New puppy photos

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That's too funny! No dogs here, although Eliot always wants to run over to any dogs at the vet... My cousin's dog rescued Eliot (6 wks) from under a bush, and I think he feels everlasting gratitude toward all canines! Eliot and Blake (17 yrs) do wrestle a lot, and at times you'd think somebody was getting killed... Then they separate (by all of 3 feet), take a breath, and start in on each other again!

What does Jello think of cats?

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

I love to watch the critters interact. Better than TV - more economical, too.

I can just imagine the cat in the dog's mouth, and how Eliot and Blake play.

How is Java? What happened with the biopsy?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The lump was mast cell cancer but they got it all with extremely good margins. The incision is healing very well too, which is a great sign. She got her staples out today, which meant she could stop wearing the loathed Elizabethan collar. Now we just have to watch closely for any recurrance of lumps.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm sure you're very alert to such things.
I'm glad it looks like a good prognosis. :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Diane - still saying prayers for our baby!!!

Jill - LOOK at Eliot!!! OMG!!! What cha' feeding the kid?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thankful to hear of Java's good prognosis! :-)

LOL, Chantell... Eliot doesn't even look like a kitten any more, I think he's progressed to "catling!" We left them alone for 48 hours last weekend, put down 2 heaping bowls of kitten chow and 2 bowls of big cat kibble... well, you know both cats like kitten chow... I think they ate 4 cups of kitten chow and about half a cup of big cat kibble between them -- in two days! Jeepers.

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