Please help with IDs!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

OK, we all know (now) that permanent laundry marking pens are not permanent, and I think I mentioned the time I forgot to hit save on my poor excuse for a spreadsheet.

I've planted out lots of my babies, and I'd like to introduce them. Apparently they all have amnesia and don't know their own names! They keep lining up like people outside a soup kitchen!

Thanks in advance.

xxx, Carrie

Thumbnail by carrielamont
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I call this one NOID1. I'm getting fond of him, but he doesn't resemble anything I recognize. I planted lots of flower perennials and some annuals. I think this came from the great sowing of March 19.

Thumbnail by carrielamont
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Even though NOID1 looks like lettuce, it's not. I call this little lady NOID2.

Thumbnail by carrielamont
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Now I'm calling these two NOID3, but I can tell you this: they ARE annuals, I planted them together because I thought they would look good together, and I have no idea in the world what that spikey one is!

xxxx, Carrie

Thumbnail by carrielamont
Menahga, MN(Zone 3b)

The large orange pot looks like Morning Glories, but don't know about the rest, I'm afraid, although the ones in the front rather resemble phlox.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh Carrie, I so sorry that you are having such a difficult year with your seedlings. However, "mystery plants" can be quite exciting and learning to identify plant leaves might become a new addiction. Hopefully once they bloom, you'll have a better idea of what you have sown & can make some positive id's. There are always new lessons learned & experienced to make us all become veteran wintersowers!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Ollie, the ones that you say look like morning glories I was hoping would turn out to be black-eyed-Susan vine, but I did plant a lot of Japanese MGs, come to think of it. I thought that flat drowned, but maybe not. I didn't plant any phlox. Thanks for trying!

Shirley, I know, wintersown surprises, etc. I just don't want to plant anything in the ground unless I know what color it is because I have such very little space in this bed. (This bed's a color experiment.) I guess I could give them to my DH for his wilder bed, for which he keeps buying things at HD!

xxx, Carrie

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

The one in the second picture is NOID, the one in the third picture could be a NOID and I am almost positive that the one in the last picture is NOID!

A few years ago I had 5 containers that suffered the same type of amnesia (the kids pulled out the markers). Once or two were pretty easy to identify after they had a few sets of leaves, but some of the others really made me feel like an idiot. It is really hard to identify many plants by foliage since 99% of the pictures on the web are close ups of flowers.

- Brent

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

There is nothing wrong with holding out plants seperately from your garden until they flower and you have found a permanent place for them. Gardeners do this ALL THE TIME!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Here are my guesses,
NOID 1 = Calendula
NOID 2 = Calendula
NOID 3 = Annual Asters peeking out of the pot.

Not sure on the things that look like irises...or glads or whatever. Did you plant any red yucca? Or any other kind of yucca?


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

But did I plant Calendula? I don't think I did any annual asters, but if calendula is another name for something - why does that sound familiar? Off to PF!

xxx, Carrie

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

In England they call it Pot Marigold, but other than that, I'm not sure. I think you and I were in some of the same swaps. and I got annual aster and calendula both in some swaps, so maybe that's where the seed came from.

On the other hand, that's just what they look like to me, based on my seed sowing from this year, and maybe I am not even close.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


Is your name illonquin, like illinois, or is it some other combination of capital I and lowercase l. I didn't sow too many seeds from swaps, because I kinda knew what I really wanted. Like gaura, black-eyed Susan vine, poppies, etc.

I don't remember specifically sowing lupine, but I posted a pic of a baby and Seandor, not knowing it was a noid, said "oh, what a cute baby lupine" so I labeled it "lupine?". Lo and behold, it turned into what was unmistakably a lupine so I planted it next to the lupine that I bought as a tiny baby and have been nursing along. Now I don't know who is who, but someone is blooming over there!

xx, Carrie

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

It's i-L-L-o-Q-u-i-n

Too nasty? Think I should change it? I could be something sexy, like ScarletBaby, or something more down to earth like Soilborn, or maybe something scholarly like Wordsworth?


Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Suzy Q McWordsworth Jr. maybe?

Hey you guys have never met.LOL

I don't wintersow - I think we all know that, but I did just plant my calendula if you need a pic when it comes up. That one does look like Stokes Aster I think or the annual aster like Sexy Soillady said.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I like Sexy Soillady. Would it be soiL Lady or soiLady? But you could drop the sexy part. I mean this IS Daves Garden. You could be dirty4U2.

xxx, Carrie

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

IMHO, Illoquin is a fabulous name! Sounds positively elven. :-)

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Sea!

I don't know if they let you have any spaces in your name, Carrie. Who wants to be Soillady if I can't have the sexy part? LOL! I'd rather be elven.

Al, What's the general idea behind planting Calendula this late? Did you want it blooming for the 2nd half of the summer up til frost instead of dying off in the heat of summer? Or are your summers not that hot up there and it grows all season? This is my first year of it and I think it's wonderful -- although there is a lot of green right now for the number of blooms.

Suzy aka 'Xy'Zy

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Soild AD,

I planted a few weeks later then I wanted, but they flower fairly late in to the year - past frost if I recall right.

