Anyone interested in a Round Robbin?

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Now I'm anxious, that puts me right behind Horsewoman. Woo Hoo


Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)


After you, it's off to Kabob; then me!! I just hope I have a few things to put into the box that are not already there.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

That's my worry, too.......seems that we all have diverse tastes, though, so we'll likely have something good to put in!

Glad you decided to stay in, Sharon!

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

I am wondering if I will have anything to add. It has been fun watching anyway.


Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Guys, there are extras in the box for that exact purpose, so don't worry if the hoya you were going to put in is already in the box. If that is the case, there are cuttings that are labeled as "extras" in the you can take one of those.
Have fun...this is so exciting!!

Aberdeen, NC

YAHOOOOO!! Talk about a box of cuttings and plants. It is just to much fun unpacking and looking at them. What a selection to choose from and hard choices to make. The cuttings all look fresh and good. I am going to pack the box up tonight and first thing tomorrow morning it is on its way to TN. I still haven't decided which cuttings are going to stay, but I will definately post them.

Tonight I have been out walking one of my horses for 1 1/2 hrs after work.. He is a big baby and had a tummy ache which is serious in horses. He finally decided he was going to be okay and that is when I got MY time to open the box.. The box was a blessing today. I was ready for a pick me up! LOL

More later,,,,,, And THANK YOU everyone for making this so much fun--especially you Joanne for all the organizing and labeling you have done.


Philomath, OR

Thank you all for the 'thank yous' but STOP! I feel weird about it cause' it was so little time and or work on my part. I'm just as excited as everyone else to see who takes what.

THANK YOU ALL for being a part of this by being in the RR or just watching and waiting with the rest of us. This is a WONDERFUL group of people.

If I don't post too much, it's because I have started a new job this week. It's been 12 years since I was in the work force and I'm scared out of my mind to be honest. THis week is orientation and I start my first 12hr shift on Saturday. I have a 90 day 'trial' period. If I make that, then I'm in. Anyone with spare prayer time,,,, I'll take all you can send up for me :~)

Take care and God bless. -joanne

New Caney, TX

Glad you got the box. Seemed quick for me. I have been busy packing for vacation though. Sorry about the horse but glad hes doing better.
I know you must be nervous about working after 12 years. Like the RR, just take your time and have fun. :-) Hope it all goes well.
I'm off for vacation. We leave in the morning. I'll try to check in when I have the time to check out what everyone got. Other than that I will be back the 23rd.


Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Joanne - good luck with your new job! You obviously have good organizational skills, so I'll bet you'll do fine - but will send up a prayer just in case!


Just wanted y'all to know I'm lurking on this thread and living vicariously through all of you! LOL This sounds like such a fun round robin! Perhaps I can join in on one in the near future. :o)

Good luck with your new job, epiaddict! I hope all goes well for you. :o)

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Kabob, Karen...You aren't by any chance going to the KY RU this weekend are you? If I get the box on Friday we could do a hand off there and save the weekend in the mail. Our mail doesn't usually come until too late in the afternoon to get it back out the same day. If not I'll water everything and get it out on Monday. I'll stop by the PO today and tell them that I am looking for the box and might be able to pick up at the post office before they deliver to the house. Then I can get it out on Friday.

Woo Hoo, I am next.


Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Ohhh, Betty, I wish I was going - but can't do it this weekend! I would have loved to have met you!
I will 'patiently' wait for the box next week!!


Aberdeen, NC

Racepoint, my horse, is about 20 yrs. old--getting up there in horse years. Sometimes when there is a quick weather change horses will end up with colic. Yeah, about the same as baby's.

Well, the box is on its way to TN.. I can't wait to see what everyone else gets.
I took from the box::
heart shaped lacunosa -- my all time favorite hoya
glabra--don't have anything like it
polystachya--again a totally different hoya type for me
Bangkok red-- sounds like a mystery to me
australias sanae -- love the fragrant hoyas
loherri--another fragrant one
and variegated verticillata

Thank you all so very much for the wonderful plants/cuttings. In my crazy haste to get the box out, I missed a bag of cuttings that had slid of the table. So, Betty is going to end up with another box coming her way to add to the loot! LOL

Prescott, AZ

Nice choices Karen. I've never heard of the Bangkok Red. Sounds like you did marvelous.

