Lipstick Blooms

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I have lipstick blooms!! I'm so excited, because of all the lipsticks I've ever owned, this is the first time one has actually bloomed. lol

Thumbnail by jdee
Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)


That is so pretty...and the bloom is outta this world


(Zone 1)

Very Nice Jdee! I have three Lipstick Plants that I just bought this year and one bloomed it's pretty little head off about a month ago, I'm hoping to see blooms on the other two also, but no sign just yet!
Your plant must love the location it's in ... looks like it gets nice bright light. Great Growin!

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

I have a Pagoda that just grows so HUGE! I have already made 2 plants and sent them on their merry way and just the other night I said to myself...that thing is so big it's blocking the window so I filled another pot with cuttings. It was blooming when I bought it but hasn't bloomed since. Can you tell me the conditions you grow yours in? I have 2 others that I have had for a few years and they have never bloomed. I keep moving them, fertilizing them, singing to them and still nothing. Maybe I should skip the "singing to them" part and they would bloom *lol*

Absolutely beautiful!


(Zone 1)

Mine are in an East facing window with Very Bright Light all day, no direct sun. I feed all of my plants with Eleanor's VF-11 Plant Food that someone on DG told me about. I couldn't find it locally, so had to get my Ace Hardware store to order it for me. Here's her website:

If you scroll down to the bottom it will tell you that you can send $3 and they will send the 8oz bottle - that makes 8 gallons of the stuff. That's what I did at first to be sure I liked it. I went through that 8oz bottle real quick because I have lots and lots of plants! Someone told me I didn't have to send $3 that if you call them on the phone they will send it to you free? I'm not sure about that though. Anyway, when I first began using it, I wasn't real happy .... guess being the impatient person that I am, I expected to immediately see results ... it only took a couple of months and my plants seem to love it cause they are all doing really well. As I said, I have hundreds of plants and use it on everything from African Violets to Orchids and everything in between! I use it every time I water! Sometimes twice a week! I love that it doesn't harm the plants in any way, it's very gentle and doesn't burn as some other fertilizers/plant foods can do.

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