ZZ plants

Harker Heights, TX(Zone 8b)

I have several ZZ plants in the house.
They all look and grow great.
I have a problem with only two.
The stalks come out green and after a few days
they turn brown and fall off.
I let the soil dry out between watering and i fertilize
very light once a month.
Could it be the A/C or ceiling fan??
I noticed all this started when it got hot and i used
the A/C and/or ceiling fan.
Mayby they don't like a draft??
Any advice.

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Are those two in front of the AC? The ceiling fan should not bother then but definitely, the AC would bother any plant!


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I'm not really clear on what you mean.
Are you saying that shortly after a *new* shoot grows, it turns brown and falls off or are you saying that some of the already existing shoots are turning brown and falling off?

I've noticed that ZZ's are somewhat 'deciduous', in their own 'special' way.

On some existing/older shoots, the terminal 'half' seems to turn brown and dry and die off. It's never affected the new growth in any way, though.

It seems to me, too, that this only seems to happen when these are growing in low light.

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I was only stating that the A/C can harm plants. As to why, the *new* shoots turn brown, I have no idea! Perhaps someone will come up with some ideas, sorry.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Larry...I was asking what Rotti_one meant about the shoots turning brown...I knew what you meant! (Ü)

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Knocking head against wall, again.LOL


(Zone 1)

I broke down and bought one of these plants today! Our home depot had large ones that usually sell for $19.99 on sale for $12.99 so I couldn't resist. I hope it's as easy to grow as everyone says it is!

Harker Heights, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, shortly after a new shoot grows,after a few days,they
slowly turning brown and falling off.

I don't think it's the light. I have more ZZ plants in the same
area and they grow like crazy. Nice and green.
Also have ZZ plants in the bedroom and it is darker in there
during the day then in the livingroom.
No problem.
Maybe i should re-pott them and check the roots?
Just today i cut 3 new shoots/tubes because they turned
black and falling to the side.

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I think that you should check the roots and if you do repot, maybe, a smaller pot and let the rootball dry out really well!


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

What is a ZZ plant?

(Zone 1)

FlowrLady: Check it out: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/2142/

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks, plantlady. I believe I've seen it in Lowe's house plant section before. I can't grow it outside, because it says its for zone 9 and 10.

(Zone 1)

FlowrLady: It makes a great House Plant too!

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

I'm sure that's how it's sold here.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I always grow mine in bulb pans..................I don't have any idea about the brown..........but wouldn't worry about it because they are adding new shoots anyway..................in bulb pans they seem to grow better and don't stay wet as long...............good luck.............none of my plants seem to be affected by the airconditioning vents................don't know why but I have plants in every room including where the air conditioning blows.................

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh, poo!

I was just in Lowe's today and passed this one up. Now that I see
how easy it is to propagate, I'll have to make a run back to get one.
Or two.
Or so.

(Zone 1)

I got a large one at Home Depot last week either a 1 gal or 3 gal pot! They had tons of them normally $19.99 on sale for $12.99. I might have to go back and get another one or two! They are neat looking plants!

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

You know, I even looked at it several times, but when I saw the
Peace Lily, I thought, aww, what the heck. At four bucks, I should
have purchased one of each.

They also had a HUGE Flapjack K, which intrigued me, but not
enough to buy it. I was afraid I would kill it. LOL

(Zone 1)

Ok, ya got me ... what in the world is a Flapjack K???

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

LOL...my apologies, I must have been sidetracked, I meant
to type Flapjack, the K as in Kalanchoe thyrsiflora.

After growing, and falling in love with, K. diagremontiana
and K. delagoensis, I'm in love with the way they grow.
Odd looking though they may be.


P.S. The babies are dropping by the dozens. Hint hint!

(Zone 1)

Now I gotta go search the Kalanchoe's! Be back later

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Just for fun I am trying to grow ZZ leaves................let you know what happens.......let me take a quick pic for you................

*******the leaves are rooted and i meet resistance when I pull on them..........will they make babies???? i don't know..............

Thumbnail by gessiegail
(Zone 1)

Gail, you are too cute! If you've got resistance, you've got roots ... I bet you will have babies too! I have no clue about these plants, just bought one cause it was so neat looking and someone said they were easy!

Keep us updated if you see any little ones!

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Just let me know if you want any babies. They are so cool.
Two years ago I was given a tiny seedling in a Dixie cup. To
this day it has grown taller than myself standing at 5'7".

I'll try to get a pic up tomorrow, but they are just so strange

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

wonder how it was grown>>>>>>> from a cutting or a leaf??????????? would love to see your plant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Zone 1)

Wuvie: The Kalanchoe delagoensis "Chandelier Plant" grows wild down here. We eradicated a bunch of it from our backyard a few years ago. This past spring I noticed a bunch of it growing along the edge of a wooded lot across the street! It is a neat plant, but invasive here in the south. They drop those babies all over the place and those babies take root and the cycle continues on and on. I guess we don't get cold enough weather to kill them. They are unique plants and I like the looks of the blooms in spring but it's so hard to keep them in check.

(Zone 1)

Gail: Wuvie is referring to the Kalanchoe Plant .... we got off track from the ZZ.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Rotti_one, my apologies for hijacking the thread. Putting
a ZZ on my 'should have purchased' list.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I just hijack any thread i am on by wandering off...................The ZZ plants are still 21.00 here at the very least...................

(Zone 1)

I am guilty of getting off-track constantly!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Gail...your ZZ babies will next produce a tuber (which shouldn't take too long since they've rooted...good going!) next before they start growing into what you'll recognize as a ZZ plant.
I've known of lots of people propagating them by leaves, but have never heard what their progress was....please do keep us updated, as I'm very interested in seeing how they develop!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi, Nan....................will keep you updated and thanks for the information you provided..........

(Zone 1)

Gail is THE propagating lady .... if anyone can do it, she can!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

don't count on it, Lin................I just post my successes and not all my failures (LOL)

(Zone 1)

But, I KNOW your successes outweigh your failures!

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