So-called "Super Poppies" or Minicap Hybrids - Orientals

Lewes, DE(Zone 7b)

I was browsing for info on some oriental poppies, and came upon several references to something called "minicap hybrids" or "super poppies" that are intergeneric hybrids bred by DeWelt, that purportedly bloom for 2-4 months, and withstand heat better than others. But I can't find any suppliers. The articles seemed to be from 2004-2006.

Anyone have a lead on what's going on with these?

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

It doesn't look like they are available here as of yet...

Lewes, DE(Zone 7b)

I posted the same question to the perennials forum at and got this in response (I followed up with a note to the california forum, as directed; will let this group know if I hear anything).

Follow-Up Postings:
RE: Super Poppies? clip this post email this post what is this?
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Posted by denisez10 SoCal (My Page) on Sun, Jun 10, 07 at 14:43

What a surprise to see this thread. As I do periodically, I did a search for the minicaps a couple days ago, and considered starting a thread identical to yours, but thought, nah, no one will remember. These minicaps were the holy grail for me when they came out -- oriental poppies that don't need a winter chill! This was in the middish '90s, I think. The minicaps were also supposed to have a much longer bloom season than the regular OPs. I bought one, lost it the first season, haven't seen them since. I even checked Ebay a couple days ago to see if maybe someone was selling divisions (they're supposedly sterile, hence the super blooming powers). They definitely had a big release here in So. Calif in the mid '90s, so maybe someone on the Calif. forum would have info. Bred by James DeWelt of Mohn's in Calif. Papaver californicum, among other species, were used. They sound terrific, but where'd they go?

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

My guess is that they were not as successful as hoped. I would love to see one, or a good photo of one, next to a regular oriental. Based on the fact that some plant people 'guard' their new hybrid plants a too little closely you may have to wait until the Plant Patent expires, that should be soon.

There was a grower of yellow clivia up around Monterrey Bay who grew them, but, never released them for a couple decades. Then someone got one and did tissue culture on it and you see them a lot more often. The first ones sold for $120 in the late 1990's now you can get a 1 gallon for $30.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Ok, so does this mean that they really aren't all that "super?"

Lewes, DE(Zone 7b)

RE: so does this mean that they really aren't all that "super?"

That's what I'm guessing . . .

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Between 1996 and 2001 I bought a number of Superpoppies from Mohns Nursery in Atascadero, Ca. They didn't bloom any longer than my other Oriental Poppies but they were vigorous plants with huge blooms of great substance. The colors were unique and covered a broad spectrum. In 2002 I received a letter from Mohns saying their poppies were now only available from Water Meadow Nursery of Great Britain ( I was very disappointed - they were the best poppies I had ever grown with huge root systems.

Maybe we need to find a DGer in Great Britain to do a poppy co-op (hint, hint).

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

You could post this in the European forum and perhaps you will be lucky, NoH2O .

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Good idea! Thank you.

East Tennessee 6b/7a, TN

Super Poppy Heartbeat was available from Wayside Gardens and a couple of others last year, but I didn't order. Now I see it at Jung's for about $9.00 and at White Flower Farm for almost $18.00!!! It looks to be a fantastic burgundy red.
I wonder if I should try Jung's? Or maybe look for it some more?

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

glad I tuned in
This is good info.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

I have decided that potted poppy plants are worth the extra cost, as I have had 0 luck with the last 6 bare root poppies I planted (wayside garden and spring hill). I have 2 healthy Patty's plum plants this year from plants last year, and I have ordered several different varieties from Khlem's Songsparrow this year. Their plants ALWAYS do well for me. Just wish I could find more varieties in pots.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Klehm's is so far superior to either of the other companies you mentioned that it's not surprising you've had the most success from their plants. Just for those who haven't been there...,&subtype=all&startrow=1&pageType=plantlist

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Check Garden Watchdog before you buy any mail order.
Both those companiesWayside and SpringHill havebad reputations.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Latest S/P info. They are available from Burpee/Heronswood nursery.I purchased and planted about nine of these from Heronswood this past spring. None bloomed this year.The clumps are very good sizes. Looking forward to next spring to see the results. I will keep you posted. There's at least five out there listed as Super Poppies. I have Jacinth, Shasta and Heartbeat. Heartbeat came from Jung and the others from Heronswood.According to "", Heartbeat and Snow Goose are super poppies. MikeB.

Ellensburg, WA

Does anyone know if the super poppies can be planted bare root under the snow, or if they should be potted up, kept in a cool garage and planted in the spring?

Thanks for any help.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Frankiesmom, in your zone it's best to wait until spring. It's tough enough transplanting these problem children during spring/fall like conditions. Mike B.