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

I will be watching for the boxes. The mailman and DH both know something important is coming my way.

Aberdeen, NC

OOOPS loherri is on its way to TN, too!! That is suppose to be one of the really fragrant ones. I added a lot of cuttings to the boxes. With the cuttings that I added, I bet the varieties are over 30 now. Can't wait to see what everyone else gets.

Knoxville, TN

Great choices, Karen! I am glad to hear the Hoyas are holding out so well!
To Betty and any other new collectors: Well, the box I sent to Karen did not have plants marked "extra." As far as I am concerned, take what you would like to have. I put 5-6 extras as did Joanne, Tami, and Karen. We were all new collectors once and know how you feel. Please do not feel bad taking them without replacing them! Grow them out and share them in the future so they will go full circle!!!!
Joanne, I can only imagine how hard it must be to return to the workforce and working 12 hour shifts. I hope you make lots of new friends and adapt to the work environment quickly. You are such a great lady, and I know your employer and co-workers will be delighted to have you as part of their team. Please let us know how it's going!!!!

Aberdeen, NC

Now, I can't wait to see what others are getting in the box. I soaked some of the hoyas and dampened all the peat moss in there so the hoyas will hold up longer. Everything looked good. The australias sanae showed the most wear which was one of the reasons I grabbed and replaced it with another australias. I hope others will take out anything that isn't holding up well and root it out, rather then risk losing the cutting or plant. I agree with you Mel that plants are meant to be shared. It is amazing when I think about the cuttings and plants that are getting scattered around this country through this exchange.
Once, I got a cutting from an unusual plant from a friend. The plant had special meaning to him. It was not long afterwards that my friend ended up losing his plant. I was able to return a large cutting to him. I felt so good being able to do that knowing what the plant meant to him. I know there are people that have helped me with my hoya collection and I like to pass that spirit and generosity to others that appreciate this plant.

Joanne, good luck with your new job. I am sure that you are going to get used to the long shifts fast. Do you get 3-4 days off afterwards? Some of those jobs can work out really well because you get blocks of time off and can get more done. I worked a job where I had 24 hr. shifts--3 days on and 4 off , followed by 4 on and 3 off. It is amazing how fast we adapt to a work schedule.


Philomath, OR

I agree with Mel. Please don't hesitate to take a couple of cuttings. I think there will be more than enough to go around.

Thanks everyone for the good wishes and prayers concerning my new job. It's been a week of orientation and I start days tomorrow. I will work 2, 12hr. dayshifts and then 2, 12 hour graveyards then get 4 days off.

Anyone by Costco's 'Kirkland' brand toilet paper or paper towels? Well, that's what I will be making. I have worked in 2 other paper mills prior to this one so that helped with getting the job. They hired 8 and over 2000 applied. Believe it or not there is money to be made in toilet paper! So if you use Kirkland brand or Angel Soft or Northern bath tissues or Kirkland paper towels you can think of me when you......use it :~)

Keep having fun with this RR everyone! Thanks for the fast turn-a-round. God bless you all, -joanne

Aberdeen, NC

Joanne, Everytime I will use Northern or Angel Soft I will think of you!! ROTFL You did wonderful getting that job after beating out all those applicants. It looks like you got the hardest part of the job done already--landing it. Now the rest will be easy for you. That work schedule isn't to bad. I know you will appreciate the 4 days off. You could do some major plant shopping on your time off !!

I can't wait for Betty to get the boxes. It is going to be so much fun for her to open them and see what is in there. There are a lot of different shaped leaves, sizes and coloring. I think that is one of the things that got me hooked on this plant.

Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Joanne - I, too, am ROTFL!!! I will think of you when I use Northern - too funny!!

