Dieting by the moon- begins August 4th

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

thanks Susan - I don't really think I broke the hip - but I bruised it deeply I'm sure. Hope your headache passed without too much discomfort - what a sweet DH

I'm on week two of my eating plan - down 4# - water weight but I'll take it. I'm with all of you going through sugar withdrawal -its tough.

wondering if Dovey has arrived at her new home?

~~~~waving to everyone on the team~~~~~


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

They left 2 weeks ago today, so surely we will hear something from her soon...They may be in temporary housing on base... I do know she said she had a laptop that was very slow but she could get on with it...If its wireless, she may be able to find a WiFi place if nothing else...

(Zone 7a)

I've gotta admit that I never "got on the wagon", but hope to do better today. Taking one day at a time right now. Catherine, hope your hip improves. I01, is it okay to giggle here? Knowing I wasn't the only one having trouble getting on the wagon helped me to chime in today. Seriously, this is major headache weather and I hope you feel better.

I have a lot of disorders for which some people have been helped by an antiflammatory diet. So, that will be my twist on losing weight. I'll share what I find out and experience as I go.

I found a website with a great collection of health-oriented recipes - not necessarily to lose weight, but if I just eat healthier, I know I'll lose weight. It's Dr. Andrew Weil:

There's a lot of information in addition to these recipes

Many thanks to all for being so inspiring


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Well, I've lost a few pounds! I know I need to make some major changes, and I know if I try to make them all at once the entire effort will be futile. So far, I've given up soda entirely and am staying away from sweets. bluespiral is right -- if we focus on what is healthy, the weight loss is bound to come. I look at it, and if it has no nutritional value, I don't eat it. (This allows me the occasional oatmeal cookie...) As soon as this really is part of my lifestyle in general, I'll add the next step.

Soda was really hard for me, and I saw someone drinking a Dr. Pepper yesterday and just yearned for one. But I'm really invested in this now. I keep iced herbal tea in the icebox -- the iced tea maker is the best small appliance investment I've made. Luckily I never did like sweet tea, but I do grow stevia if that becomes necessary.

One good thing to remember is that, when you feel hungry, there's a good possibility you're really thirsty instead. So drink some tea or water and busy yourself with something. And NEVER beat yourself up for eating a Snickers. Okay, you shouldn't do it, but enjoy it and go on from there.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

I'd be interested in your findings on the antiinflamatory diet. Sounds like so
mething I need.

Thanks for reminding me about the thirsty vs hungry thing. You are a great inspiration!

Where are you? Come back. How are you doing?

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Not doing well at all - life has been extra stressful (well, I know, everyone's is!!) and I handle that by eating - the wrong stuff. So the pound I lost is back plus a couple. I'll get back to it, though.

Congrats to those who are doing well and also to those who are hanging in there!!!!

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Hi Murmur,
Good to hear from you.

I can certainly understand eating stress away. have been doing it for years. Dont feel bad, _HIT happens! I'm sure when you are ready you'll pick it up again and move forward.
Sometimes just thinking about it as a "diet" is stressful so I just try to make better choices and hope those little baby steps help.
I hope things get better and I wish you peace and tranquility.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Sending you all kinds of good thoughts, Murmur! Hang in there. If food is comfort, that's all there is to it. Sometimes comfort is a lot more important than other things.

Mea culpa, I got a SMALL Dr. Pepper at lunch. And you know something? After not having had one for two weeks, I didn't much care for it! Hmmm... I neglected to bring tea to work with me. That has to be a rule!

Just checking in today. Haven't lost any but no gain. :) I've been drinking lots more water so that's a big improvement. I don't drink sodas so that's not a problem for me. When I do, I drink Diet Rite. I can keep one in the frig for 2 or 3 days, though ... just sipping on it. Just don't seem to be adicted to them. But my coffee is another thing. I must have my latte in the afternoon. I don't do all that junk in it, though, so that's a plus. I've found a really good breakfast bar by mistake. Can't remember the name so will check and post later. I usually buy Koshi but the store I went to didn't have them this time. :-( I have a confession to make, though. I still haven't gotten on my treadmill. I know I know. Please send the 2X4.

Karen, I already had that link in my favs and am going back to refresh my memory on why I have it there. I must be on brain overload. Thanks for bringing it to my attention again. :)

Okay, gotta go. Can't seem to find time to exercise ... it's all Dave's fault!! LOL

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Want a cookie?

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Not too far from touting Oreos as the new health food! YAY! The article mentions one of the behaviors I'm trying to modify -- get two cookies from the bag instead of bringing the bag over to the couch! Every little bit helps.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Me Too. Minus the trans fats is a big plus.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello all...back from vacation (last weekend). Didn't blow it completely...well, except for that one buffet bar....ugh!! Hard to pass up fried Sea Scallops...and how!!! Back to the healthy choice lunches and stocking the cupboard for dinners so I don't hit the local pizza place. A bar I found that I love is the FiberOne bar - it's a good "help with the 4:00 starvation" that hits daily before I can even think of leaving work, let alone make dinner. Costco has the huge box of them!

This message was edited Aug 24, 2007 3:20 PM

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Wow! Sounds good. I'm off to Costco's!

