June Bingo Calls, Part II

The first thread was getting very long, so I'm starting a new one.

We're continuing from here:

The picture is Streptocarpus 'Bristol's Party Boy'

Thumbnail by RainGazer


1st place - $20 gift certificate to vendor of choice and a Surprise Box, donated by gessiegail
2nd place - $15.00 gift certificate to vendor of choice, donated by JanetS
3rd place - $15.00 gift certificate to Velvet Leaf, donated by glamourpuss
4th place - Surprise box, donated by RainGazer

(If the 2nd place winner would like to choose Velvet Leaf, and the 3rd place winner would like to choose another vendor, I don't see why those couldn't be swapped, though.)

AND, we have a special twist on this game!!

The BIGGEST LOSERS get a prize, too! This has been generously offered by an anonymous donor!

The three people with the most items still uncalled on their Bingo card will each get a package of leaves. :o)

A great big Thank You to all our prize donors, and to cjolene for being the cardholder! Yay! {applause and cheering!}

Daily calls:

June 11:

31.Streptocarpus 'Crystal Ice'
3.AV 'Bagdad'

June 12:

4.AV Buckley's Spoon
22.Nautilocalyx pemphidius

June 13:

14.Chirita 'Cynthia'
26.Phinaea multiflora

June 14:

23.Petrocosmea forrestii
29.Smithiantha 'Sassy Redhead'

June 15:

34.Titanotrichum oldhamii
10.AV The Sorceress

June 16:

16.Chirita tamiana

June 17:

13.Boea hygroscopica
7.AV Rob's Lucky Penny
19.Eucodonia 'Frances'

June 18:

5.AV Decelles' Triomphe
33.Streptocarpus pumilus

June 19:

17.Columnea Light Prince
6.AV Pretty Miss Kelly

June 20:

1.Aeschynanthus 'Hot Flash'
21.Kohleria 'Ampallang'

June 21:

30.Streptocarpus cooperi
27.Sinningia leucotricha

June 22:

8.AV Teeny Bopper
18.Episcia 'Unpredictable Valley'

June 23:

24.Petrocosmea rosettifolia
11.AV Tiny Wood Trail

June 24:

20.Koellikeria erinoides
32.Streptocarpus cyanandrus

June 25:

2.AV Allegro Appalachian Trail
28.Sinningia 'Peridots Darth Vader'

June 26:

15.Chirita longgangensis
9.AV The King

This message was edited Jun 26, 2007 10:19 AM

I'm sorry about only posting one call yesterday. As promised, there are three up today. Here's the info on them:

13.Boea hygroscopica

This first site states that this plant is extremely drought-tolerant, to the point of calling it a "resurrection plant." I also managed to wade through a couple extremely scientific reports, that seem to indicate the same.


However, on page 3 of this document, the article states that it *must* be kept moist at all times. I guess I'll have to get some seeds, grow them out, and dry out a couple of the plants just to see if they'll really "resurrect." ;o) I did look up the definition of "hygroscopic" and means "having the ability to absorb moisture from the air."



7.AV Rob's Lucky Penny

An extremely pretty Chimera! If you've got it, I want to see pictures! LOL


Propagating Chimeras:

19.Eucodonia 'Frances'

I really can't find a lot of information about growing this one. It is rhizomatous - I did find out that much. ;o)

http://www.violet.ru/katalog/html/file1352_1.html (Sometimes this one takes a while to load.)

General info about Eucodonia, Achimenes, and Smithiantha

We've got 14 calls up now. You only need 15 to Bingo! Wonder who's the closest?? LOL

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

not me lol
3 out of 14 isent so bad is it hehehehe roflbo
thxs so much for this game i love it hehehehehehehehe

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

Glad to see you here this morning, we missed you yesterday, hope the day wasn't too bad just busy! Looking forward to learning more from these links.

And I don't want to say this too loud cause I think Janet might come looking for me but .....I had all three today, yippee!!


moretz, you might get one of our "Biggest Loser" prizes! LOL It really is fun, no matter what happens, isn't it? ;o)

Thanks, Brenda! I missed being here, but it was one of those days when you think you'll just putt around and do what you want, then BANG, you've got 2 weeks worth of stuff to do in one day! LOL I've still got more to do today, but it won't be quite as bad as yesterday. :o) I posted that picture of Strep. 'Kitten Face' for you on the 'Party Boy' thread. :o) You lucked out getting all 3 calls today! :o) Congratulations!! Maybe Janet won't notice...even if she does, she thinks she's already Bingo'ed! ;o) ROFLOL!!!

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

Oh yeah, I forgot she already bingo'ed! In fact several times if I remember correctly :0) ROFLOL So she'll be fine today!

