Marlton, NJ

LOL, Murmur your so funny!

Maybe he's out birding again.

He's been around but not today.

This message was edited Aug 20, 2007 4:58 PM

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Juv. Coopers for me too!


Marlton, NJ

Hi Resin!

Dave, I wouldn't feel bad about misidentifying a Hawk. I personally think many of the photos on some Bird info sites are really crummy and that makes it even more confusing. Hawks aren't easy. Your pic is great!

Klamath River, CA

if only Goldfinch were really gold.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA

well..........maybe in a way they are.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Whew - Resin's okay!

Adel, great wingspread photo!

Marlton, NJ

Nice pics adel!

Klamath River, CA

The young Towhees are getting thier adult plumage

Thumbnail by adelbertcat

He got closer today.

Thumbnail by
Marlton, NJ

Nice shot Frank!

Brainerd, MN

Murmur - I have not had a chance to catch up on everybody's birds. All fabulous. That feeder you have with the extended hand...genius!

I had six Orioles fighting over a half dish of grape jelly this evening. I was gone for the day and didn't load up on the jelly before I left. Good grief!

Marlton, NJ

That is a nice feeder ( Murmurs). I have the same one but mine doesn't look as good because the squirrels got a hold of it several times knocking it down breaking some of the fingers off.

Klamath River, CA

some thing different.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA

#2 sorry, messed up here and posted the same pic twice.

This message was edited Aug 22, 2007 9:24 AM

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA

and lastly.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Great pics! We don't get to see those here.

While we're off topic, here's one that I think is neat (boy, does that word date me?) http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/fp.php?pid=3882378

Marlton, NJ

Very cute; or should I say cool? :-)

Klamath River, CA

This guy has been visiting us since he was a fawn. Right behind where the first pic was taken is a couple of old apple trees and he likes to check them out frequently. He doesn't normally come out in the open as much as he did this time.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I would love seeing them grow up. Is he much of a pest? I understand they can be.

Klamath River, CA

So far he hasn't done too much damage. He hasn't got into the vegatable garden so far. He ate on the new Lilacs once, but hasn't bothered them since. Don't try to grow Roses if you have deer. I think where I'm lucky is there is plenty to eat around here. Back in the Sixties I lived in an area where I had 22 deer on my front yard every night. My lawn was the only green thing around. I tried to grow some flowers when I first moved there, but gave that up as a lost cause.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Yes, my s-i-l has that problem - the live in the mountains near Yosemite. They wipe out her flower garden all the time. She's been redesigning things to be easier and more long lasting. The latest change is a dry stream with a bridge over it. They won't eat the rocks!

Klamath River, CA

Miss Sally Rand...........how many of you admit to being old enough to remember Sally Rand?

Thumbnail by adelbertcat

I am probably old enough and maybe it is alziemers; but I don't remember Sally Rand.

Marlton, NJ

Haha Same here; sounds familiar but......

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

She was a naughty lady.

Klamath River, CA

Sally was a famous fan dancer. She played in movies, but she had a bad lisp and when talkies came about she had to find another way to make a living. For more type in Sally Rand at Google search.

This message was edited Aug 22, 2007 9:19 PM

Marlton, NJ

This thread is getting long, I'll start a new one.

Please go here for new thread.


This message was edited Aug 23, 2007 6:41 AM

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