Dieting by the moon- begins August 4th

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone,
In Dusty's thread "July - August Timetable" she listed August 4th as a good time to start trying to loose weight. (not using the word diet on purpose)
I've tried Hoodia and Relacore, neither added any oomph to my efforts.
I'm gonna give it a go and was wondering if anyone was interested in joining me?

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Dovey~

I need to get back 'on the wagon' as far as my eating plan goes - August 4 sounds like a good date...

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi Jersey,

Cool... I'm not sure what my plan is, but I guess I have time to come up with one between now and then.
Bottom line, I need a plan to help me to drop 30 pounds. UGH

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Me, too. August 4 it is.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

OK cool... there is strength in numbers!

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

Dovery, I use an old style Atkins plan - its hard but it works for me since I am older and long as I can quit all sugar I do pretty well....I call my eating plan, the "No White Stuff" diet....and no commercially prepared food - that's the part I need to focus on...having stuff available ahead so I don't jump off the wagon...

waving to brigidlilly....~~~~~

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Waving back ~~~~~~~~

I'm not sure what I'll do, but I'm afraid it MUST include giving up Dr. Pepper. WAAAHHH! The No White Stuff diet sounds good.

Are we going to exercise, too? ewww

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

So far I'm just lurking - hope to get up the gumption to join you all by August 4th!

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

I want in! Jersey ..the no white stuff worked for me before . August 4th it is!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

No white stuff eh....
No white flour, sugar, rice or wine?
Can I still drink red wine?

I really have been trying to come up with a plan. When I was young I just quit eating, not healthy but effective.
When I was in my 40s I took diet pills, not healthy but effective.
Two years ago while Matt was deployed I did NutraSystem, less effective, not very tasty and honestly I don't think it's very healthy either... lots of preservatives and no regard for cholesterol

So the truth is - I have never really dieted, at least not the reduce portions, give up starches and eat grapefruit.

I need help!

This message was edited Jul 23, 2007 10:50 AM

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

If you don't want to join in, maybe you could assume the position of Cheerleader? ;-)

Good to have you join in... !

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)


Are we going to exercise, too?

I knew somebody was gonna go and spoil my fantasy by bringing up exercise ugh!

To begin with my exercise will be map reading since we will be on the road when I start, when we arrive somewhere I would like to start walking again... walking like taking long walks, not like to the kitchen and back.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Thanks for letting me be a part of this! I really need some motivation.

I'm with dovey, I hope walking is included cause that is doable for me but whatever we come up with I'll try, I'm easy.

Is it going to be one plan for all of us or just do what works for each of us and report in? I'm excited to have some support on this!


Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I'll be happy to be a cheerleader for anybody who needs it, but I do need to get rid of some pounds (I might settle for 10, but 15 would be a lot better - even then, I'll remain at a higher weight than I probably should maintain). And I will make myself go back to Curves!!!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

A few years back my mom came to visit, I went to curves with her every day, I didn't sign up because I knew as soon as she left I would quit... and I did. Never went back.
When we get settled in Ohio she is going to live with us, maybe having her there will get me going again. It's bad but I do better when I do it for someone else's benefit.

Walking is good for the soul, a true stress reliever, it really refreshes me emotionally.

North Augusta, ON

May I join?
I'm doing a weekly weigh in on another forum, but I figure I can use all the help I can get.......

I have been doing little things, like walking to get the mail instead of driving...and every time I have to go upstairs for something, I go up and down 10 times...also have been eating fruit for snacks instead of the usual chips, cheesies, etc.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

I am not in the weight loss process...but I want to say... be careful what fruits you eat as well.. some contain much sugar....
ThreeG....a weekly weigh in is depressing... Monthly is better if thats what you want to do...If you gain a pound in a tends to throw you off...

Dove.. dont fool yourself... your packing and moving is alot of exercise....

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

I admit that i am addicted to carbohydrates....there, I said it. So my eating plan is limited to green carbs (with occ. cheats)...I seem not to be able to eat sugar without falling completely off the wagon so if I'm going to have any success this time, its got to be cold turkey on the sugar on 8/4.

the exercise part is my downfall...I need discipline to do 2 :30 minute sessions a day...bought one of those resistance bands and ball things this time...used to be very strong and lift weights but a car wreck put a stop to that...long story.

anyway...I hope we'll all use what's best for us and maybe we can meet online at specific times for the Exercise Adventure? You know, check in before the :30 or whatever and then again after?

p.s. I ate a bunch of *stuff* today...mea culpa.

p.p.s. waving to jada, threeg, dusty and murmur - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ welcome

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Consider yourself joined and part of the family *S*

Two 30 minute sessions per day? Holy-Moley I was gonna set my goal at three 30 walks per week.