I know about trying crowd in too much in one day and then having more added to the mix. I'm still trying to get everything planted that I dug up at an old house. How come you can dig it all in half a day and three days later I'm still not done re-planting?? And no it's not because I'm in here playing too much! : ))

I'm not quite half way to a bingo so today was just a nice surprise. First time playing and I'm having a blast just keeping up with you all! Off to check out kitten face...

North Augusta, ON

whoo hoo....I had all 3 calls today......leaves me still needing 8.....I've been quietly enjoying all your wonderful conversations...you ladies seem like you all have known each other for ever!!!!

Go threegardeners!!! You're almost halfway there, too! :o)

Don't quitely enjoy, loudly enjoy! LOL We'd love you to join in! :o) Some of us have known each other for a long time, some of us are quite new, and some of us have been around a while, but left for a while, and recently came back to meet lots of new friends (I'll plead the 5th on that one LOL). :o) Jump in anytime you'd like!

Brenda, I know exactly what you mean about digging something up in a snap and then taking forever to get it planted again. I really don't know why, though, but the same thing happens with me. How's that peony doing? What else did you get?

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Wow, getting off of JanetS' foot really helped my card...I got 2 more!

Janet you can get back over here I got one for you,too..lol

Morning ladies


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

MY EARS WERE BURNING!!! LOL Well, thank goodness for LUCKY PENNY! That is the only one I had...lol OH WAIT>>>BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOT......just kidding...have a great day everyone, I am off for the day! See you later, behind the garage...shhhhshhhhshhh

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Is there a Bingo every month? Sorry only joined in Nov. and only seen one other that I did play in... Thanks

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, Susan, normally there is one here in the AV thread every month and one in the Houseplant thread too..please come and play next time, we have a lot of fun!

are they playing over there this month? Did I MISS that one? I am going to look and see...lol

MsC, you've just gotta learn to hang with the right crowd! LOL *Some* people can be a bad influence... ;o)

Janet, how'd I know you'd Bingo *again* today! ROFL You know if you really do get Bingo, we're never gonna believe you! Ha ha ha!!!! ;o) Have a great day, Janet! We won't talk about you toooo much! ;o)

Hi Susan, yes, I do believe we have a Bingo game pretty much every month. It's just too much fun not to! Please join us and play next month, but in the meantime, you're welcome to hang out here with us! :o)

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Well, IF I BINGO...LOL...that means the rest of the groupl DROPPED OUT! LOL

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I have 4 so far - this dashes my hope of extrasensory powers.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

You will have to get closer to the garage with us then that way you cna "hear" what they are calling (joking of course)

You might be one of the Bigges Loser's and still get a prize..lol

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I even had my dogs help me pick numbers - you'd think with all of that extra help we would have done better. I had to reassure my girls and boy that they were still gr8, regardless.

Thumbnail by allgr8dogs
The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL... yep I get help from time to time from my Chi Herd...

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

How cute are those dogs??? I thought I was the only crazy one with so many dogs..LOLOL I have 7.
Thanks for all the info and letting me hang out.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh no I've gotta doggie buddy...lol
I've got that many too Susan.:)

We'll have to start another new thread called "Pet thread" in the AVforum & get you guys to show us pets..

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

Those dogs are too cute! How'd you get them all lined up and sitting still like that? I'm guessing mini pins and an Australian shepherd with really beautiful coloring???? We are down to 2 1/2 dogs (we share one with the neighbor!) But had four for quite awhile. I hadn't thought of getting Bingo tips from them, I'll try that next time :))!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Yep - from left to right - Cricket (min pin girl), Pixie (min pin girl and Cricket's Mom), and Jake-a-Roo (Miniature Australian Shepherd boy who went slightly oversize). Jake is what is called blue merle with a split face. He has one blue eye. I have to admit though, that I just use Jake-a-Roo when Jake does school visits with K-2 - its so cute when all of those little teeny kids are waving and saying, "Bye Jake-a-Roo."
Jake is a therapy dog, and is finishing his certification to be a reading education assistance dog.

I've worked as a dog trainer, off and on, for years - so that's how I get them lined up. I call a name, point and say sit.
If only it worked as well on the kids I teach.....

This message was edited Jun 17, 2007 10:03 AM

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Close up of Jake.

Thumbnail by allgr8dogs
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

It is certainly a good thing I got home this afternoon to check my Bingo.................since I only have 6 total, I would have been more "nervous" being out of town had I realized that you have already called 14!!!!!!!!

Being the biggest loser this month is an "honor" and a "privilege"!!!!!!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh, not so fast MISSY! LOL

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I see this month as a win/win situation except for the 7 or 8 people in the middle of the winners and biggest losers!!!!! If I land in the middle I will probably find a way to con someone out of a leaf or two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Janet......did you say how many you have total now??????? I have to see who my competition is.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Guess who has joined DG???? None other than gardengram's (Diane's) daughter Robyn........know as 1gardengramseed.............................isn't this wonderful news.......she just posted on the thread Pirl started on the AV forum as gardengram is gone.......She says she is tearing up reading all the wonderful things people have written about her mom.....................