Hi y'all
Still here and still having puter probs. Am reading but can't post much. I'm hanging in here ... not giving in to temptation much. LOL Don't forget about me. I'll be back when I get this mess straightened out

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Hang in there, IO1.

And everybody else, too!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I have finally made it back on line, it's hard to catch up on all the threads I'm watching and/or participating in, but I'm making a gallant effort over the next few days.

We have moved into our new house and lucky for my diet it's two story. (and laundry in the basement)
Right now my exercise program is a vow I made to go upstairs to use the bathroom, it may sound very silly, or not like very much, but you'd be surprised.
I didn't think I would make any progress while we were traveling or when we first arrived because all I did was sit in the car, sit in the hotel room and eat takeout food. I was happy to see (I weighted yesterday) that I've lose about 4 lbs. Maybe it's the heat, maybe the moon, maybe the stairs... regardless I'm happy to have made any progress.

I suppose another good thing is that my mother is has arrived and I'm watching out for her diet because she's a diabetic... keeping her on several small meals a day has helped me to regulate how I eat also.

I feel quite hopeful and even though I didn't have a concrete plan when I began I figured the whole moon thing may make the difference... so far it seems so.

Cheers to everyone, keep at it

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hey, I just found this thread - can I join ya'll and try and lose some excess baggage? We can just pretend I started on the 4th. Actually I started on June 28th when my DH had a small heart attack (he is fine.) We both decided then and there to really watch what we eat. White foods and processed foods have gone out the window and it is working but very slowly for me. I have lost 8 lbs. total and DH is losing 2 1/2 lbs. per week. Not fair!!!!
I have discovered King Arthur White Whole Wheat flour and it makes a lighter, but still heavy on the fiber, bread. I used it the other day to make dough for pizza which DH says he wants once a month. It turned out OK. DH's dietician in the cardiac rehab program stresses increased fiber for weight control and cholesterol. She also says eat a big breakfast. I have always eaten the steel cut oatmeal and DH has decided a pancake recipe from the South Beach Diet book is his favorite; it has oatmeal, lowfat cottage cheese. egg whites, cinnamon and vanilla.
It has been too hot and muggy here to do a lot of walking or other exercise but the temp is dropping and I hope, with your encouragement, to start doing something to get the heart pumping. I have about 30 lbs to go.

Dovey, good to hear you are getting settled. Getting your roses in the ground should be as good as going upstairs to the loo. ;-0

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

dovey, things such as adding an upstairs trip when you need to go to the little gardener's room is EXACTLY what's going to do it. We took our time putting on the weight, and little adjustments that we can stick with are key to losing it. It may take me two years to lose 30 pounds, but if I don't work at it now, how much will I weigh in two years!?!?!

ardesia, men just seem to have a higher metabolic rate than women. Ticks me off royally -- especially when my all-bone-and-gristle-and-muscle brother deems it necessary to mention I could lose some weight. grrrrrrr...

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Dovey, great ideas!!

Ardesia, welcome!! So glad your DH is okay.

I'm still too stretched in too many directions to do much about "dieting" per se, but I'm not doing too badly. Walking the floor a bit with a new little granddaughter helps some, and doing some housework for DD is good. But I'm still not moving around as much as usual so I feel sluggish. I'm home for a couple days, then off to be with DD again and take DGS to school on Tuesday.

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

well, happy Labor Day everyone...

My one month loss is an average of 8 lbs...despite the slip with the birthday cake. My weight fluctuates wildly certain times of the month regardless of how well I've stuck to my eating plan.
My exercise level is still much too low but I'm hoping cool Fall temps will spur me to action.

I need to guard against snacking on my eating plan - DH brings all manner of temptations into the house that are definite no-no's for me. I haven't been entirely successful with eliminating sugar....some times I MUST have chocolate....Meal boredom and cooking laziness jeopardize my success...must plan ahead better.

DH and I are planning a trip to Alaska next May...I'd really like to be 40 lbs lighter by then.

Anyone have any experience with resistance bands or those balance balls? Any tips?

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday today


Oh wow congrats on that ## weight loss Catherine!! Wish I could say I've had such success but no cigar. LOL I can say I haven't gained, though, so I guess that's a plus? I too need to do better with the exercise. I don't have any advice with the ball or bands. I bought one of the bands from WM a couple of years ago, but it was waaay too long for me ... I'm 5 ft 1 if I'm lucky. I had to tie knots in it and still wasn't please so gave it up. I also love chocolate and still have my lattes. Those are my big weaknesses, though. I don't do a lot of juncking, and we eat fairly healthy. I'm not going to beat myself up for that. Will try to exercise more and drink more water. Good luck to everyone and eat healthy!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

According to the scales I have already plateaued (is that a word?) but a neighbor just told me I looked like I have lost weight. That is the best compliment I could ever have.
I have not been drinking enough water, hopefully I can do better in that area.

I have an exercise ball which was prescribed by a PT for a problem with my feet. I sit and bounce and it has improved my balance and my feet too. It is an easy enough regimen to follow as you sort of forget you are doing it if you are watching TV or sitting at the computer. It has not helped me lose weight - I don't think - but it can't hurt and it probably does help to firm up the abs.

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

