Dieting by the moon- begins August 4th

Hello y'all!
I want in! I mainly want to get back in the swing of exercising again so figured I'd get started on August 4th. :) After all ... if the moon says it's a good time to get started with a diet plan ... then why in the world not? I'm not good at breakfast or water ... so will make that along with exercising my new goals. It will be great having the extra support. :)

Hello ... are we still on for tomorrow?

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I am!
Hubby and I are in the process of moving from California to Ohio, we are on the road (in Devner right now) But I still plan to begin my diet tomorrow.
I will check in when ever we get to a Wi-Fi hotel.
Wish me luck because right now my diet is all fast food (ugh!) and my exercise is sitting on my bottom while hubby drives *L*

How is everyone else doing?

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

I am........
Did a special grocery list and am stocked and ready to go.
Early morning walk-30min and plenty of water to start............
Oh, will weigh myself right now to get a before weight.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Good luck Dovey!
Be careful on the road and let us know when you get situated

North Augusta, ON

I am...need all the help I can get.....seems the only way I can lose weight is to go hungry :(

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

HUGGGGERS DOVE!!!! Good to hear from you ... Tell DH he needs to mash his trash... Y'all are still too far away!!!

Hurrry home!!! and be careful!!!

Are hot wings on the menu? Whew! Am glad we're starting tomorrow! I'll be eating carrots and celery, also! :-) Will make the blue cheese dressing ... not using the bottled stuff, so that will be better. Good luck to everyone! I'll be on the treadmill come tomorrow!

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

good morning eating plan starts today....summoning motivation.

Dovey, I suspect maybe you are on interstate 80? Wave as you zoom by!


edited to add: 7:45 a.m. water consumption: 24 oz so far out of 128 total daily oz.
vitamins/supplements taken

This message was edited Aug 4, 2007 7:51 AM

This message was edited Aug 4, 2007 7:51 AM

Hi Catherine!
How in the * world * have you managed to drink that much water already? Okay, I'm going to get with it. I'm still sitting here in my jammies with my coffee but will be on my treadmill soon. Can't face the day without the coffee. Sorry! What supplements do you take?

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

lol Susan - I have a 12 oz glass I use....chug the first two....then sip the rest of the day. I take a bunch of supplements: fish oil, multi vit, folic acid, etc.

Must have coffee too, though.

Good Luck!

Crossville, TN

Hey Dovey.....I just found this I sit here with my BBQ potato chips.....but i did a lot of exercise the form of WORK....I weeded my flower beds while the ground is soft from our monsoon rains....then I looked at my muddy car and decided I just couldn't bear to have friends at church see this I washed it too.

I AM sitting here with a glass of water....I think my drink of choice is water...(if you remember at the RU at Drdon's I was never far from a bottle of water....or a chocolate!) LOL

Hey Jadajoy....come on over to Norfolk and join us in our little get together on Aug.'ll find it in the Mid-Atlantic Gardening Forum....we'll tour the Norfolk Botanical Gardesn....that shoud be our exercise for the work off the lunch we will enjoy together at the Uptown Buffet....ALL INVITED.

Dovey, I wish you much joy in your new duty'll meet a "lovely bunch of coconuts" at the Ohio RU!!! Jo

(Zone 7a)

Just found this thread, too - may I join? We'll be traveling for a few days, so will have to just follow my "head" in making diet choices while on the road. I like starting this not too far from a full moon. Yes, exercise is a biggy - have been very bad about doing physical therapy exercises given me some time ago. I found them while looking for deer resistant gardening tips last night and will take them with me. My ability to walk is diminishing, and they'll help reverse that.

On water - Darius recommended to me to acquire a water filter - I think there may be an inexpensive kind that uses charcoal that you can keep like a pitcher of water in the frig - anyone know?