I was at the UMW Roundup today and took a pic at the botanical gardens of some.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, I wondered. Ours will be dead when the heat at night kicks in. I don't think they like nights over 75, but as I said, this is my first year with them. My wintersowed ones weren't coming up, so I indoor sowed 2 more kinds to make sure I had luck would have it, they are all getting huge and I have devoted more garden space to them than I should have. One variety has completely engulfed the miniature Delphs that were in front of them

Getting back to Carrie, that foliage from the Calendula pic at the Botanical Gardens looks just like NOID #2 above to me.

Suzy aka Soil ADD

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

OMG I feel like such an idiot, and apparently I really am 'cause I can't even keep my idiocy to myself. I've looked and looked at i-L-L-o-Q-u-i-n and it's still over my head. I'm hooked on phonics Suzy....spell it out for me.

(who is glad her face is hidden on the other side of the computer screen)

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

My mother's maiden name was Mary Bridgette Quinn. She was very, VERY Irish, and to tease her, we'd call her Biddy O'Quinn (Biddy is the Irish nickname for Bridgette, but it's also a derogatory noun, as in "that old biddy". ) I live on Illinois Street, does that help?

To add math to your phonics, take the first 3 letters of Illinois, and add our nickname for my mother's maiden name. Subtract the Mary, Bridgette, Biddy part. Subtract the extra n in Quinn.

Does that help any?

Suzy O

Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

Could NOID3 (the spikey one) be blackberry lily? It's an iris that looks like a lily flower blossom, and the seed pods look like black berries. If it, is it is a perennial though.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

You're right Suzy, they look just the same. Maybe I did plant calendula. When do the flowers start? I did plant a lily seed, I just didn't put lily and lily together. It might have been blackberry lily but the name "candy lily" is buzzing around in my head. Thank you thank you!

x, Carrie

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Credit DEM with the Blackberry Lily/Candy lily ID.

When do Calendulas bloom? Right now in Indianapolis. These are 'Radio', but I don't remember if I wsd them or if I started them inside and moved them out as soon as they germinated. The Petunias were WSd for sure.


Thumbnail by Illoquin
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Ohhhh, they're TALL with leaves just like mine! Hmmm were they annuals?

xxxx, Carrie

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Yes, annuals from seed -- and I am sick, because they got much larger than expected and quickly overtook some seedling Delphiniums. It was supposed to be little short Blue Enchantment bush morning glories in front, with the delphs behind andpeeking through, and the Calendula in the rear...unfortunately, the middle row is gone due to the exuberance of the Calendula and my own inexpeience in how big these plants would get.

Your Calendula will get bigger as soon as it gets out of the pot and into the grouns (or a much bigger pot if you're doing containers)


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yeesh, I guess I don't know my own strength! Or was it the MiracleGro seed starting mix??

Suzy, can you post a picture of those bush blue enchantment - or was it ensign mix? Any way I know I planted a lot of that.

The Calendula are in 1 quart containers now. Too small??

I have a bright blue flower on what must be a bachelor's button today! Who remembered I had planted that in February - surely not me! This amnesia should have happened to someone with a better memory than me... namely just about anyone.

xxx, Carrrie

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Now people are starting to look like somebody. Any help?

Thumbnail by carrielamont
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

The tall ones I think are Cosmos, and there are two I think are hollyhocks. The front left are something, I just don't know what.

xxxx, Carrie

these I hope are BESV.

Thumbnail by carrielamont
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Hollyhock are 2 up on the left side. Did you have cosmos or coreopsis? looks like cosmos if you planted it.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, I did plant cosmos. Actually, Al, even though you come from the big (windy) city and all, you ID'd the two I had already figured out! Thanks, though.

xxxxx, Carrie

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

It's easy to say that now.LOL

Maybe you'll have to wait a bit longer to figure out.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Those little clumps of small leaves (behind the hollyhock or malva)... did you sow Lobelia? or are those more likely to be a perennial such as Campanula carpatica? (they do look a bit like my 'Blue Clips' seedlings)

That leaf in the left front pot does look really familiar... Did you start any peonies or maybe dahlias from seed?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I think each of those clumps is what I called my 'Lobelia mix'. I had a bunch of different kinds of lobelia and some white alyssum which I mixed and then used a salt shaker to plant.

The ones I'm REALLY dying to identify are the front left, which could be Dahlia Unwins, and the flower - you can see it, right? I think it starts in the center column, two rows back, but it's drooping over towards the front and is in the extreme front of the picture. I have another one in another pot somewhere that looks and acts just like it, but a different color.

thanks, Critter!

Does anyone have a diascia seedling? I know I planted them over and over, hoping not to buy any. (That didn't work, FYI. I bought.)

xxx, Carrie

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

On your unknown flower in the front of the photo.... Does it look like a tiny snapdragon bloom? If so, I think it might be Linarea (aka Toadflax),

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Front row left looks like Baptisia to me...

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

It does, it does, critter! Then why are they prostrate instead of "upright"? I even recognize the PlantFiles entry. And I don't have anything like enough for a bed.

Clay, I don't remember planting anything like that. You mean False Indigo or something along those lines, right?

xxx, Carrie

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My toadflax always grows kinda floppy... some stems more upright, some more trailing... I love it as a "filler" plant in a container, with its delicate texture and sweet little blooms.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Okey dokey!

xx, C

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