Cannas: CANNA ? ( Continued ) # 11

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

ah Trop, it's ok - do you have to cook the turkey or does your mil? Since DH is veggie (and the rest of us are not big meat eaters) I make alot of vegetarian items. However, this year my sister in law is cooking YEAH! I'm always the dedicated pie maker (pumpkin & bourbon & maple pecan). Vincent's 5th birthday is on Thanksgiving this year, so that will be fun.

My kids just like eating piecrust scraps (cooked w/cinnamon and sugar) and the mashed potatoes - they could give a hoot about any of the other things.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

She cooks the turkey..pretty much takes over my kitchen cause then how can I get anything in the oven with the stupid bird in there? don't want to talk about it...trying to forget

My daughter came home with her first broken heart. :(

ok, I just heard everyone go "awww" in unison...I picked her up and asked her if she had a good day, she goes, "Well, if you call Tanner dumping me a good day!" then burst into killed me. What can you do?....told her we loved her and tried to make her feel better , let her know my heart had been broken before too and all that. But it was so sad....those little tears.....dang ol' Y chromosomes and what they do to us.....

And I blame High School Musical for making it worse and more dramatic too--lol. But seriously this is only the first time of many I'm sure for her, and witnessing her hurt is harder on me than I remember going through it myself being.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

No alligator in my house!! LOL. Just sweet potatoes with marshmallows, homemade stuffing, turkey, deviled eggs which an uncle, my dad and I fight over, pies that usually come from Tippens, and a few other dishes. Nothing fancy since none of us like to slave over the stove.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Do people up north eat green beans and biscuits with Thanksgiving? and wild rice?

well, looks like someone ---cough, not me---might want a new

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

we don't have green beans or biscuits - wild rice stuffing I've seen. I think my favorite Thxgiving food is butternut squash soup (actually any time of the year!) My mom is quite an amazing cook, she usually makes homemade bread or rolls for dinner - how in the world she has time to make bread the same day I have no idea.

Oh Trop, sorry about your daughter - totally agree, terrible to see them hurt. What grade is she in? I hope she feels better this morning. My girls don't talk about having crushes or boyfriends yet. Olivia had a music program last night. I told her before to "have fun" she replied, "I'd have more fun if I didn't have to stand in between two boys!" ha ha ha - That Tanner will regret this for sure - he's a fool!

hmmmm, Pepper - what's in those eggs? We always add some tobasco and a little Colman's dry mustard so they are creamy with a little kick.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

tabasco in deviled eggs? hmm..doesn't sound bad, just not real, may have to try it.

daughter is in first grade, too young but they have beenlil boyfriend/girlfriend since last's way too grown and dramatic and I think the solution is #1---ban high school musical and #2---ban boys

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

lol good luck banning boys ! But I agree on the HS Musical, those Disney shows are just too "romantic" - the girl characters need a different focus besides just boys - a sport or something. I'm sorry she got her feelings hurt, tho - he'll figure it out in a couple of years. I hope she had a better day.

Just a few drops of tabasco is great (even if its not southern!)

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

they got back together...gaw-lee

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Uh, tabasco not southern?!?! It's made in southern Louisiana! That's the south, or did I miss something in geography and history. I'm with pep- turkey, stuffing, giblet gravy, sweet potatoes with mm's(my specialty), cranberry sauce, green beans, biscuits, and of course- pumpkin pie with whip cream! And if anyone feels up to making deviled eggs, well by golly, I wouldn't complain a lick! We do those pretty regular, like when me, my girl and my brother all go shopping on our way home from work, and we all bring home eggs. Pretty much same for christmas, but a honey baked ham instead of turkey.

RTP, glad you guys had a fun and safe trip. Like trop, I haven't been to DC in many a year. When my Navy ship visited NYC, got to see 'Oh, Calcutta'! Not what I was expecting, for sure. Then spent a couple of days up in Patchague, Long Island, visiting my grandmother(turned out to be the last time).
I remember my first girlfriend was Kimberly Moss, in Chesterfield County, Va. I was in 1st and 2nd grade, and she was a couple of years younger. We moved to another neighborhood that was to far away. Heartbroken.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

teehee....Texas Pete is made right here in North's true

just tabasco in the devilied eggs is one of those "I ain't ever heard of that" kind of

Isn't Kim Moss like a supermodel or something? lol, go Paul! That's how the first heart break is supposed to be, someone moves thats how mine went too....aww....enough broken hearts for awhile, anyway

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

beautiful day today - for some reason I'm craving deviled eggs hmmmm.

