'm IN love!!! Amber says she approves 100%

Thumbnail by Chantell
Crozet, VA

I am gonna find myself in trouble if I keep hanging out with all you folks who are bringing new puppies in to their homes. I want one!!! I hopefully have enough sense to know that a puppy wouldn't have a chance here as long as Mr. Grump is alive. He has been king for about ten years and I don't believe he wold take very kindly to another dog coming here to live. He has tolerated the other two boy who came along about three or so years after he did, but he is not always very nice to them either.

Oh yes, Phoebe is a doll!!! So sweet. It is a very good thing that puppies are cute, because their antics aren't always cute. Remember to put the Rockport shoes in the closet. John lost two pair from gnawing baby teeth.

Everytime that I visit the Veterinarian to purchase the dogs monthly medicines, Heart Worm and Flea and Tick Oil, I just shake my head at the cost. I truly can't think of a better way to spend my money though. For all you other dog lovers, you know that the joy these pups bring can't be bought for money.

Isn't this weather crazy???


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Hart, I think so too, but I'm prejudiced!

LOL Chantell, glad that Amber approves :) I can't tell you how much fun we're having with her - every day is a new adventure! Funny story...a friend brought a crate over for us to try, thinking we're going to need it when we take her with us this weekend to the show at Blandy. He hadn't used it in a long time, but put it together for me and Phoebe walked in all by herself a couple of times and laid down. Wanted her to get used to it before I closed the door but when I did, she kept trying to crawl out through the holes in the top - thought to myself no way - but she squirmed right out through the top! It was then we realized that our friend had set it up backwards - the large 'holes' on the top are supposed to be on the bottom!! Rick always kids me about my French 'backwardness' - guess I'm not the only one! LOL

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I am really enjoying this thread! Phoebe sounds like a good baby for you. I visited a nursery that had an older dog, every visitor that stopped she would bring her ball over and lay it down at your feet, if you threw it she would fetch it and bring it back till you stopped and if you stopped she would lay down and wait for the next visitor to drive up.

Ruby, thanks for asking about the girls. Penny is getting use to having Mary Chris around, there is some grumblings when they both try to sit on my lap. The other day I gave Mary Chris a rawhide to chew on, Penny would turn up her nose at rawhide, Mary Chris loves them. I was sitting in the living room in my favorite chair with Mary Chris on my lap Penny came walking in carrying the rawhide in her mouth she circled through the rooms and passed me about three times carrying that rawhide, then she picked a spot behind my chair to drop it and walked away. I think she was trying to "hide" it from Mary Chris.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

LOL Chris, they're smarter than we give them credit for! :) Glad to hear that your two are adjusting to each other. We get the biggest kick out of watching the interaction between Phoebe and our cat Lucky. Lucky still seems a little ticked off, but they're almost to the point of playing with each other - won't be long now. Phoebe is adjusting well to her surroundings and we're loving every minute of it :) She was exploring a little more at work yesterday and came back covered with every weed seed you can imagine! I think she 'dropped' more on the carpet than we removed with a good brushing LOL

Crozet, VA

Hi Chris and Debbie - Chris, I love the rawhide chew story. Looks very much like what occurs here from time to time. Since Lucky has been here the longest, he believes that he rules the roost. Each holiday that requires gift giving, I will buy the boys some sorts of doggie toys. Lucky takes them all as his own and will growl if either of the other dogs even sniff at a toy on the inside of the house. The two younger ones are very intimidated by him.

Get them outside and Lucky occupied with something else and other two will find either a chew rope or other dog toy and they will go to town playing little throw in the air games and such. It too is cute as can be.

Yep, yep sure do love those dog friends of mine.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Finally having a chance to catch up after our weekend at Arbor Fest. Wonderful weather and great to see Bobbie (miatablu) again! Happy to report that despite my anxiety about taking Phoebe to the show she was the perfect puppy all weekend and made quite a few new friends :) In fact, she was so good that when we were packing up Sunday night, the lady who was set up next to us finally "saw" Phoebe and asked 'She's been here ALL weekend?" She never heard a peep out of her :) Took a couple of pictures of her in the hotel - her favorite place to sleep!

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Of course, the pillows were pretty comfortable as well LOL

Thumbnail by rcn48
Crozet, VA

Thanks for sharing the cute pics Debbie. Just adorable!!!


Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

It was great seeing you again too Debbie. I guess it's a good thing you didn't name Phoebe hurricane, because she barely stirred when I was there. She did wake up for a little for me to pet her and she really is adorable. You're really lucky to get such a good pup! I really love that plant fair and I think you are the best vendor there. If I don't see you before at a winter get together, I'll see you there next spring.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the compliment Bobbie, we hear "that" alot :) We love that sale and even though Arbor Fest is alot smaller as long as the weather is nice it's an enjoyable weekend. The spring sale definitely is a whirlwind, almost too many vendors but a great assortment for anyone plant shopping.

I told Bobbie about this picture - had been surfing looking for information about Australian shepherds and found this picture of a rescue dog available for adoption. Obviously an older dog, but thinking this might be what Phoebe will look like as an adult?

Thumbnail by rcn48

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