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Bless her heart....it just broke my heart when Diane died...she has a sweet family too!

I have...let me see...one....two..........three!!! Yep, I have three...lol

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I know what you are up to Janet!!!!! You probably have a lot more.................and just want to win the biggest loser's prizes!!!! (LOL)

I just sent Robyn all her Mom's dmails up until her last................a good cry will help her grieve and still be happy news that her mom was just a perky lady even in the middle of terrible pain.....................

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Wow...cool picture, RainGazer. : )

35% chose Boea hygroscopica (I totally love this plant! Anyone growing it??)
70% chose AV Rob's Lucky Penny (this was the 2nd most popular plant on the cards that were sent in- anyone want to take a stab at the first most popular? lol)
26% chose Eucodonia 'Frances'

okay, now, RainGazer...I know you're going to ask...lol

2 lucky people got all 3!!
2 people got none
3 got just #7 & #13
1 got just #7 & #19
1 got just #13 & #19

I'm sure you all want to know... hope this is legal... lol...
Bingo cards are ranging from 3 (I think we all know who this is...lol) to 9.

Cards with...
3 called- 4%
4 called- 9%
5 called- 22%
6 called- 35%
7 called- 13%
8 called- 13%
9 called- 4%

Things can change at the drop of a hat (or in our case...the draw of the hat). ; ) This is so cool playing 23 cards. lol

Thank you for all the stats, cjolene! Oh what an exciting game! Someone already has 9! Wow! :o) I'm still working on my seed order from the Gessie Society. If I'd ordered them when I originally planned, they'd probably be here by now. Nothing like procrastination! LOL They have Boea hygroscopica seeds listed, I do believe. Are you a member? They have some neat articles in the newsletter. You might like to join. ;o)

Oh, and my guess about which was the most popular call selected...Columnea 'Light Prince'.

allgr8dogs, your dogs are precious!! I love them! And Jake with that blue eye...what a handsome boy! We almost got a Min Pin once. I wish now that we had, but... maybe one day. Everyone says they think they're just as big as a regular Dobie. LOL Little dogs with big attitudes are so cute! ;o)

MsC, please do start a pet pictures thread for us (or tell me to steal your idea, and I'll start it! LOL)! I would love to see pictures of everyone's pets! My daughter has a Chihuahua mix, so she'd enjoy seeing your herd (geez I hope I'm remembering right that your herd is Chis)! :o) She's one of those little dogs with a big attitude, like I mentioned above. I've got a few pics I could add, too. ;o) Here are two of our three girls.

Thumbnail by RainGazer

Today's calls are up! :o)

5.AV Decelles' Triomphe

Hybridized by Yvon Decelles. The following is an article about his wife, Therese, telling how she grew 21 inch plants for show!


Look at the plant she's holding!!! (Google will translate this page from French to English, so the grammar isn't perfect, but you can understand it. You just gotta see that picture, whether you read it or not!!! LOL)



33.Streptocarpus pumilus

A micro-mini Strep! :o)


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)


Neither one today either....ROFLMAO

OMG Janet!! What in the world did you pick, then??? Eventually, it's going to come down to there being nothing left but what IS on your card!!! ROFLOL Someone else must have seen your card, came to my house, and pulled all the ones you picked out of the bowl so I *couldn't* pick them! You've got to be the best Biggest Loser ever!!! ;o)

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

LOL....I am just in stitches!!! Oh my goodness...too funny!!! That is just so funny I have three out of what have you called now...16 numbers? Okay, do the math...there are 18 more calls... I need 12 ....lol....oooo buddy.....doesn't look good...but YOU NEVER KNOW...I may still be the first one....to say


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh, see, I WAS the first one to say it! LOL

You just made someone's heart skip a beat! LOL I need to post in the call list, "Anyone who sees the word Bingo posted by Janet, please ignore it!" ROFL

Bless your heart! I would feel bad for you, but you're almost a shoo-in for one of the Biggest Loser prizes. ;o) I honestly believe you're having a ton of fun, though, and that's what it's all about! :o)

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

LOL...I am having a ball...I love the talking and cutting up with everyone...it is just a fun thing to have to look forward to each day.... I will be gone Wednesday through Monday the 20th - 25th of June....so if Cjolene can keep track of my card.....and mark off the ONE I may get while I am gone...I would appreciate it very much...should NOT be much work really...LOL

I hope you know I am really having a great time, and hope everyone else is enjoying it as much as I am! Have a great few days without the crazy woman that yells BINGO....everyday, and I am sure when I get back SOMEONE will REALLY have done it!!! LOL

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