Anyone interested in a Round Robbin?

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Joanne I don't see my name.


Knoxville, TN

Joanne, If you do not end up with 10 nice cuttings OR if you do not end up with at least a few that are new to you, please let me know as I will remedy that! I will also help if a new box needs to go out. I would like to think that everyone will be considerate of the next recipient on the list and replacement cuttings will be of equal value. Besides, a bad egg in the round robin will be evident as we track the box of cuttings.
Thanks both for your generosity and your effort arranging this!

Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

At this point in the game,I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think I am going to have to withdraw from this one. I just have too much going on right now and my mom is ill again.

So if it's not too late Joanne please remove me from the list.


This message was edited Aug 31, 2007 10:18 PM

Philomath, OR

Mel, thank you! What a great group of people this is.

David, TOTALY understand. Maybe in the spring things will be less crazy for you. Lots of prayers going "Moms" way. Remember to be good to yourself too. God bless, -joanne

Philomath, OR

Ok, I have updated the list. We have 19 people which is great! talk to you all later! -joanne

Dededo, Guam (USA)

Howd ya git a bad robin agg inta box a cuttins? And how kin ya trek one ifn ya do get a bad un


Philomath, OR


Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I think RER is referring to Mels post concerning the bad egg in our Round Robin trade.


Dededo, Guam (USA)

purtty dern smurt aint ya!!!

lotts us ainto got no spensive hoyes like some yall and cant ford to stik no hunderd doller hoy in dat bex youns is bout ta send round in plunnder in. Thet gal should be made to splain hernsilf what sha ment by a bad robyn agg been evydint wenshe gonaa trek thet boxe. how she gone trek it nywey she seykik er sompem.

Whet getting reddy to hapnen is 3 yall bouts to get thet box mongst yournself and pix out sum spensive hoys in thems who aint got no hynderd dolir uns is gon gita bad rubin aeg. dern i het robyn ags.


Knoxville, TN

I see joined Daves garden today. It is interesting that your user name matches my post. Who would have ever thought that could happen?
You might find the "multiple personality" forum helpful!

Hoyas are allot like junk. One mans junk is another mans treasure. There was a time when my most wanted Hoya was a kerri. Despite what many people think, vaule is not always measured in dollars.

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

Well, since I see the point has been broached by multiple people here, I am going to point out, openly, that most of my Hoyas that are large enough to share are the more common ones (pubicalyx, wayettii, etc.).

I am getting the sense, having gone back and re-read some of the previous posts, that there is an expectation of only the more exotic plant cuttings to be included in this round robin.

I personally would prefer to not become the object of crass and scurrilous gossip by fellow forum members (beyond the usual) because I put in some cuttings in that others might feel are beneath their expectations - I guarantee you that most of the cuttings I will put in will be more common, with only a few being the more exotic.

I am sure the discussions were not meant to make others feel badly about themselves or their Hoya collections, but they certainly did cause me a moment of pause. I personally would welcome a plain old carnosa since I actually don't have one (I have a few cultivars).

Given that I will not have a tremendous number of more exotic cuttings to put into the round robin box, I think it best if I remove myself from the round robin list. I am not doing this to be dramatic or to make anyone feel badly about their own wants. I am simply being proactive and honest with myself and the participants in this round robin.


Brownsville, KY(Zone 6a)

Ann, thank you for posting how you feel openly. I have also been feeling an undertone or current that I am not comfortable with regarding expectations of others.

Joanne, please withdraw my name from the round robin.


San Francisco, CA

Wait a minute- something is seeming off here. This started off as really fun, but has gotten a judgemental element.
I'll just speak plainly, and anyone who wishes can of course chime in and tell me I am off-base or being mean, if they want.
Jen, I'm afraid you were being bossy. You aren't even involved in the round robin, and so needn't have chimed in on how things should be done and what is acceptable and what isn't. Sharing is encouraged, judgement is not.
RottenEggRobin, are you for real? I don't judge people for how they speak, but your posts seem highly artificial and disingenuous, and I suspect you are just trying to waste people's time.
Ann, please rejoin the robin and let's not let bad eggs dictate the direction of the forum or our participation in it.

Edited to say- "and Shirley too", since again great minds were posting alike!

