Sigh. Spathiphyllum, but which one?

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hello all,

My apologies for being a pest. The half price indoor plant
sale got to me again, so this time it was a Spathiphyllum
(Peace Lily). Four dollars. Whoo, hoo, I love a bargain!

Problem is, the tag simply reads SPATHIPHYLLUM. It
is quite large, not the small type one often sees in offices.
It arrived in a small pot rootbound as can be. From pot bottom
(now 1 gal) to tip of leaves, it is just shy of three feet tall.

I'm not looking for cultivar name so much as extended botanical term.
Basically I would just like to label the plant, though Spathiphyllum
will suffice if I must.

Many thanks for any assistance. KM

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Just found an online site for the company, but
Spathiphyllum sp. is all they provide.

(Zone 1)

Hi Wuvie: You might have the Petite Spath that only gets to be maybe 12" or so.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Plantlady, I'm certain it is not Petite Spath, as it is
listed as very short. The plant I just purchased is almost three feet tall. ;-)

I did look at the plant files a few days ago, but wondered
if there was a typical species and not cultivar which was
standard in nursery trade. Even the store could only provide

Perhaps it is cannifolium, which others mention of good size.
I'm crossing off wallisii because it is listed as 24" max height.
The others are named cultivars or not much information is listed.

Many thanks for the links and all your help,

Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

One of the small types is called "Small Talk." I have one and its only 10" high. I don't think I've ever seen a Spath almost 3' tall! WOW!


(Zone 1)

Some of the really huge ones are used in the interior plantscaping in shopping malls down here.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Yours might be 'Sensation'...I've read that it's the largest cultivar, and it's really been 'making the rounds' lately!

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hmm. Now you know what?

The tag reads Spathiphyllum s.

Maybe, just maybe? Thanks!

(Zone 1)

Wuvie: Would love to see a picture of your Spath!

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Lin,

Here it is, next to a yard stick. As mentioned in an earlier
post, from the bottom of the pot to the tip of the top leaf, it is just
shy of three feet tall. Or should I measure only the foliage growth?

It was very root bound and thirsty, so until I get a larger,
more appropriate pot, I moved it to some fertile soil in
a one gallon pot.

The tag reads that the mature height is 36", so we'll have
to see if it gets any larger once it moves into a larger pot
and has a chance to spread it's roots. :-)

I've been working at my desk all morning in my pajamas, no
shower yet, so when I saw my reflection in the television screen,
I died laughing. Needless to say, I've blacked myself out. LOL


Thumbnail by WUVIE
(Zone 1)

Vry nice Wuvie! That is really a pretty Spath! If it is the S. 'Sensation' it can get to 8' tall!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

A really nice buy for four bucks!!!

The key to identifying that one might be those rather 'elongated' leaves....many of them have wider leaves than that.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Wow! I'll have to post periodic measurements for sure!

Thanks for all of your help!

(Zone 1)

I love the Spath's. They can survive in low light conditions but also do well in very bright light. I have the variegated one called Domino .... I am too embarassed to post a picture right now, it does not look good at all. It's been out on my front porch for years and the pot it's in has been sitting in another container without drainage. There must have been 10 gal's of water in that thing .... the spath is yellowing badly from being submerged for weeks! I dumped the water out and am going to cut it way back and will let it dry out - hopefully it will resprout.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)


It appears the nursery crammed a few babies into
one pot, let it grow, then shipped it off. I wonder if, once
it is repotted properly, the plant will reveal itself.

The widest leaves right now are 5" and
the longest leaf, not including the stem section at
all, is one foot long.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Lin, couldn't have looked any worse than me in a bathrobe,
no bra, no makeup and unwashed hair crammed into clips.


Not that anyone would have noticed the no bra bit. Ha!

(Zone 1)

Hey Wuvie ... I have many days like that too!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Ah, but those days, they are bliss once in awhile, aren't they?

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

I LOVE days like that :) Doesn't happen often but when it does....heaven *lol*

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