My plant collapsed! HELP!

Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

I just posted a few days ago, bragging about the Brazilian Fireworks 'Maracas' that I brought home, and was so proud of. Well, the weirdest thing happened today. It was looking just a tiny bit wilted this morning, so I watered it (for the first time since I've had it - maybe 5 days). Well, I just now looked at it again, and its SERIOUSLY wilted. I did put one drop of Superthrive in its water that I soaked it in. Could that have done it? It soaked for one and a half hours (okay, so I forgot to take it out after half an hour!). I've never had a plant go down this fast - in a matter of HOURS! I took it out of the pot and inspected the roots, expecting them to possibly be rotted. Nope - they are all white - or at least the ones I can see at the outside of the rootball. Its also not pot bound, but has a lgood amount of roots, filling most of the 6" pot its in. What to do now? This dang plant cost $11.89, but cost is secondary here - I want to save the plant. I feel like crying right now. Please, any suggestions?


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

What color is the container? Did you have it sited in full sun? Perhaps the root/soil temperature climbed too high?


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm sure it wasn't the Superthrive that did it. Can you post a picture? It might be easier to tell what's going on with a picture. It's possible that it's wilting from too much water, if you soaked it for too long and the soil got overly soaked that could make it wilt. The roots would still look OK because it takes more than an hour for them to start to rot. If the soil is very soaked it might be worth repotting it in some drier soil, otherwise wait for it to dry out a bit and see what happens. Or to Al's point, I know it's been blazing hot in most of CA for the last few days, so if you had the plant out in the heat, its roots probably can't take up enough water to keep it from wilting, but when the sun goes down and things cool off a bit it will probably perk up for you.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)


Should your plant not perk up for you, if you kept your receipt, Lowe's has a money back guarantee for a year with a receipt.

Just in case :)


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Seaecho, I have a shrimp plant, which is cousin to your plant. I've noticed it likes a plentiful pot. It starts getting wilty as the pot gets snug. I would suggest repotting. Although it's hard to say without seeing a photo of your plant.

Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

Sorry I took so long to answer. Lost my first reply - so I'll try again. The plant was just beginning to wilt, and I watered it, and then washed off the foliage thoroughly. I think the weight of the water made the plant appear to be suddenly severely wilted. After the leaves started to dry, the plant perked right up again, almost back to normal. So I had overreacted, thinking it was on death's doorstep. Anyway, all is well now, and I appreciate your concern and the helpful posts! WHEW!


San Antonio, TX

Randi, your cry for help made me smile. There have been plenty of times I've reacted the same and wished I could run with my plant in hand for help. Im glad it is bouncing back. It warms my heart how so many responded to your plea.......aren't gardeners wonderful people..... :)

Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

For darn sure, Anaid. Plant people are the absolute best. And this board is my favorite of any I've ever visited. In my time of panic and need, I knew just where to turn! Thank you all. . .


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