~~~~waving to everyone~~~~

Susan, I'm a foot taller than you (!!!) and I suspect I have a lot more lbs to lose too...the old adage, 'you can carry the lbs because you're tall' was never true, lol.

Ardesia, I could use some work on balance too. Don't mean to be nosey, but how did the ball help your feet...I've noticed more and more foot pain as I get older but just figured it goes with the territory.

my motto for September is *water* *water* *water*


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, it does sound strange doesn't it? I have Plantar Fasciitis and heel spurs and it seems there is a connection between strong abdominal muscles and stronger arches in your feet. I didn't believe it at first but I quickly noticed if I was walking through one of those huge stores with the concrete floors like WalMart or Home Depot and my feet started to bother me that if I would stop and pull in the gut and pay attention to my posture my feet would hurt less.

Hope everyone has a good day .

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Ardesia, can a person plateau after only losing 4 pounds?
Cuz I think I'm living on Chang Tang!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)


I know prepared foods are not the best thing to eat when trying to stick to a diet plan, but when I'm home alone at lunch I need something fast that's reasonably healthy or I just won't eat. Have any of you tried the "Amy's" or "Kashi" frozen dinners? They are very good. I love the Kashi bars and cereal, also.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Ooooooo, I love the Kashi dinners for lunch. They probably have more salt than is good for me but they do tast yummy and they are just the right sized portion.

Today I had to skip lunch because I was on the road and didn't want to stop for fast food. Should have brought some fruit with me. I am starving now, guess we will have a very early supper.

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

~~~waving to everyone~~~~

how's it going? DH and I have decided to take a cruise to Alaska next May so I have a long term goal....240 days til the cruise!

I've been on/off my eating plan this month but I'm blaming it on Aunt Flo and hormones....I know, TMI, but these hormones are driving me nutty.

The weather has cooled down here so I'm starting my new walking regime on Monday....anyone with me?


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I've been walking too. Not sure how much it is helping but it can't hurt. The numbers on the scales just seem to go up one day and down the next.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

My daughter has lost 16 pounds (Yeah for Laura!)

... I suck.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

That IS impressive, congratulations Laura!

Dovey, I'm with you :-(

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I may suck - but I haven't given up.
I have to come up with a better plan, the problem is its bound to include more exercising and less food... now that really sucks *LOL*

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I haven't given up either, but the scale is not my friend at the moment!!! Like some of you, I am "up" one day and "down" the next. But I continue to eat poorly and haven't been back to Curves in ages. And probably won't this week either.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Cooler weather is so much nicer to begin walking - was just having that conversation with my DD

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I helped my mom program her Avon super-duper scale today, it allows you to enter your height, age, gender and weight. Then it tells you your, body fat, hydration level, and bone mass.
It stores the information so you can keep track.
I'm not sure how to use all the options yet, but so far everything on me is good except body fat... News flash huh?

At least it's digital and I can keep a more accurate record of my progress (forward or reverse)

I used to enjoy going to Curves with my mom, I never went back on my own, I'm no good at solo exercising.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I'll second that, cool weather and lower humidity... oh my gosh humidity here is killer.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Dovey, I have a lot of friends who go to Curves, but I work and they don't so I can't go when they do. I really have to just start forcing myself.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Dovey, when you come from California the humidity is always a real shock and it will take some time for your body to get used to it. Give yourself some time to become acclimated.

Our weather has cooled a bit and I have started walking the dog for a few miles a day. The scales still say the same thing but I swear I feel smaller and that is always a good thing. :-)

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