Anyone interested in a Round Robbin?

Aberdeen, NC

OHHH!! Do I detect some excitement like someone has just got the box?? That box is traveling around pretty fast--can't wait to hear more from Karen....

Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Happy happy joy joy!!! Is there anything more fun than coming home to a box of hoyas, and getting to pick out the ones you want??? And what a wonderful selection - it was hard, and I made a complete HOYA PIG out of myself - sorry, couldn't restrain!! Now residing in Illinois are:

compacta 'variegated' (lost this one in the deep freeze - so excited to get another!)
pubicalyx "Red Buttons"
australis sanae
cominsii IML 918
limoniaca (another casualty of the deep freeze that now has been replaced!)

What a great diversity of leaves to choose from - this was great fun!! OK, Doug - tag, you're next!! Box will go out tomorrow!!

Karen from "Oinkinois"

Thumbnail by kabob
Philomath, OR

YEA Karen! And by the way, that is not making a hoya piggy out of ones self! I think you all have shown GREAT restraint! This is the perfect way to give as well as recieve :~)

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

OK....I have to admit, I have been lurking and watching your little robin fly house to house. It sounds like you are all having so much fun. I wanted to join but was afraid my hoyas were just waaaay to common and no one would want them as I stopped collecting "new" ones a long time ago and have basically just the "plain Jane's". I can hear all the excitement in your voices though and see all the beautiful pictures of your new babies. Brings a huge hoya smile to my face just to follow along with you all :)

Aberdeen, NC

Karen, sounds like you have a wonderful collection of new hoyas! Isn't it to much fun. seeing all the different hoyas and TRYING to figure out which ones to take and pass on. Your cuttings look wonderful. ..enjoy.

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

Now I'm really excited to get the box since I'm next on the list, and I also think I've got some pretty good stuff to put in the box for others down the line. I don't know how big the box is now, but I might have to replace it with a bigger one. Let's see, IL to VT, goes out today, maybe Saturday, Monday at the latest? These will for sure be my last cuttings of the year so I'm very excited to see what is inside!


Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Doug - I don't think you'll be disappointed for these to be your last cuttings of the year! There are great cuttings in there. The box went out this a.m. - hope it does get to you this weekend!! Have fun!


Knoxville, TN

Cool Beans, Karen! I was wondering when someone would grab that variegated compacta! It is an awesome cutting!!! This is a ton of fun!

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

That was a great cutting. I had it in my stack for a while. LOL

Finally have a picture to show of my new babies.

This is a lot of fun.


Thumbnail by picabo
Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

I just want to say that I received the box today (Saturday Afternoon), and it truly was like Christmas in September. I'm kind of tired now and have miles to go before I sleep; so I will post what I took from the magic box and the details tomorrow.


Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

Ok, I'm back. First I want to thank Joanne again for getting this Round Robin up and running. I also want to thank everyone along the way who has contributed such wonderful cuttings and plants.

The first thing I did after opening the box and getting over the shock of large number of cuttings (many of them already rooted) was to take stock of the plants and check their condition. Two of them were on their way out - H. memoria and H. curtsi both rooted cuttings. Memoria's leaves were turning to pure liquid slime and curtsi's roots had the creeping rot and leaves were turning yellow. I took them out of their bag, scrubbed all the bad off from them, and potted them. I think they will eventually be ok, but wouldn't have been if they spent two more days in the box. H. collina's leaves had almost all turned yellow so I also removed it and potted it up as well. Everything else in the box at this point looks very good.

Besides the bad ones already described, here is what I took from the box:

H. cv. Noelle (Rooted)
H. rigida (Rooted)
H. australis "Kapaho" (Rooted)
H. meliflua sp. fraterna (Rooted)
H. Obovata
H. carnosa "Krinkle 8"
H. cumingiana "large leaf form" (Rooted)

The box which still contains at least 25 different species or varieties including more rooted cuttings (some in pots!) will be leaving here Monday morning heading to Nan in Wisconsin. I would guess she would receive it on Wednesday. It sure would be fun to map this box, and the routes it has taken across the country. This RR has been a great experience, and I hope it works out as well for everyone else on the list.