I see some familiar faces - nice to meetcha all. I really appreciate this opportunity for support in behaving myself

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

bluespiral, try a Britta... should be in grocery stores, drug stores, k-mart, etc.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i have a water distiller. i've been using it for about 18 months now, and i'm so 'spoiled' i dont much care for anything else.

some say we need the minerals that are in water... but i have had no ill effects from NOT having the 'stuff left behind'

when i turn on the 'tap' at home... the oder of the chlorine is so over whelming... i can't believe that can be good for anyone. i even try to give my pooch the brita water that i no longer drink.

Hi bluespiral! Great to see ya over here. :) And hello to everyone else. :) Well, here it is another day. Hope it will be better than yesterday. My intentions were good but I have to admit I was a bit lacking in the "umph" department. :-( Will try to do better today. I received some dictation that I have to get out so am glued to the keyboard for the next couple of days. I'll have to arrange time with my treadmill in spite of this though. My eating wasn't bad, but water consumption could be better. That will be my goal for today. After all ... if I improve the water consumption ... I'll improve my exercise! Right? ;)
~ing to everyone for now.

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

hello everyone~~~~~~ how're we all doing?

I slogged through day 2 - unbelievably humid here so little garden exercise accomplished....for the next 2 weeks I'm weaning myself off all sugar....can we say cranky?

anyway, I hope to get on the treadmill in the morning to start the day off right.


Crossville, TN

Well....since my body is not used to MANual weeding....I am now "down in my back"....I have been going to my Chripractor/Acupuncturist 3 days a week for my feet....I think tomorrow he will have to concentrate on my BACK!

I have drunk a lot of water today....and had a cup of Tomatoe soup for lunch......Haven't looked in the freezer for dinner yet. Jo

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I didn't do at all well on Saturday, as I took my elderly parents out for dinner - and they wanted hamburger, fries, and milk shakes!!!! But I didn't have any additional junk, and yesterday did well - so have lost one pound. One down, 14 to go.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Munching on Healthy Choice for lunches to help me on portion control...V-8 spicy for a little kick...ready to conquer the afternoon...LOL So what are most of you doing in way of exercise? Our weather is so hot/humid...I didn't even get out to weed this weekend...ugh!!

Crossville, TN

I went to Wal-Mart and walked all around....LOL Jo

I'm not doing good ... I need an extra couple of days please! I got some typing to do, so my fanny has been plantted in this chair for the past couple of days. I'll make it up when I get it done. Promise! My eating has been good, though and I'm keeping a glass of water on hand, so I'm not throwing in the towel.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

You're doing great, 101!! Not to worry.

I haven't done much in the way of exercise - I hope to force myself back to Curves, but so far, have not done so. Darn me anyway. I have been mowing and weed whacking and pulling lots of weeds, though. (And did a lot of walking at two glorious nurseries over the weekend!)

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Murmur- LOL (walking around the nurseries). I think that counts!!!

I too have been glued to my computer, but not snacking and am drinking more water. I had planned on walking the dog a mile or so in the mornings but havent yet. I finished the last loaf of white bread but now feel as if theres nothing in the kitchen to eat, even thou I just went grocery shopping., sigh.......Have instead eaten blueberry yogurt and fruit and trying not to think about food at all.

It would be easier if the dog would stop licking his lips at me ( he usually gets my goody scraps and now he cant figure out whats going on).( He could stand to lose a few too!!)

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

101, sounds like you're doing just fine - too busy to snack (my downfall) and
Murmur...therapeutic nursery retailing has to be healthy, lol.