Karen - the leaves are a big attraction for me, too - expecially since blooms have been evasive for me! I can't wait to see what's in the box - I will have no problem being a big hoya piggy!! And I'm next up after Betty - WOOHOO!! (this has been so much fun!)


Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Evening everyone. I have been at the KY RU all day and came home to the wonderful boxes from Karen. I looked some but the assortment is just tooooo overwhelming for this tired brain. LOL
Tomorrow I'll look through and make some swaps and have it on its way on Monday. Everything is looking good except for one little plant that is starting to turn yellow. Maybe too much dark and moisture. I laid it out on the table to get some light and air out the leaves. It may be wanting to stay in Nashville.


Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Betty do you have any Superthrieve?


Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Yes I do have Superthrive. I also have a great tonic that I mix up. I'll go fix it a little "Cocktail" right now. If "Little Pitiful" gets an energy drink, I'll bet tomorrow she is feeling much better. Is that what you are thinking?
Still may want to stay here. LOL

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

LOL!!! She sure may!!! I give them a shot of Superthrieve as soon as I open my box of cuttings. Then after I pot them up & put them in a tray, I water the newly planted cuttings with the Superthrieve water before I put the dome cover on.


Philomath, OR

Betty, Keep that yellow one as an extra, see if you can make it live. If it's not one you want to keep and grow, you could allways use it in the next RR! Have fun tomorrow picking out the ones you will keep. Can't wait to hear what they will be.

Thanks for all the happy thoughts, I just survived my first day and OH ARE MY FEET KILLING ME! I aint' as young as last time I did a job like this :~) but I am so grateful for it.

Have a great night! God bless -joanne

Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Joanne - I am not partaking in the round robin this time, as my time is stretched to the max right now. I too just started a new job, and while my feet aren't killing me, I do have "sore butt"!! My job seems to be the reverse of yours, it's a desk job, and I don't think I have EVER been so incredibly bored in my entire life!! I don't do bored well. I was used to field work before, and by 3:30 in my 8 - 5 day, just can't bring myself to open another file...I am a people person, not a paper person...sigh!

Just wanted to say congratulations on your new job, let you know I completely understand about "adjusting" to something you haven't done in a while, as well as being grateful for new opportunities.

Cheers to you and your new start.


Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Sorry I posted twice


This message was edited Sep 17, 2007 5:14 PM

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

The box left here this morning. Everything has been watered and given some fresh air.

The yellow cutting was a Bella and I think that it is gone. all the leaves fell off. I do have it in some Superthrive and going to put it in a pot to root. There were 2 others that looked wilted Karen and I agreed that I should pull them out.

The ones that I took out for the trade were
Hoya imperialis
Var. multiflora
IML 0831 HSP DMC 1622
Australis ssp Keysii
and the one that Karen said was so fragrant the h. loherri

I accidentally kept one of Karens,the Heart shaped leaf Kerii, Still trying to decide what to do about that.

Hey, What about this?
Why don't I work with the three weak ones and see if they will perk up. Start rooting Karens Heart shapped Kerii. As more plants get weak from the trip know that these 4 are still available to be sent out any time along the trip.

Got to run for now. That makes me feel better that I might can get them back in circulation.


This message was edited Oct 6, 2007 10:29 PM

Philomath, OR

Betty, I hope you got some you liked!

Karen, when the box gets to you dmail me if we need a bunch of new cuttings sent out (for unhealthy cuttings, wilted beyond repair, no leaves...just unhealthy). You could send the cuttings still in good shape to Hoya24 and I could send a box of new ones to Hoya24. H24 could then combine the 2. What do you all think? Have a great night, I will check this in the morning.

God bless, -joanne

Aberdeen, NC

There are a bunch of fresh cuttings in the box. I restocked it well and I know Betty added a bunch in, too. Hopefully, the box won't need to be restocked. I can't wait to see where all these plants end up at. It is so much fun seeing this box make its rounds.