I think (hope) everyone will set an activity goal, increasing your activity any amount will be an improvement.
(Like walking to the mail box)

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Dusty oh how I wish you were right... mostly I'm organizing.
Correction, mostly Matt is organizing and I'm stressing out and bumping into walls.
The military will have someone come pack us (and unpack)
Oh how I wish all that brain power would burn calories - It's just not fair, thinking about really makes me tired. *S*

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

What is your favorite, best or easiest healthy breakfast food?
(Hint: Healthy = diet)

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

Dovey - yeah, 2 :30 per day is my goal....tried the every other day method the last diet go'round...didn't work for me because I always had something else to do...tomorrow was my excuse.

where're you moving to? I have an acquaintance who is a military family and they moved from the carolinas to kansas last year...big change.

oh, and 'healthy' breakfast is eggs for me...I walk out to the coop, grab a couple and cook'em up, lol. plus coffee......

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Well, my profile already says Columbus Ohio, although we are still in Southern California (until next Tuesday, July 31st.)
California to Ohio will be a big change, but I'm up for the adventure.

I've always wanted to raise my own chickens/eggs maybe I'll get a chance once we're settled.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Best healthy breakfast for me is some whole grain toast with yogurt butter and tea ( no sugar) and whatever fruit is around fresh from the farmers market. I love breakfast food ( would eat at IHOP three times a day if I could) but I dont like it in the morning.( I know, makes no sense).

The only reason I eat in the morning is because my doctor recommended it. She asked me what my routine is which is, to get up and feed the cat and dog. She said i should also feed myself at this time for breakfast is very important. It "breaks" the "fast" from your sleeping hours. So, I swallow something with them when I get up . I had to let go of the bacon eggs sausage pancakes w/hot maple syrup hash browns corned beef hash with mounds of butter washed down with a pot of coffee. ( Sorry, I had a flash back :-).

Now when I see the blue roof, I keep driving.......sigh
Would love to hear some other good morning stuff to swallow :-)

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Dovey- I have done military moves and know the stress it causes. Soon as you get situated, make friends, and learn your way around its time to move...sigh. The only good part is they pay and pack. Remeber to take out all trash the night before they come or they'll pack that too! No Joke! Hope it goes well!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Diet News Flash

Drink half your body weight in water each day

According to Barbara Levine, R.D., Ph.D., the Director of the Nutrition Information Center at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center and reported in the June 1999 issue of Weight Watchers magazine, she says that overweight people need more water than the typical 8 cups a day rule.
"Overweight people tend to need more water, because fat cells hold more water than other fat cells in the body.
To determine the number of ounces of water you need per day, divide your weight by two. For example, a person who weighs 140 pounds should consume 70 ounces, or about 9 cups.

This message was edited Jul 24, 2007 1:18 PM

North Augusta, ON

OMG...I have a hard time drinking what I do without having to spend the entire day in the loo........

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

geez dovey I read the drink half your weight in water a day and instently thought I CANT DRINK 85 LBS> OF WATER A DAY. Glad i read the rest of it I need to join this group 40 lb.s would be ideal but 10- 15 is realistic

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

It was a shock to me too...

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

When I first lost weight three years ago (40 lbs, 10 of which are back), I did indeed drink a ton of water - probably at least half my body weight in ounces. I still drink a lot of water, but not as much as then. Good info, Dovey, thanks!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Lets get a breakfast plan:

BREAKFAST - Breakfast should include at least four grams of fiber, which in turn reduces cholesterol and fat in the blood. Every 10 gr. of cereal fiber reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes by 30 per cent!

Good sources of fiber are cereals, dried beans and lentils.

Fiber reduces cancer risk by preventing absorption of carcinogens and reduces cholesterol by preventing its absorption.

Try adding nuts and seeds to breakfast cereal and to have a whole piece of fruit as well.
Whole wheat toast, a bagel or a bran muff is NOT a good source of fiber.

