Soil bugs

Medford, NJ

I have bugs in several outdoor houseplants, most in a hanging ivy and a wandering jew...they are very small, flying beetle-type bugs, not gnats...when I water, they all come running out by the hundreds, some fly away..I hate to think what must be going on under soil level! Within a few weeks these plants are coming inside, so you see my dilemma...last time some bugs took up residence in one of my houseplants, I watered repeatedly with soapy water, and though that helped, it didn't get rid of all of them.

Does anyone have any other suggestions besides using pesticides?

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)


Check out this thread and see if it is helpful...

Good luck! (Just the thought of what you described gave me the heebie-jeebies!)

Medford, NJ

thanks - I know what you mean, this whole bug forum gives me the heebie jeebies!

As for the link, I won' t use Bats, have read about it over at the hoya forum, seems some people see one mealy bug and they reach for the heavy duty chemicals! That isn't necessary, at least not in minor bug situations, but I will try the amonia/detergent drench. That could do the trick without harming the plants or anything else.

Thanks again!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeah... that's the one I plant to try for the outside plants, is the flea and tick shampoo method. Plan to but some over the weekend. Was just reading about the hydrogen peroxide too...

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