This message was edited Sep 2, 2007 11:08 AM

Long Beach, CA

I am not involved in this this time, so I hope it is OK to chime in here, but I think what is wrong here is just a bit of mis communication. I'm sure what Joanne meant by "bad cuttings" were ones that had rotted in transit. Not inferior cuttings. And the "bad egg" reference was not meant to be directed at any one for the type of cuttings being put in or exchanged.
I agree Mark that RER seems a bit suspicious, and I think they are trying to stir up something here.
Everyone has already stated that carnosa, pubicalyx, or any other common cutting is fine and appreciated too as everyone can use a few more or different ones anyway. It is all in the fun of the game. No since making it a cause for distension.
I still think there is major mis communication here, and that no one is really meaning to make rules about types of cuttings.
Just my take on this trouble.

San Francisco, CA

I think I took Joannes "bad cuttings" correctly, I hope you (Joanne) don't think anyone was referring to you, as we all know you are not a hoya snob. :)

Philomath, OR

Well this was not fun to come home to.

I meant rotten, wilted, etc-- Cuttings that will not grow or root-- Cuttings that have been in the box too long. That is it. I am the last one on the list so if I get all pubicalyx or carnosa cuttings then I am going to have the bigest best most full baskets. Yea! and I will think of all who participated in this RR with a smile as my huge pots grow and bloom.

I started this as a fun idea. If you all want out let me know. I still think it will be fun for those who participate.

I am putting in some less common, harder to find hoyas, not because I am a hoya snob, but because I have some to share and instead of selling them on eBay, I thought this might be a fun way to share.

As for RER..... I don't even know what to say. If you are for real, welcome to the forum. Read and learn.

Ann, totaly understand, but I do want you to notice that I am the one who started this and my idea was just to have fun. I have never said "NO CARNOSA" or anything else. I love my hoyas and I love all I get and give.

Unless I get a lot of dmail saying "take me off the RR" then I will send this out as planned on Tuesday. I will be posting the "rules" tomorrow. the rules will only be like stated above, pest free, 2 node minimum, quick turn a round (getting the box back in the mail to the next person), no duplicates etc........

I hope you all still want to play. If not, that's ok too. Take care All and God bless. -joanne

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I am new to hoyas.............wouldn't even know what an "equal value" means............don't think I want to participate................ya'll have fun................I have 12 cultivars...................but wil trade with friends on other forums......

Philomath, OR

gessiegail, where do you get this "equal value" thing? Equal value as far as I am concerned is another cutting that is healthy and bug free. PERIOD. I hope that makes it more clear.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I couldn't help but notice that someone (don't remember) said be sure to put something of equal value back in....................I am just being a smart alec.............sorry as I don't have time anyway........shouldn't have caused you any more grief................

Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi guys,
Wow. I think we all need to take a deep breath! Here are some of my thoughts on the matter...

Firstly, Joanne - you have been so gracious and helpful in this FUN (yes guys, FUN) experience. I just wanted to say that :)

Second, I do agree that some people should not have said anything about common hoyas. Who cares? I think we are starting to take this too seriously. As stated above, nobody really seems to care about getting common hoyas. Besides, the chances of having an entire boxful of common hoyas are rare. And you know what? If you get a box with nothing in it that you want, the biggest loss is about $5 for shipping. Worth the risk to me!

Third, if you don't want to take a chance of getting common hoyas, then don't participate. There is no need to make rules about whether carnosas or pubicalyx should be included or not! Remember, we all started somewhere. I'm looking forward to *getting* some new hoyas, but I'm looking MORE forward to *giving* hoyas that someone may want. For those that feel ashamed of sending "common" hoyas...DON'T!! I, for one, wouldn't mind at all :)

And finally, RER is definitely a member on here. I wonder if the DG administrators can link the account to a current member. Either way, it's someone that wanted to remain anonymous. I find it ridiculous that this person feels so ashamed that they have to make up a new member name! Just say what you feel under your regular name.

Ok...that's all I have to say!
Oh, and Joanne - I am still in! And I'm looking forward to the FUN!


Prescott, AZ

Very well put Gabi. Joanne, I so appreciate your efforts and I am still in as well. Party on and get that box a rolling :)

New Caney, TX

I'm still in and I have set aside several I can put in that I think many might not have. If so well I did what I could. I'm so sorry that RER has made something into nothing. Its just weird to me and I think Dave's could turn us onto who it really is. Timing is really weird. Why make something out of nothing. Lets just have fun.


