bleeding glory bower won't bloom

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9b)

I was wondering if anyone has any advice on getting a bleeding glory bower to bloom. Mine just sends out long shoots and then eventually the leaves start to fall off from the base. I cut everything back to couple nubs pinch out to create some bushyness then let it start shooting again and the cycle of disappsointment continues. I'm about to give up. This is the fourth go around in different spots in the house. Right now it's in a west facing window- the only exposure I've got.

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

If this is the plant that you are referring to...hope this helps!


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

How often are you cutting it back? That could be part of the problem, if you're cutting it back frequently you're not giving it a chance to bloom. It's a vine, so pinching it back isn't really going to have much effect in the long run besides preventing the plant from blooming.

I'm also not sure if these will bloom indoors, you may have better luck if you take it outside. Even a bright window indoors isn't the same intensity of light that plants will get outdoors. These plants should be hardy in your climate, so you could grow it outside all year long if you want to, or at least keep it outside during the warm months, I think that'll give you the best chance of blooms.

The leaves falling off sounds like some sort of cultural problem, maybe too much or too little water. Or it may not like the indoor growing conditions.

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9b)

I'll try bringing it outside. i just cut the runners when all the leaves fall off. It's wierd because my friend had one that just kept blooming and blooming inside whithout much fuss. I guess I could be better about watering but all my other plants do fine. (prayer plant, christmas cactus, gloxinia speciosa, philodendrons,snake plant, dracana, spider plant, ponytail palm) The leaves almost turn white then fall off. Are these plants particularly finicky? I don't have anything for it to climb up I just let it kind of let it sprawl- Lydia

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I've always grown them outside in hanging baskets and found them to be pretty carefree except for watering, but indoors I don't know. I thought maybe this was one of those plants that just doesn't like being indoors, but if your friend is growing one and it does fine then that's not the problem. It probably likes a little more water than some of the other plants you mention, but if they're all doing fine and you water them the same then I wouldn't think it would be in that bad shape. If you can post a picture of it showing some of the leaves that look white before they fall off, someone here might be able to help figure out what was going on.

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