Charlotte, NC

If you're looking for volunteers to be the very last stop for the RR box... *HAND RAISED* LOL

After reading about all these wonderful cuttings I wish so much that I had enough plants to have taken part. Ya'll have to promise to give this another go next year after I've had some new growth in the spring.

I just got my very last (only the second for the year) box of trades for 07' and they weren't Hoyas :) I don't know if any of you caught the post a week or so back about trading Hoyas for Houseplants but... I'm now the proud owner of over a dozen types of Gesneriads and assorted other wonders :) I've never so much as owned an African Violet and now I look like I've been collecting them for years :) Don't worry, any time I spend away from here and in the Gesneriads Forum will be compensated for... The woman I traded with and sent my Hoyas to said she loves them so I'm sure we'll see a new face around here before too long!

We need more pictures! Please please please. There are just too many names being thrown around and I have no clue what most of these Hoyas look like. It's good to hear that the box has fared well and that the cuttings are doing equally as well. It's to be expected that a few get tossed along the way but it sounds as if there are plenty of you volunteering replacement cuts.

-Andrew (anxiously awaiting more pictures)

Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

I think since everyone (so far) has added a bunch of "extras", we shouldn't have a problem with having to replace cuttings. But Joanne...that is so kind of you to even offer that! You have enough to do with your new job, and you've done so much don't even worry about sending out MORE cuttings! And if for some reason the cuttings dwindle down, I'm sure we'll continue to get "extras" along the way. I wonder how many cuttings are in the box now? Anyone have an idea? I'm just thinking that if everyone keeps adding "extras", the box will weigh 500 pounds by the last person!

This is really exciting to see what hoyas are being circulated throughout this RR. Thanks to everyone for updating us so that our interest can be fed...and thanks to everyone for being so prompt with shipping the box and helpful with rehydrating the cuttings. You're all great!


Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Well said, Gabi, I agree!!

Karen - who is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the box - YIPEEEEE!!!

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Sorry for the confusion, I just talked about the few little tired ones. LOL
There are plenty of beautiful, healthy cuttings. All different. I didn't count but would say close to 30.
I'll try to post pictures tomorrow.

Prescott, AZ

Nice selections Betty. I bet it was awesome ripping into that box and going through all kinds of cuttings. I bet they enjoyed their nice soaking. Can't wait to see there photo's.

Tami..... patiently waiting for the box to arrive at her doorstep

Aberdeen, NC

Wait until you see the box, Tami. There are so many different leaves, sizes, and colors to chose from--and some very unusual ones. You are going to have a hard time deciding which ones to keep and pass on.

Joanne, you have done so much to get this RR going and thank you for offering to send the Red Cross along the way. There are plenty of hoyas in the box to chose from. Remember we were only thinking of about 10 cuttings and a couple extras for the box.. Somehow through the travels, the box now has close to 30 hoyas to choose from and all different.

Enjoying the box as it makes it rounds. Can't wait for Tami to get it.....

Philomath, OR

This hoya group is so fantastic! I'm off to bed now, can't seem to spell. Sweet dreams in the daytime.... =joanne

Prescott, AZ

Woo Hoo Karen, I can't wait for Tami to get it either!! Your descriptions of the different leaves, sizes and colors, sent me into a little tinge of anxiety !!!! I am one of the most impatient people you will ever meet. I have all the hoya's that I am going to cut and place in the box all pulled out and lined up in the GH, vines untwined and hanging ready to be snipped. Name tags ready..... You guessed it, I am alot OCD... HURRY......

On a more dreadful note it was 39 here last night. You could def. notice a crispness in the air yesterday. I pulled all the hoya's that I could in the GH last night and left the carnosa's outside, but today I have to get busy and get everyone in and pull all the cacti closer to the GH so they can go in at night to. Winter and I don't get along to well, and it's time to head south to the border !!!

Tami, tapping fingers on desk waitting on the arrival of potential new hoya babies.

Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

WooHoooooo - Christmas in Illinois!!!!.....more later!


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