San Francisco, CA

Hmmn, I looked back on the posts and saw where the name "RottenEggRobin" came from, which I missed before. I suppose someone's joke, and actually it is kind of funny. Expensive joke though, doesn't it cost $25 to join DG?
Anyway, RER, I am having that picture on your other thread analyzed at SFCSI, and will soon have your state and county pinpointed through the species of cedar used to build that fence and the manufacturer of that apple basket. You can't hide!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I am really disappointed that I can't participate because of my being out of state...and I am delighted to see everyone joining in who didn't join in the Secret Hoya Swap. GREAT!!! This is what a group of friends are all

Now...carnosas and pubicalyx may be common to MOST people, but I get orders all of the time for Hindu Rope, H. carnosa, and a number of the H. pubicalyx. Common to whom? I was recently gifted with a cutting of a 40 year old H. carnosa and do you know how thrilled I am!!!! There is a good chance it is pure, unspoiled, a CLASSIC before seedlings and sports are sold as who-knows-what. THERE IS NO SUCH THING as a common hoya - common to whom and where????

We hobbyists (and yes, I AM a hobbyist) should be delighted with everything we are gifted (even if they are NOT hoyas): if you already have them they make wonderful hostess gifts, birthday gifts, fodder for another exchange...whatever!!!!

I read what Joanne said as meaning no old split woody cuttings, no tip cuttings not mature enough to propagate etc. Joanne...this RR - in spite of the eggs - will get off the ground and it will be fun!!! I really wish I could do it too!!!

Carol (not in Guam)

Knoxville, TN

WOW, I am sorry this has gotten out of hand and people started taking posts personally. I read nothing other than generosity in Joannes' posts. It appears that RGR suceeded in throwing a bad egg in the robin, which is too bad. Lets just rock on and have fun!!!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I'm relatively new to hoyas(1 year) and where there are common hoyas there aren't common friends and just the fact that the cuttings come from one of yall it will be most cherished!!!

I'm in!!!


P.S. RER I pray that none of this was intentional and just a misunderstanding on your part. With all this said Welcome to the Hoya forum.

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Like I said on my original post "I am Pretty new to Hoyas here but would love to play. I think I have enough to be fun"
I haven't counted the Hoyas that I have but my favorite is a Carnosa that I bought at Lowes from a nice man maybe 15 or 20 years ago. It was in a little hanging basket and now is huge. I remember his face and the first Chocolate scented blooms. That is one plant that I would cry if I lost.

Second favorites are a huge group that were gifts from my dear friend Horsewoman. :~)) I think of her every time I look at the beautiful blooms and smell the fragrance. I know some of those were very expensive, but these are really special to me because they came from her.

Grandmother always taught me that her favorite part of gardening was sharing whatever she had. I started to back out yesterday because I may not have the best plants to share. But, I would love to be able to say This Carnosa came for my friend Joanne in Oregon and this H. pubicalyx was from my friend Gabi in NY and so on.

Count me in.

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

So well said everyone! I was getting a bit nervous about what I had to share but I figured "sharing" was the key!! That was what I read in Joanne's first post with her generously offering to start this robin with some great cuttings she wanted to share instead of profit from! I have now been reminded of that by all the wonderful and well worded posts that have come in since yesterday! Thanks to all those for making this such a fun and exciting prospect again!


Long Beach, CA

I knew the LOVE would shine through and win in the end. This is such a great forum of GOOD people.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I couldn't agree more..........DGers are the best!!!!!!!!!!

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

I agree that the point was to have fun, but when my fellow members suggest that the bad egg (someone who puts in cuttings considered of lesser value by some) will be evident because members of the robin will be tracking the box, I felt it necessary to no longer participate. Frankly, I found that kind of exclusionary talk far more offensive than some jokester's pot-stirring.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I'd like to participate if there's still room, but would need to be toward the end as our weather here is still very hot!

Edited because apparently I can't spell 'if'

This message was edited Sep 3, 2007 10:05 AM

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

I was a member of a tropical fish club for years, and the woman who ran it said it is really not about the fish; it is about the people. She said that it was about meeting new friends who have common interests, sharing, and developing long lasting relationships. She was so right. Plants will come and go, but it is the friends that we make along the way that really matter. I'm looking forward to this round robin, and I'm sure that we will have a good time doing it.