Breakfast should be the heaviest, while lunch should be a little less, and supper even less than that.

So, in other words, our bodies become more efficient and burn, burn, burn those calories when we eat a good breakfast.

They say the body adjusts and hunger won't be an issue at the end of the day. (I find that hard to believe)
And it's important that one eats breakfast within 30 minutes of waking. (I did not know that)


Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Dusty, one author says that the stress of weigh-ins create a chemical in our brains which actually retains the fat and thus we reach those dreaded plateaus.
Now that's scary!

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

I used to follow the fruit and fiber breakfast idea until I realized that fruit (the dreaded sugar) just made me hungrier and the lack of protein in the a.m. didn't sustain me when the sugar wore off...big crash energy wise by mid day. I save my fiber and green carbs for lunch - at least when I'm ON my eating plan.....which isn't lately.....sigh.

As for water - a gallon a day is what i need at minimum...and I know I feel better when I do....

some days I just hate it when I know exactly what to do to keep myself feeling better but then I totally ignore it....excuses excuses


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

wow - hadn't noticed this thread before today.... Aug 4th huh?

well, if the moon says it's a good time... why the heck not.

i too should/need to drop about 30... it's been slowly creeping back on a few lbs at at time... til ya say... how'd that happen.

I think come Sept I will be renewing my fitness pass at the park dist [we have a pretty good fitness center]
i've been pretty slack the past 2 years.... guess after about 5yrs of pretty strict workouts -- i got burned out.

anyhoo -- i'll put it on my calendar to start.

drinking water is not that hard for me... i use a 32oz cup, so all i have to do is drink 3-4 of'em.

I can easily give up alcohol, but NOT coffee. and i use H&H and s/f sweetener ---
but yup -- gotta get off the starch and sugars.

so -- i'll be jumping back on the ole bandwagon.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I've always bordered on vegetarian and think that's one of the criteria for me. I'll eat whole grains, dairy (no, not ice cream), fruit and vegetables. Occasionally fish. I have such a sweet tooth (which of course is an addiction to sugar) which will be the hardest to fight. But I think if I just look at it and ask: IS THIS HEALTHY? you know? If the answer is yes, I'll eat it. If not, I won't. Coffee with milk in the morning (half coffee and half vanilla soy milk on ice is surprisingly good) and either herb tea or water the rest of the day. It's wicked hard to give up sodas!!! And I don't sweeten anything I drink, so that won't be a problem.

As for exercise, unless my sister is here I know I won't stick to any program, plus with age have come some difficulties. I'll walk instead of ride when I can, and do some vigorous gardening.

I'm going to have to buy a bunch of those little packets of baby carrots to carry around. Not as satisfying as chocolate chip cookies, but something to stick in my mouth anyway.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

for me -- breaking that sugar addiction usually takes a few days -- then i dont crave it anymore.

I've developed TMJ about 3 yrs ago, so it makes eating things like raw carrots very difficult... i just can't do it anymore.
I also had to give up on almonds and switch to softer nuts [walnuts & cashews]... which bummed me because almonds are very good for you -- though i will have almond butter.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

tsc, I wear a mouthpiece at night for TMJ. It's an aggravating thing, but I do feel better since the dentist took care of it. I'm a jaw clencher.

Now that you say it, the times I've forced myself not to eat sugar for a while, I developed an aversion to it. Why did I ever let it redevelop? Something to keep in mind for sure.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Thanks for the breakfast info.

"Breakfast should be the heaviest, while lunch should be a little less, and supper even less than that."

I am going to incorporate this into my plan.I wonder if whole grains are a good source of fiber??? I cant do whole wheat anyway.


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

How about Ezekiel bread? I can't remember if it has whole wheat, but I know a lot of special diet people can eat it.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello everyone!!! I see a couple of familiar faces - mercy ALL/ANY diet support is helpful!! I started hopefully that will be ok. I'm all about the fiber...if I can make my stomach thinks it's full...I've succeeded - LOL!! I've been buying the Nature's Own double fiber bread. Per Slice: 50 cal/0.5 fat/13 carbs/5 fiber My son who hates wheat bread will even eat it. Very small dab of PB or sugar free jam/jelly or fried egg (with Pam not butter)...makes for a quick an easy breakfast.

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