Charlotte, NC

Thus far...
1- Epiaddict
2 -TamiWXP
3 -meltn
4 -horsewoman
5 -picabo
6 -kabob
7 -Hoya24
8 -Nan

Thumbnail by MullettMan
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Very cool MM!!! Ha! I couldn't even begin to figure out how to put something like that together!! I am very impressed.


Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

Thank you MulletMan! Very interesting, those are some well traveled hoyas, that's for sure!! And they still have a long ways to go. Can't wait until they see the great state of Idaho :))


Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Love the map. Can you continue to add the stops as it flies around?
Doug, It sounds like you got some great new hoyas.


Charlotte, NC

I'd be happy to update the map for you guys and gals as the RR progresses. You keep me updated with pictures of RR Hoya cuttings to drool over and I'll see about keeping the map up to date :)

One issue is that I can't change the original picture with the EDIT POST function. I might have to upload it to my Photobucket acct. (not a problem) and just post updated links or else I'll kill this post with too many separate maps.

Take care,

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

I love the map Andrew! If it is not too much work, it would be really cool to keep it updated as the RR progresses.


Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

The box has been mailed, and is now winging its way toward Wisconsin. There is some awesome stuff in that box, so be on the look out for it Nan; you should have a lot of fun going through it.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Woohoo!! Thank you.....I can't wait! (Ü)

I'm sure it will be agonizing deciding what to keep.
I've already made a list of what to put in.

I'm excited!

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)


You requested a photo of the cuttings from the RR. Photo one.

Thumbnail by Hoya_24
Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

Photo 2.

Thumbnail by Hoya_24
Prescott, AZ

Woo Hoo, great pics you two. The cuttings look nice and fresh and really awesome.

Andrew really nice mapping, they have really traveled some miles.

Aberdeen, NC

That map is to much fun. I think it is great to see how the box is going across country. I didn't think we were that far along on the travels. In no time at all, it is going to be back with Joanne. Maybe we ought to keep it going and make another round--it is just to much fun.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I'm in!!!


New Caney, TX

Well I'm back from vacation and was really excited to check in with y'all. Sounds like everyone who has received the box has had fun. I just want to thank you all for letting me play. It was real fun digging through the box and fun watching everyone else get to do the same. I don't know of a better way to add to your collection. This is so fun.

PS. Our son's truck he built made the cover of Sport Truck Magazine. We are all so excited. Hope y'all don't mind me sharing my excitement and pride.

Aberdeen, NC

Tami, I can sure bet you are proud of your son and the work he did on his truck. That truck is amazing. I sure wouldn't want to hit any curbs or pot holes with it!! LOL I would cringe everytime I went over something. I bet you are going to get that pic and article framed. What an accomplishment!


Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Really neat, Tami! You must be proud! I'm with Karen, I'd have that framed!!


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Congratulations Tami, how nice.

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

Tami, That is some truck; congratulations go out to you and your son. With the conditions of the roads here in VT, I don't think that would be the ideal vehicle to have, but I love it.


Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Welcome back Tami! Congrats to you and your son on the truck!

:) Kim

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Whoa....that is one 'low' truck, Tami!
I don't know a lot about this kind of thing, so am I correct in assuming they have to 'jack it up' to actually drive it?
And I thought my son's car was low! I'll have to show him this...he'll get a 'kick' out of it!
Congrats to your son and your proud family!

BTW.......'THE BOX' arrived this morning....I'll post what I keep tomorrow and will be sending it on tomorrow as well....whew! Lots of goodies in there!

Congrats Tami! What a talent..I know you're proud and definitely should be!


Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)


I'm super glad that you now have the box; I hope that you make out as well as I did. One thing to think about, if you can use any of the bigger plants, go for it. You than might be able to use a smaller box to re-mail what is left, thus cutting down on the postage costs. I was interested to learn, when I went to the Post Office, that a box of that size would cost just as much to send empty, because of newly implemented size restrictions on Priority Mail. At least that is what the Postal Guy told me as he carefully measured every dimension of the box.


Aberdeen, NC

If you need to change boxes, consider the flat rate ones. I can always pack them full and save on postage. Can't wait to hear what you have! Isn't it incredible the variety of hoyas in the box....and it has been a while since I saw it.

Philomath, OR

I can not fathom everything fitting in a flat rat box. When it left here there was no way to use a fat rate box and sounds like more have been added. I hope everyone is ok with that. -joanne

Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Joanne - I had to get a bigger box when I mailed the cuttings to Doug. There was so many cuttings in there (!), so I had to get a bigger box to fit everything plus my cuttings back in! I did put the original box in with the new box in hopes that maybe someone could use it later on down the road if the cuttings got smaller. What a generous bunch of people in this round robin!!


New Caney, TX

Thanks all on the congrats about the truck. We are so excited. I didn't mean to sidetrack anyone. The truck is bagged. It airs up to the height you want it. Its a very cushy ride. They are the bags 18 wheelers use.
I'm glad you got the box. I'm with Joanne, No way the cuttings will fit in a flat rate box. Maybe everyone should start taking two extra cuttings out as they get it until there are only 20 left. LOL Y'all are so great in sharing. This has been so much fun.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I way they'll fit in a flat rate box...bummer, though, as I was astounded at the amount of postage Hoya_24 (Doug) had to affix!
That was a big box, though.
I got everything to fit into one of the larger PM that cut it down quite a bit.

Here's what I took from the box:
Citrina.....(a rooted plant....I love big foliage!)
bella paxatoni (paxtonii?)
iris marie
Aren't iris marie and paziae supposed to be the same?
They were both 'small leaved' plants, but the two that were in there definitely were not identical (at least in my opinion).

I felt like a 'hog', too, but those were the ones that I did not already own that appealed to me.

There are still a few rooted plants in the box, and I added a rooted one, as well.

I feel that I was able to add some really 'different' Hoyas, so I hope the next recipient is as happy as I was to receive these 'gifts'!

Speaking of the next recipient....Markroy68....the box is now on it's way to you!
I hope the PO gets on a roll, and that you receive it by Saturday.

I agree with Mullettman that next time the 'list' be in order of geographic proximity to one will also cut down everyone's postage costs.
I have to say, would never have crossed my mind if I'd been the one organizing it....and bless the heart of the one that did (Joanne)!

Last but not least, I want to say THANK YOU to Joanne, as well, for all her hard work and her spirit of sharing with all involved.

It's been great fun! Can't wait to see what everyone else receives.

I'll try to get a photo tonight.

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

Great score Nan. I really eyed that beautiful rooted H. lobbi myself, as it looked better than the one I own, but I let it go. Glad it went to a good home. I'm wondering if we do a Round Robin like this again and there is enough interest, and there should be considering how well this one is going, there could possibly be two RR boxes for two different regions - East and West. I had no problem puting all that postage on, because with what I was able to use out of the box it came out to only about $2.50 a cutting including the shipping, and where else could I get a deal like that. I feel that I made out like a bandit!


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Good, I'm glad you didn't mind!

I agree with you, too.....the amount I paid to ship (and what I enclosed in exchange for what I took) was definitely a 'cheap' price to pay.
I feel really fortunate to have been included in this RR!
(It's actually the first 'true' RR I've ever participated in.)

The two box idea is a good one!

A bit OT but interesting were the two names of both whom I received the box from and who I sent it to.....Hoya_24....we have 'old friends' who share your last name, including the guy who just repaired our chimney...are you related to anyone in southwest WI?
And Markroy68....there is a man in my hometown here where I work with the same name (both first and last) as yours.....just thought that was interesting proof of the 'small world' we live in!

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