Newbies, Delurk!

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

The first newbie to Dmail me with interest will be mailed an assortment of houseplant cuttings(for pre-paid PayPal postage) next week(or whenever we can work it out!). These are pieces that have broken off during the summer and are currently growing in water. Some are rooted, some are not. Most are small. I have Satin Pothos, Neon Pothos, Philodendron Scandens Aureum, Philodendron Brasil, Rhoeo Spathacea, Variegated Rhoeo Spathacea, Schlumbergera Truncata(NOID), Sansevieria(it's the one that looks like fingers, the name escapes me at this time!), Episcia 'Pink Panther', Chlorophytum Comosum babies(Spider Plant), Aeschynanthus Radicans(Lipstick Plant). If anything else pops up, I'll put it in the box too.

I will be mailing out trades next week and want to go ahead and get rid of these at the same time. Why am I doing this? Because I've been shown so much kindness by other gardeners over these past few years, both here and elsewhere, that I want to return the favor whenever possible. I've been blessed with lots of plants and I want to pass it on.

Thanks for reading!

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Drinnian has responded....thanks so much!

The offer is now closed.

(Zone 1)

Congratulations to Drinnian! You will love the plants you receive from Growhappy!!

Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

I think its wonderful that Growhappy is willing to give cuttings of such great plants to a newbie! And what an amazing variety of easy to grow babies too! You've got a great start now, and this will no doubt addict you to house plants permanently! Be prepared for a major, wonderful change in your life! Congrats! And we expect to see regular postings of your growing babies.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That was very generous!

El Paso, TX(Zone 8a)

I'll be sure to post pictures. :o) It really was such a generous offer. Hopefully, once I've had houseplants long enough to get some good rooted cuttings, I can pay it forward!

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