My first yellow Plumeria

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I am just so excited to have my very first yellow plumeria.. I have been having pink's and one red all summer... So this is just a thrill for me...

Thumbnail by TurtleChi
Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh my. That's gawgeous, Susan. Tell me all about the fragrance. :)

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I can't yet as it has just bloomed.. Tomorrow will be able to tell you better...

Shenandoah Valley, VA

That's a beautiful flower, Susan! I hope it is fragrant. If it smells half as good as it looks it will be heavenly.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Here is the same flower yesterday when I got home from work.. It is wavey around the edges... To cool.. Not a good scent yet coming from it....

Thumbnail by TurtleChi
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


Have you tried smelling it at night? Flower scents are more intense in the evening or very early in the morning.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Good for you, Susan!!! All my plumies have blessed me with - are leaves this year...UGH!!! Is that a Celedine, do you know?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

They really are stunning.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Ladies,
I got it from a lady in Hawaii, she calls it a Maui Sun.. I call it beautiful.. It has two new blooms now... I have 5 in bloom now and that is the only yellow...

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Wowwie, Susan. You should probably get a Group photo of all five, don'tcha think? :>)

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Well that may be a little hard to do since some are in 25 gallon pots... just a tad heavy... I have 3 pinks, 1 marron, and one yellow blooming... I will get pictures later .... One has bloomed all summer and has yet to stop... Just beautiful...

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Holy Cannoli - 25 gal?

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes and I have to bring them in soon...LOLOLOL I have about 10 in that big of containers as they are now trees and not cuttings..LOL I don't even want to say how many other is 1gallon to 10 gallons I have... Lets just say I have a very big basement and will need it.. :-)
Here are some and you would not believe how may this picture shows... LOLOL

Thumbnail by TurtleChi
Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

You're a Wild Woman! I love it.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Good golly, Miss Molly!!! Thought my little ole 5 gal's were something....geez!

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Well these had to go up as they are bigger... Here is a picture but not a good one...
Well out to the dirt I go to play and weed...

Thumbnail by TurtleChi
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow Susan! That yellow is stunning! I love the wavy edges on the flowers!

I have just tried plumies for the first time this year... I now have three. One did bloom for me and I so enjoyed it, I made my own thread...

Now to bring them in for the winter, and then have them survive to go back out next spring! All I've heard, it scares me a little....


Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

don't let it scare you...Just don't water it... that is the main thing... Yours is a beautiful flower... I have three others that have inflow on them that I don't think are going to bloom before it is time to put them up... One is a Thailand one... boo hoo...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Going to look at your's Karen!! Susan's right - believe me - IF I kept mine all from dying...anyone can do it!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Susan: How do you overwinter them? Do they have to have light? I assume your basement is heated . . . .

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

This will only be my second year at over wintering... You put them in a place where it wont freeze and you leave them alone.. I will keep a fan on in the room to keep air flow going... They only need light if they don't have a good set of roots... I had give or take ten..LOL about 20 to 25 in my dinning area with heat mats. Also had about 5 banana trees... I will have very few this year that has to come upstairs with me on heat mats... Next year as they more bloom or so I hope so I will start weeding them out as I can't keep this many as trees... So far the Maui Yellow, and a Kimo I had bloom are in my top picking...LOL
Oh and very important... NO WATER IN WINTER... then again others say to give them a tiny sip... I did this last year and lost several to rot... But what ever works for you...
Oh and here is my passion flower that bloomed today for me... She is just so beautiful... Or so I think anyway...LOL

Thumbnail by TurtleChi
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I have a plumeria cutting that has just barely put out a few small leaves, growing very slowly. It's still on my light shelf, and I figured I'd just leave it there over the winter, or possibly bring it to a sunny window upstairs. Under those circumstances, I'm assuming I should keep watering it.... ? Hopefully it'll put on some growth next summer, and then I'll do the dormant thing with it next winter.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Girl
You could mist it some but don't water... Do you also have a heat mat? Can I also ask why you did not put out this summer for the heat ??? Just because it has leaves it does not mean it has roots... I killed my fair share to know this... :-(

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I didn't put it out because I kept waiting for it to get leaves... and I admit, it ended up being a bit neglected. It had some green tips in July, finally sprouted actual leaves later in August... I can put it on a heat mat, at least until it's time to jump-start spring seedlings. Thanks!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes, God bless the plumies - they'll send out leaves even with NO roots. As Susan said it all depends where your keeping them and their root system. Mine go in my living room (once night temps are 50 or below) in a corner beside windows that are south facing. They lose their leaves within a month's time and once that happens I avoid normal watering. Maybe once a month give them a "sip" - but it's sparingly, believe me. All of mine made it through last winter - all of them had roots at that it was in my favor.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

How about soil mix, O Great Susan of the Plumies? Is there a commercial one, or do you 'roll your own'?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey, which Passiflora is that? Groovy.

Chantell, so you're telling me that I should have brought my plumeria inside the house already since we've had some nights into the 50's? Am I gonna get in trouble?

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Sally for soil I use cactus soil and add perlite to it... I have left mine out last week and we got in the 50's here... Who you gonna get in trouble with me??? Shoot I killed so many last year it was my middle name "Killer" LOLOLOL
The passion flower is P.aurantia... She is beautiful.. It is suppose to get fruit but no sign of that yet... My one that I swaped at the swap has tons of fruit and today when I got home from work 3 pods/fruit fell off so I have been cleaning seeds this evening. I have several new ones I want to try to grow this winter so I hope I can get the little beggers to grow...LOL I have grow lights and heat mats so I am hopeful.. I am also trying to propergate(sp) from cuttings... I never did this before so I am trying...
Chantell I have a few things I want to send you but I am waiting for one thing to brown for the winter then will send... If it does not do this soon I will send your butterfly bush alone...
I also got pods/seeds from my Easter Egg Plant.. Now this is one cool plant... it has tiny purple flowers then it grows what looks like a hens egg and when it is ripe it turns orange...Really neat..
My Datura also poped its seeds so things are busting out all over here...LOLOLOL
Here is a picture of my Easter Egg Plant....
Hugs to all,

Thumbnail by TurtleChi
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL ya'll are too funny!!! Clare is the bestest Plumie guru, I know...most of us w/plumies have learned a lot from her. The rule of thumb she uses is if the temps are dropping below 50 - they should come in. I didn't follow that to the letter last year...nor did I push it "too much." I will probably be starting to slow down their watering in the next few weeks - hit them up w/some BATS in the next week or so...then they'll be ready to come indoor.
Susan - I too, have been using the C & S soil for my cacti as well as some of my Plumies...I guess it's worked out ok b/c of all that I add to it BUT found out from the Cactus Gurus that those soils contain peat moss (may be getting that name mixed up - will need to check) - bottom line it's something that HOLDS moisture....UGH!!! Didn't believe it till I checked the back of my bag. Needless to say - I buy a decent grade potting soil w/o fertilizer (or min) and NONE of the moisture absorbing crystals now. For the plants that need those...I add it myself. Soooo, I use the regular soil and add the large grit, course sand or small grit, and pumice or perlite, depending what I have. It's seemed to work just fine...which makes me happy b/c I'm only working on one bag of soil at a time now.

This message was edited Sep 25, 2007 10:10 PM

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