Enjoying your Saturday? and an interesting book

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Another thread is getting long. Thought I'd just start anew.
Ruby wants everyone to enjoy Saturday! Thanks Ruby; hope you are, it's not so stinkin' hot! I moved some things in the garden yesterday with the clouds and cooler temp.

I'll be taking off this morning for an overn ight camp with my 16 yr old and his buddies and a youth group, or something. based on buddy's church. He's very vague on details. LOL. To Rocky Gap. Worst case, I'll escape to a hotel and or fast food. I like to camp but don't know this group well so don't know what to expect as far as meal plan.... I am appreciative that my son still suggests I go with him. I think he cares! not just to haul the tent...

Then haul as-paragus back here tomorrow and have Mom down for dinner. Her birthday is Thurs but she is supposed to start chemo this week (has CLL) and I don't think she'll be up to running around. The Bactrim, acyclovir or diflucan really upset her stomach on Thurs so she didn't start then. Try again Monday being more careful to space pills and drink/eat with them.

A very interesting book (to me ) "Spook' by Mary Roach. She delves into reasearch done to prove and disprove 'spirits " , ghost hunters, Indian belief on souls going to another person....... She is a hilarious writer. You will laugh.

Maybe some kind of bud forming on prickly pear pad? anyway, all still green and plump so looking good.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Those are probably fruits forming on the prickly pear if those pads had flowers. They could be new leaves too. It's a bit late for flower buds.

So sorry your mom is ill, Sally. What is cll? Tell her happy birthday for me. Ginger ale is really good for nausea.

I think it's sweet that your son invited you on the camping trip.

That book sounds good. Can't beat hilarious.

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

The wife and kids are out of town for the weekend so I thought that I would have some quality time in the garden...but...had to go into work for 8 hours...errr! Oh well...I still have tomorrow...though I should work on building two gates for our fence before playing...I mean working in the garden.

Sally so sad to hear about your mother. I am crossing my fingers that CLL means Carefree Long Life and not Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

- Brent

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally, looks like a new leaf (pad) forming. I have some growing next to our garage, it took them several years before they bloomed. I have mine planted directly in the ground, they winter over well.

Wishing your mom the best. Don't reconize any of those drugs, but drinking plenty of water was encouraged when I was going through chemo. I had a bottle with me and drank it on the way there and another on the way home.

Brent take pictures of your handy work, we will be building a gate too between the fence and garage, at least that is the plan.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We got back from NC Thursday night, so I'm trying to catch up a bit in the garden! DH kept putting off helping me pound stakes for the tomatoes before we left, so now we're going to have to do a bit of wrestling to get some of them into their cages. I finished weeding all around the tomatoes yesterday, and we got the other cages out of the basement and ready to go, so hopefully the actual caging will happen today. We had a coupon from the credit card company for $15 off at HD if we spent $100 (gotta spend money to save money, ya know!), so we went out last night and got some more tomato cages and a bunch of the green metal U-stakes plus some other things that were on our "pick up sometime" list.

I came home from NC with a cute little wall fountain! My MIL and I found it at an antique mart (although it's not old), and we both loved it. She bought it for her secret garden, but my FIL started worrying about running an extension cord back to it, and about what would happen if the pump ran dry (really, I think he just didn't much like it), so in the end she decided she'd rather give it to me. :-) DH is setting up a 3-recepticle thing at an outside post of the deck so I can plug in this fountain plus another one that's below the landing plus still have an outlet left for the tiller. Yay! I've tried it a couple of different places, but right now I'm leaning toward putting it right under the railing next to the steps leading from the main deck to the landing... I sit on those steps a lot, and they're wide enough that nobody is going to bang into the fountain. We'll see how that works out, and yes I'll post a photo!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Those PP pads all came from Chantell at the Swap. I hate to pull them out to look for roots, but I expect they have some as they look really happy..

Camping worked out fine- Rocky Gap MD is a beautiful park and lodge and golf course. It got cooler than I expected but we had just enough gear to make it all night cozy.

I appreciate your wishes for my mom. and tips- if only she will follow advice, she really hates forcing drinks or food, always had wimpy appetite. ladyg, I hope you continue to get good reports and are feeling good these days. Got a new fence line you gotta plant!
Brent, Mom has had somewhat your #1 CLL I guess at age 87, but this is your #2, you pegged it. She had a chemo two years ago and after a rough start had an overall easy time, so has enjoyed two more years of #1.....

Well, it's a beautiful Sunday in....JULY? wow!

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