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Hello everyone.
I just want to express my thoughts about RER attitude.

First it seams to me, that is someone that has no life other than envy what others have.

Second don’t let it bother you, he/she is a coward you don’t insult people and hide your name.

Third I know he/she is lying, his/her profile says the current time for her/him is 5:29 PM ( here in Austin central time is 4:29pm Monday Sep 3) well, it is 7:29 AM — Tue, Sep, 4. In Dededo Guam

You can check it here

I think Dave should cancel the membership and all of you go ahead and have fun with the your Round Robbin. By the way, next time I’ll join you.

Take care and just ignore her/him.
Lourdes =)
Edited to add Dededo Guam

This message was edited Sep 3, 2007 4:31 PM

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I don't think RER will be back...and I think I know who she was. Lourdes is to brush it off and continue....

Aberdeen, NC

Looking forward to this Round Robin. It is going to be fun getting the box and sending it off with some new cuttings added. When you think of all the cuttings finding new homes and scattered across this country, it is going to be amazing. I will wonder where some of my cuttings will end up--CA, VT, FL who knows where! LOL That is going to be part of the fun. And I agree with Picabo, plants are for sharing.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

So glad everyone is back onboard!!! This is gonna be fun.


Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Just got home - I'm still in! This will be fun!


Philomath, OR

Hello Friends! I am glad that this box will be going in the mail tomorrow. I thank everyone for their thoughts and comments. I still believe this will be fun. I will start the box off with at least 15 cuttings or plants so if one or two go bad (wilt, melt, look unhealthy or just don't look like they will root) we have at least 10 to choose from.

Here are the rules:

Open the box :~)

take out the cuttings you like

Replace the cuttings or plants you take out with the same number you took.
(if you take none, just put the box back in the mail and thank you for playing :~)
(if you take 1, 2, 3 or 5, then put the same number back in the box)

Minimum 2 node cuttings

No duplicate cuttings. For example: if there is a H. fungii cutting in the box you cant use a cutting from your H. fungii plant to replace what you took out. We want to keep each cutting a different hoya so there is more to choose from.

Wrap the cut end in a damp paper towl or spagnum moss and put a baggie or plastic wrap around the damp towl or moss.

LABEL ALL PLANTS in what ever manner works for you. I write on a leaf and on the plastic bag.

No NOID hoyas. Sorry for excluding the poor little noids......

Healthy, pest free cuttings or small plants you would like to get in the mail.

Try not to send "old growth" cuttings if possible since they seem to harder to root.

Quick turn-a-round. I am praying for a one to two days at each home. If possible try to get them back in the mail the same day. Yes, I know that is not possible in a lot of cases, but the quicker the better for the cuttings. Just do your best :~)

Post when you get the box. Post what you took out of the box and who it's off to next.

DO NOT post what you put in the box. That way we are each surprised.

There are sticky labels and a list of participats that will go into the box. Make SURE that they are both in the box when it's mailed to the next person. I will put it in a ziploc baggie for safe keeping. Just take the label off the top and stick it to the box and mail it.

Simple, fun.

If I have forgotten anything important please dmail me or just post it hear.

I want to thank you all for your participation. Lets all remember that this is for fun not gain in plants but gain in friendships.

EDITED TO ADD: Due to generous souls, there may be hoyas that are labeled "extra". These are freebies. You make take one or two and don't have to replace them with another cutting!

This message was edited Sep 3, 2007 8:47 PM

This message was edited Sep 3, 2007 8:49 PM

This message was edited Sep 3, 2007 8:58 PM

This message was edited Sep 4, 2007 8:25 AM

Philomath, OR

These are the people signed up for the RR. In no particular order:

If I have forgotten anyone or if you want off the list post here or dmail me. Otherwise, this is how it stands. The order will not be the same as it is listed here. There are 3 people who will be out of town in month of September so I am trying to accommodate them. Other than that I am drawing randomly. I will post the order when I have mailed the box. Yea! i CAN'T WAIT!

God bless, -joanne

This message was edited Sep 3, 2007 9:28 PM

This message was edited Sep 3, 2007 9:54 PM

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