One final halide question

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

I have one last question on halides and then I think I'll be ready to give one of these a try this winter.

I notice a lot of these talk about the cooling fittings or flanges. I tend to think that means I have to hook up cooling pipe for heat exhaust; which I'd rather not do. I'll have this light in our garage, so the heat it produces will be welcome (versus using a heater).

Question is... do I *have* to do anything with the flanges/fittings or need to buy anything extra? Can I leave them as-is and the bulb be OK? I'm hoping I can just purchase the light above, hang it, and watch things grow - without some elaborate cooling system.

Thanks again,

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

the reason you have no answers yet is because i am to dumb to know (LOL)

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

LOL, well I appreciate you at least responding... I guess I'm an odd-ball using my garage as a greenhouse. Just want to make sure I'm doing everything right. These halide's kinda intimidate me.

I did take the advice of several DG members though and will keep my smaller GH outside and heat it with either heat lamps or a small gas heater. So that saved me at least one halide and some electricity this winter.

North Augusta, ON

I've used them, in a closet, just as they are....had no problems. Made it really nice and warm and humid in there. The plants loved it!!!

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks threegardeners. I'm looking forward to this - just hope it all works out.

North Augusta, ON

They did bleach the ceiling all nice and white. But other than that......have fun with them.

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

Glad I'm putting this in the garage now (it's not painted)... How far above the plants do you keep yours?

I'm planning on putting the halide half over my 8' Christmas Palm (praying it survives) and the other half over the 8' Greenhouse (which I'll put lower light plants in that need the humidity, which I can control in there without damaging my drywall).

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Just out of curiosity............if i wanted to take a room and put halide lights on the ceiling how much area would that cover in terms of good growing i have just stands with 2 gro lights in each fixture.................4 shelves to a stand..............I have 4 gro=light stands in one room................can't decide to repeat what I have done or turn to halide lights in one room

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I just read that ad you posted and it said 4 feet from plants.............

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

Ah, missed that. Guess it'll be close. I think the GH is only 3.5' from the ceiling in the garage....

I think the coverage is:

1000W - 8x8 primary, 12x12 supplemental
400W - 5x5 primary, 8x8 supplemental (some sites say 4x4 and 6x6)
250W - 3x3 primary, 5x5 supplemental

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)


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