Best rebloomers for zone 6

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I have my first reblooming iris this summer! I think it is SUGAR BLUES. What are some cultivars that actually rebloom in your garden? Thanks,

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is Daughter Of Stars
other great rebloomers for Me are
Autumn Joy
Baby Blessed
Low Ho Silver

Thumbnail by avmoran
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Boy is that a pretty iris!

It would be particularly appropriate for people who live here where I live since Shenandoah means daughter of the stars.

Here's the legend.

Shenandoah means "Daughter of the Stars"
After the great spirit had made the world, the morning stars came together on the shores of a quiet silver lake bordered with blue mountains, the most beautiful place they could see.

Hovering above the quiet waters and lighting the mountain tops with their robes of fire, the stars sang their songs of joy and pledged to gather here every thousand years.
One time when the stars were singing, there came a mighty crashing! A great rock in the mountain wall tore asunder, and through the deep opening the lake waters began to pour out and rush to the sea.

As time passed the stars looked over the earth for another place to meet. They finally agreed upon a lovely valley through a winding river ran.

Suddenly the stars saw this and realized that the valley had been the bed of their beautiful lake and the blue mountain around it were the same ones upon which they had cast their robes of light in ages past.

The stars were so joyous they placed the brightest jewels from their crowns in the river where they still lie and sparkle. And ever since that day the river and its valley have been called... "The Daughter of the Stars"

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Nice history lesson. I had never heard that.

That is a very beautiful blue!

Athens, OH

I can't wait to see what people post!
And, if by chance anyone has some to trade PLEASE let me know.
I have many types of perennials and tropicals (elephant ears to trade).

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

'Immortality' (my first iris!) reblooms for me, even in its less-desirable, part-shade location in my front bed. This year, it's getting divided and moved to sunnier places!

I picked up several others at the recent local society's rhizome sale that I was told should probably rebloom for me:

Autumn Tryst
Bolder Boulder
Daugher of Stars
Grape Harvest
Over and Over

Quantum Leap, Grand Circle, and Awesome Alex are also listed as rebloomers, but I'm not sure about their doing so around here.

Hey, a little O/T, but I could use some help with information on 3 of the irises I just got. I can't find a link for 'Guenevere's Kiss', 'Tankini', or 'Three Octaves' via Google, and I'd like to have the hybridizer and year for my garden labels. Thanks!

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I know Autumn Tryst and Clarence rebloom here. I have Immortality but have yet to see it rebloom :(

Dusky Challenger is one of my favorites, does anyone have a similar color that reblooms?


Peachland B.C., BC(Zone 5a)

Ambrosia Delight is a first and only rebloomer I have ever had bloom.
It will open in a couple of days, much to my delight. I never expected in my zone 4b to have rebloomers. NEW HOPE.


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Critter sounds like you got a boat load of irises all hybridized from Don Spoon. I believe I have a catalog with pictures of those in it. I'll try to post once I can get them scanned for you.

Here's Guinevere's Kiss from my garden in 2006. It's a dark magenta/maroon.

I've updated plant files with the three irises you needed.

This message was edited Jul 27, 2007 9:47 AM

Thumbnail by Elizabethtown
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

If you want Zone Six rebloom
Beyers, Zurbrigg, Spoon both Don and Ginny, are the best to have on hand
McKnew'd "ROSALIE FIGGE" also reblooms well

I have found few of the west coast rebloomers rebloom for me we just don't have the weather for it.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ooooohhhh, 'Guinevere's Kiss' is prettier than I'd imagined... the fan was just labeled "pink!" Thanks so much for adding those three to PF. Some names are just harder to google than others... I got nothing but swimsuits no matter how many other words I added when searching for 'Tankini'!

Athens, OH

Dear All-
I wanted to tell you all how educational threads like these are and to encourage others to add their info here as well.

I started a similar thread in Aroids for Xanthosoma and several people responded that they are now actively seeking Xanths to add to their collections.

Thanks again, ROX
PS I only have one reblooming irs, Immortality, and when it reblooms I reminesce about Spring all over again!

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I am hoping to vist this lady and see how well how iris are reblooming. She lives about 65 miles away.

Athens, OH

When is a good time to plant reblooming iris?

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I am no expert, but I plant in the Fall. When it is cooler I get more ambious about dividing my daylilies and iris. How about the others that have posted when do you plant?

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Autumn Jester and Forever Blue are reliable rebloomers up here, particularly if you give them extra watering.

Last year I had a siberian rebloom and had another sib rebloom yesterday. Probably because we have had so much rain this year.


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Which sibs did you have rebloom Ginny?

Lebanon, OR

This is a seedling I am working with. Bloomed in May and again now...

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Philadelphia, PA

Very nice Denise.

I'll have to remember that one when it becomes available.

Lebanon, OR

I just registered my first three iris and more coming.
This is Blueberry Sweetie an SDB

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

This is a BB and yes it is both Black and a space age
Black Bull

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

and finally my favorite
Splashed Silk another BB

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Oh my goodness Denise! I've got to have a piece of Splashed Silk to run an east coast trial for you!!!! What's the parentage? Not to sound too desperate but please let me guest it here for you.... please...pleasssseeee...

When will you officially introduce to the market?


Lebanon, OR

Well, Maryland is already taken as Anita Moran will be guesting for the east coast and Robin Shadlow in the middle.

Otherwise I would...honest

choc. Cupcake elainalope is the parentage...

If it increases really well this coming year it will be on the market in 09.

Have several others Snap it Up, REach for the Sky, Kick up your skirt

This is kick up your skirt

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

This is Snap it Up

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

Reach for the sky

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Oh Anita.....I've got your number.....LOL!

I love the looks of Snap it up and Kick up your skirt... it must be an UP kind of year. :-)


Lebanon, OR

Well it does seem that way doesn't it...not what I was going for but a start at getting my name out there.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

What DTF iris you have, Dee. Can't wait for you to release them. Particularly your seedling, the first one here which rebloomed for you.


Lebanon, OR

Thank you inanda. Getting some quite different than expected blooms. Have a brownish one watching and a little little blue one that reblooms as well.


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

But UP is good at getting a new hybridizer out into the field (no pun intended, ok maybe a little) and known. They look really great Dee, hope it all works out for you. But I'm already on the reserve list for Splashed Silk and Snap It Up! :)


Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

And no Roni you can not sneek over and get a piece

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Nice try, Roni!!!

But, Dee, you REALLY need a trial in the hot, humid South, also, don't you???


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I love Spashed Silk, a unique color.

Neil, you are fairly close to my location. Do you have any dependable rebloomers?

Teresa in KY

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Teresa-

Most of my rebloomers start too late and get frozen. Autumn Tryst is a very dependable rebloomer. Also, Lichen, Peach Jam, and Belvi Queen.


Lebanon, OR

Well Neil...

I do need to test in the the middle, west, east, north covered...



Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Well now Anita I heard about the great iris giveaway you are working on so who's to say my shovel won't slip into the new bed? LOL ;)

Neil, how unfair is that! Of course, I know you'd treat it right so you would be a great choice ol' trader ol' buddy ol' pal... ;)


Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Roni-

So NOW I'm your best buddy, huh? LOL


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

LOL anything to try to get some of the BEST and brightest new rhizomes, right Neil... ;-)

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Roni You Are Bad
Just Bad

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