Hi All

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Just wanted to take a minute to saw hi to everyone, I hope all are enjoying this fall weather.


Sharon Nell

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Well Hello Sharon.So good to see you posting.Have been wondering how you were doing.Good to have you back.Fall is definitely in the air here.A week back we were actually nipped by frost already! Happy Fall To You Too : ))

(Zone 1)

Hi ya Sharon! Haven't seen you around lately! Hope all is well with you and your family!

Yep, yesterday was the 1st day of fall, wasn't it? I can't say we are having any of it down here yet but I have noticed a bit of change .... no mid 90's anymore, just hanging right around 89-90 during the day! LOL. it's still hot at night too (mid 70's) ... and so humid all the windows in the house are fogged up at night with so much moisture in the air outside. Thank goodness for air conditioning!

I hope we get some nice fall weather this year ... if we do, it will probably be the end of November before we see it .... and it won't last long, maybe a week or two, but I sure would like to see some change!

(Zone 1)

Oh my .... now, I can't imagine frost already! But, living in Nebraska I bet you do get it early! I think someone in Idaho said they were having frost and someone in Wisconsin said they had warnings! Wow! By mid November I will probably be wishing I could take a vacation to some cooler weather!

Hapy Fall to Y'all too!

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi, no frost here but a little rain over the weekend and temps in the high 70s.
Feels good.

This message was edited Sep 24, 2007 7:30 AM

(Zone 1)

Aaaaaaah! Sounds Great! Some friends of ours are out in San Diego visiting their son for two weeks and she said it is nice and cool!

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

You never can tell these days September could be in the 100s or 70s or both. lol.
The small amount of rain we got was very welcome. It usually doesn't rain here from May until October.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I just absolutely love the change over to fall we have here and really appreciate all the beauty of the changing leaves..etc..but after the snow starts flying and winter comes..lol... I would really enjoy being in FLA or CAL

(Zone 1)

Our rainy season is usually during June, July & August. We are still about 7" below normal for the year but at least we've gotten some much need rainfall the past couple of weeks! Just hoping not to get any severe Tropical stuff like Hurricane's this year! We are at the peak of Cane' season right now and there are a couple of disturbances and waves they are watching out there in the Ocean ... hopefully they will turn NW and not affect land at all.

(Zone 1)

I know what you mean Cedar. I don't like Snow & Ice .... my family has been in Florida 40 years and I can't imagine living and having to deal with the real cold weather ... especially driving in it! Living down here with not much fall color we do kinda forget about it. I love when I can take a fall trip somewhere to see all the wonderful colors!

Every once in awhile we get color here. We just never know when Fall will arrive in Florida. You may have seen this pic I posted awhile back of my front yard with my Hickory trees. This was taken in February! ..... as you can see, fall for some is in October, but way down here it doesn't seem to know when to arrive!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Oh my..changing leaves in February? I love your hickorys! Thats amazing! I tend to forget there are so many different areas in this great country of ours that all experience the changing seasons differently.

(Zone 1)

hmmmm .... just came back to this post and the photo I uploaded is not here! Just the words in tiny print at the bottom of my post: Click the image for an enlarged view. Wonder what thats all about?

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Its showing up on my computer ok Lin....Wonder whats up???

(Zone 1)

It was a short glitch in DG software ... Dave fixed it real quick!

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Good to know :)

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

~~~~~(waving:) Hi Sharon....I noticed you'd been MIA.....where've you been?

Hope all's well w/you and yours!

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Heya Sharon!! ; )

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Everything is fine, just overwhelmed with Work, church and football. It is getting a little lighter now so I may be posting more often soon.

My sons football team is 4-0 right now and ranked 8th in state. We have a fundraiser at least once a month, I have been pretty busy preparing for those. Just been a lot going on and usually the thigns I enjoy are the ones I have to cut out first to accomplish the rest.

What we do for our families.

All are healthy and well, that is all I could ask for.

(Zone 1)

Sharon: Congratulations to your son's Football Team!! 4-0, How Awesome! You are doing it right, putting family first! It will all be worth it in the long run.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Yes, congrats to the football team!

My son is on Jr. High football (7th grade) and plays the entire game(s). Due to his size, he also plays both 7th and 8th grade when they have seperate games.
There's a game at 5:00 today and another meeting after that.

You sound like me, Sharon....work, church group meetings, church dinner, church sesquicentennial celebration planning, Sunday school, football, band, dance, girl scouts (cookies selling beings tomorrow), fall play, drive, drive, drive, drive, and so on, and so on!! (Ü)

You're a good woman...and so am I! LOL!!!

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