it is SO humid/hot here that :30 in the garden today left me breathless...the heat index this afternoon was 109....huh?

~~~~~~~~waving at roadrunner and chantall and everyone 4 tomorrow!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Susan - one step at a time...watching what you eat is a great start..give yourself kudos for that!! That's what I tell myself at least!! Got my jug O' water beside me and another healthy choice in front of me. Remember someone telling me didn't pack it on in a week - don't expect to lose it in a week. One day at a time...

Okay, here I sit again today but will have it turned in tmr! ;) I've had some Koshi cereal and a Koshi TV dinner. I love all their products. Not too good on the water, but will try to improve. It's early yet. Am having rotisserie chicken for supper tonight. I can just toss them in the rotisserie and make a salad. No bother! Good luck to everyone!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctor's permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotards on, the class was over. ;-)

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)


Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Dusty, that is so funny - I literally burst out laughing when I read it!!!

Toooo funny Dusty! Okay, got my typing done and am headed for the treadmill. Promise! Will report back later. :)

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I have resisted Dr. Pepper for 3 1/2 days... this is a record for me. I did eat two maple nut goodies yesterday, but it had been about 9 hours since I'd eaten and I had to get something in my stomach to get home and they were in the car. I didn't eat 2 dozen!!! My main focus is on having water or herb tea instead of soda, and avoiding sweets altogether.

One day at a time, and one major change at a time as well. I KNOW how to eat well -- it's DOING it that's the problem. So if I can stay off sugar, including soda, for two weeks, and then add another change, I think it's more likely that I'll stick to it, you know? If I insist on 17 major dietary changes all at once, I'll give up. And so far, so good.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Luckily - i'm not a pop drinker. so that's one habit i dont have to break.

today i spent most the day working outside or in the garage... at one point i was light headed due to the heat, but came in and had a fresh tomato [had to pick them this morning]

I'm not hungry at all, which is surprising.. had 2 cups of coffee, a 16oz s/f electrolyte replacer drink [not sure what it was, it was in the frig] and about 40oz water.

I've been doing "OK" -- with this heat, it's hard to eat, and i'm trying to stick with fresh veggies/salads.

OH i did have a small bowl, about a cup of cottage cheese.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Plenty of fluids, salad, and protein -- I'd say you're on the right track! Coffee will kill the appetite, which is good and bad. Just don't drink it and come to the conclusion that you don't need to eat at all! I do that now and then.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

I have been able to resist sugar and am starting to like my daily gallon of ice tea without it. But have been mean and evil and irritable. Think I'm on withdrawal? I have been eating salads and roasted meats and I'm not hungry most of the time just not satisfied.

In time I hope this too will pass.............

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Just a suggestion -- don't deprive yourself 100% if it's making everyone run from you. Have a cookie. But just have one and enjoy it and don't even think about feeling guilty about it. You may be craving sugar, or you may be needing a little carbohydrate. I know exactly what you mean about not being satisfied.

(I also know a twix bar would fix it... but I WON'T)

Today has been a bad day for me. I've had a sick headache so that means no exercising again. I have had a lot of water though as that's the only thing that has been good. I'll catch up later. :)

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

thanks brigidlily,

I bought some honey roasted nuts and started snacking on those. Also I got some recipes for pasta salads that should give me some healthy carbs.

A cookie and a twix sound real good right about now, but I'll pass:-).
Thanks for the encouragement!

101 I hope you are feeling better and keep checking in so we can comiserate :-).


Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

I fell off the diet wagon but my foot caught so the wagon is dragging me this was dh's birthday, my poor old dog got sick and is now overnight at the vet, it is breathtakingly hot and humid in the midwest, power out twice this week and work has been, well, icky. That's my litany of excuses.

the chiropractor is making some headway with my hip (although she is wondering if I broke it...don't think I'd be walking but...) so its back to the treadmill on Monday.

Sounds like a lot of us are struggling this week will be better. Promise.

No,'ll be better....


Oh Catherine
I hope your hip isn't broken! And your poor dog? You're both in my prayers. I can sure sympathize on the heat thing. It's been horrid here in south GA with record highs along with humidity.

Joyce, thanks for your encouragement. Actually, I do feel better this evening. My DH ... and I do mean "darling" came in from work and cooked chicken and dumplings because when I get a sick headache, I feel sick at my stomach. Not exactly diet food ... but soooo sweet! :-)
... Susan

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