Ellensburg, WA

Thank you, Mike B! I shouldn't have ordered bare root oriental poppies this time of year, but they are Super Poppies, Heartbeat and Snow Goose, that were at a good price, and I couldn't stop myself. I will put them in pots and coddle them until spring. This, if nothing else, will be a good learning experience. I appreciate your reply. ~ Jan

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

F/M where did you get these so late ? Mike

Ellensburg, WA


I purchased them from the Lily Pad Bulb Farm in Olympia, WA. I have always been very happy with their products.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Frankiesmom, I checked out Lily Pad and found their prices very reasonable. How large was the bareroot plants? Mike B

Ellensburg, WA

Mike B,

The crown of the poppy was about the circumference of a small carrot, while the tops of the three main roots were approximately 8 inches in length and about the size of my pinkie finger and they branched off lower into multiple roots that were about the size of chives. Hope that helps provide you with a fair visualization. I also, at the same time, purchased an own root tree peony, Blue Jewel (Lan Bao Shi) that I am very happy with.

Louisville, KY

I bought some super poppies from lilypad as well and found the roots to look healthy. I have had little success planting bare root poppies . I will let you know how they come out. I also bought a bare root tree peony from them. (lan Bao shi) . It was very dry when I got it. I soaked top and roots in water overnight the protective covers over the leave buds came off ( I think the botanical name for it is calyx) but the leaf buds were green. I planted it and mu lched top and bottom heavily. If it doesn't make it , it was my fault.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Most of my success with poppies are with potted plants. Got three four pack from Graceful Gardens in spring of 2009. I had 100% success rate. Got 12 Super O/P from Heronswood spring 2010. Before the snow covered them, I counted 11 doing well. hopefully I will get some blooms from them in 2011. Got four from High Country Gardens in fall of 09. Only one survived over the winter, which didn't bloom true to what was purchased. I got 3 replacements from HCG and I am happy to say they are doing well. "Red Shades" multiplied Quite a bit to the point that I dug some up and transplanted elsewhere. Looking forward to these blooming next spring. I will be in poppy heaven come May/June. LOL! Mike B

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I love OP's Mike.
I was always leary of transplanting them and moving them but discovered this year, they do OK.
I am also looking forward to blooms in another location.
They were moved because they were planted too close to the garden edge and the lawnmower kept shreading the leaves.
Here's to 2011 for all of us. I hope you take pix of your Super poppies,I'm not sure I have ever seen any.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Ge1836, I see pictures in my future.LOL! I start all my new plantings off with mycorrhizie, bonemeal mixed with humus/manure, peat moss and a pinch of Miracle Grow. I will be trying some new stuff next spring. One of which is Compost tea using John Evans from Alaska's concoction. Check this out.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

OMG You are a real gardener.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Ge1836. OMG! You are very funny! I am just learning as I go. Try to absorb as much as I can. Willing to try new things. Sound familar? LOL! Applies to gardening too.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I was so impressed with the compost tea remark.
Now I realize you and I are at the same level.
tee hee

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

New Super Poppy!

Merry Christmas one and all! Mike.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

That one is special.

Edwardsburg, MI

I just found this thread - I just love oriental poppies. Years ago I had one called Springtime that I moved (different houses) three times. Unfortunately the third time it didn't make it. In searching for it on the web I discovered Water Meadow Nursery in the UK. Wow. Check out their website as Sandy Worth has a very good discription of the Super Poppies and wonderful pictures. I am hoping this year to purchase some from her. Unfortunately I discovered her too late last year to get them. Shasta that is available from Burpee, Jung and Heronswood is very close to Springtime - and yes I've ordered it. Water Meadow's website is

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

How beautiful Shasta is.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

GE1836 and everyone, if all goes well, I should have some pics of "Shasta, Jacinth and Heartbeat" this season from the super poppy series. Not to mention "Manhattan, Patty Plum, Turkenlouis, Coral Reef,Princess Victoria Louise, Great Red, Red Shades, Royal Wedding, Prince of Orange" and a unknown one that I got by mistake caused by the nursery. Got some more coming this spring but, that will be next years story. Lost Place Pigalle and Snow goose last year.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I have some of those on your list.
Royal Wedding
Coral Reef
Prince of Orange
Princess Victoria Louise or Queen Alexandra I get them confused.I think PVL is pinker.

Edwardsburg, MI

I have most of those on your list plus Aglaja, Ali Babba, Baby Kiss, Bolero, Carmen, Harlem, Manhattan, Raspberry Queen, Royal Chocolate Distinction (I hope - first ones sent me were orange), Watermelon. HazelCrestMikeB where did you get Shasta, Jacinth and Hearbeat? Hopefully I'll have pictures to share also if I can ever figure out how to get them here.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

AnnieG, I got Shasta and Jacinth from Heronswood Nursery which is an extension of Burpee which also carry them. I got Heartbeat from Jung Seed. This season Jung catalog is showing Jacinth and others available. It's not hard to get them here. If you use a digital camera you can transfer them to your pc and then browse for them from the box that you type the message in. If you are using a regular camera you can have them make a cd of all the pictures and transfer the pics from cd to pc and click on the "BROWSE" option here on Daves to go to the folder with your pic. If you need more help let me and the gang know.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is a link to a very large list of Perennial Poppies, starting at page 118 thru 122.

Edwardsburg, MI

Hazel - thanks for all the info. And the list of poppies. I want them all!!! I have ordered Shasta,Medallion and Super Star from Burpee; Jacinth and Remember Me from Heronswood. Can't wait for spring and planting time. Will try to post pictures this spring of those I already have.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

The site is very slow to load for me but thanks for posting it.

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