I guess I was afraid of boys, Matt Bordeaux used to chase me in the first grade during recess, he kissed me once. I probably turned 8 shades of red. going to go enjoy the sunshine, I believe there is a 100% chance of rain tomorrow!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

The sauce is made on Avery Island, LA. It is very much a Southern thing!! lol

Deviled eggs in my family have mayo, mustard, and sometimes paprika on top. That's it. No tabby sauce sine majority of us hate that stuff. My dad loves it though and will put it on just about anything if he is in the mood for it.

Here is a link for the history of the sauce.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Pepper - that website is cute. mmmm, the hot with the mustard creaminess is fantastic, especially with a cold ale. Does your family like any spicy food Pep?

Taught my daughter how to make marinara sauce tonight - so fun. Trop, I'm glad your daughter is back on top of the world!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We like it hot to a certain degree. Not hot enough to eat those Tijana(sp) Mama Brats. Aka extremely hot hot dogs. A coworker of mine loves those. lol

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

okay, we are getting really looooooooong - how do we start a new thread?

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Yup! My computer is choking on this, and I have a T1 line. Seeing as how our previous benefactor, Ginger749, has been absent since Sept 19 (to this thread), we must begin anew, for those of us who wish to continue the rapport and friendship. This is where I am starting it: If any wish to follow along, please do, especially including Kell.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Hi Everyone.
Wow has it really been four years?

I wonder if any of the Old Crew are still here on the Canna Forum?

Thanks Paul for continuing this very friendly Thread.^_^
I will check out your new link.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Ginger!! I think some of the old crew are gone now.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

I notice Tracy aka Red,
Kara aka Trop,
Paul aka Vadap have not been on DG for many years.
I myself spent the last 8 months doing voluntary work after our greatest floods ever.
I was at Tully Qld. The Banana Capital of Australia.

Just removed a couple of extra K's

This message was edited Nov 24, 2011 8:59 PM

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Don't all speak at once now.

Not bad for a post winters offering ?

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

And yet another.

Thumbnail by ginger749
cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

Ginger that red center one is a beauty..

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Thanks Jen,

I am not even sure where I got it from.
I went through a stage of hunting them down from all over the place.
Then we had those severe Floods at the start of this year.
A lot of my better Cannas died. (probably drowned)

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

I know how you feel, I just moved from Canada to Alabama in July and had to leave all my roots behind.. I only brought the seeds. I don't have alot of garden space, so I'm mostly using pots, but it's hard when you go from a huge garden of tones of plants. It will just take some time.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

I love Canada , just spent 3 weeks there in July this year..
What part of Canada were you at ?

This is last years Flowers of the one you mentioned.

Thumbnail by ginger749
cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

I lived in Windsor Ontario, it's right across from Detroit. Canada has its ups and downs, as anyplace does. I miss our friends and family, but not the town so much. Change was nice, now almost everything we do is somehing new to us. Plus gardening is a whole new world down here. Less time digging up my cannas leaves for more time digging up more tropicals. Well not so much last year, as I didn't move until July. I did get a great collection of elephant ears again, and added 2 basjoo bananas, next year hoping to expand the cannas, since the only ones I have are from seeds, and maybe give gingers a try.. Always wanted to grow those but never attempted it.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Windsor sounds great.
'growin' calls Vancouver "the rainforest area of Canada".
I just can't imagine a rainforest where it snows.

I put a lot of my Pictures from Vancouver on this site:

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

What I like about this Canna is it goes on Flowereing for many months.
You can see all the new Flower buds ready to take the place of old Flowers.

This does not happen so much with my Tropicannas.

Thumbnail by ginger749
cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

Tropicanna were one of my favs, well mostly for the leaves.. I agree the flowers aren't much to look forward to, but they look great until the rest have flowers

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

I only have two kinds of Tropicanna's.
The Red and the Green.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Merry Christmas every one.

More new Pictures next year.
Hope to see other peoples pictures as well.

Cheers kell.

Thumbnail by ginger749
cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

What a unique looking tree.. I love it, must be hard to set up though

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Hardest part was emptying all the Bottles. Hick! Hick!

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

how many do you have to use? must look great at night, with the lights behind the bottles

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

This is the first time I haver ever seen this Canna.
What a beauty.
I wonder if any one knows what it might be ?

Thumbnail by ginger749
cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

red stripe looks alot like that but its really tall, maybe king humbert?? any idea on the flower color

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Now how did I know you were going to ask that Smurf.
I actually went back the week after when I saw the Flower spike on the first picture.
And lucky me it was in full bloom.

Yes, this is a true miniature.


Thumbnail by ginger749
cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

k its not either of the above.. looks like it with the leaves but there both rather tall.. not sure of any that are miniature with dark leaves.. Could it be planted in shade sometimes that makes it stay shorter??

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

This one was in full Sun when I snapped it.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

First time Flowering.
I really have no idea what it is called.

My OH calls it Fred ?

Thumbnail by ginger749

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