What is that structure sitting next to my house????

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Girl goes off with a couple of friends for a nice over night trip to the beach. Comes home and something is different! That wasn’t there when I left! What is that??

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Think I’ll get a little closer. HUMMMMM??

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ah ha, Dear Ric and youngest son Jamie have been busy! Wonderful new potting shed. Complete surprise!!!!

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Brick floor, Corian (Sp) top with pegboard back. Places for tools, working and storage. The small roof overhang is just big enough to keep me out of the drizzle if I want to work in the rain.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

He even prettied it up with some of my little garden things a hanging plant, some potted herbs and a new flowered measuring tape. WOW this was such a complete surprise, I had no idea this was even in the plans. OK I'm done bragging now. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Holly, that is so nice!!! What a great surprise. I was impressed to that he had it all stocked up and ready to go. What a thoughtful husband and son you have.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Very nice! You're lucky to have two good guys like that.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

You must be a very special person to have such a devoted family!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Your right Hart, very thoughtful husband and a couple of sons that are very handy and willing to help out when needed. With my shoulder injury both Josh and Jamie have put in some extra hours helping me this year. Josh has a busy life but since he still lives at home he can usually be counted on for a little extra help. Jamie has his own family, but usually can help of special projects. BTW my daughter in law and 4 yr grandson helped white wash the inside. A real family project.
Nap, not sure that I'm all that special but my family really is and I really appreciate all the wonderful things they do for me.

(Zone 3b)

HollyAnnS - That is so wonderful of your family to do that for you...anything made w/love is so heartwarming and special.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Can I rent them out???

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Great job,Ric and family !Holly, that's a wonderful construction they built up for you !

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Husband of the Month Award !!!! and Son of the Month !!! That is super cool !! I think I'll print the picture and story and leave it laying around somewhere..........................................as if !!
Yes you ARE special.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly that is soooooo nice. I want one, I always wanted a tool shed that looked liked an outhouse. Now thoughts of Outhouse potting shed. Lucky you!!!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

My jaw dropped so far it practically hit the floor. That is stunning! What a wonderful family you have.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

HollyAnn, Your DH & Sons are "keepers."

Lucky you - I love your new "Potty Shed"!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We'll be breaking in the new potting shed today. Ric is home from work today and will be helping me pot up the last of the plants for the plant swap on Sat.
Thank you all for the nice comments, Ric and I really appreciated them.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Hollyann, That is absolutely the best and even more so that it was a surprise. Oh, your crew is a crafty one!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, it was a complete surprise, I had never even asked for a potting shed but boy does it get a lot of use. When looking back to this thread I couldn't help notice the difference since we put in the new stone walkway and larger flower bed. Not to mention the re-stained siding.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

You're right Holly, it looks much more finished now. Before and after pictures are really great. You and Rick surely have a lot of fun together.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Holly, I like all of the new touches that you've added to your place! I couldn't help but notice your live wreath on the wall (at least that's what it looks like from the picture) - I have those as well. Yours is the only other one I've seen. I like your selection of plants - very pretty.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Wrightie, Yes that is my living wreath, no wonder no one has them. I thought I could make my own wreath but that wasn't working out very well so I finally bought one. The purchased frames are hard to find, expensive and the one I had was hard to plant. Displaying and watering them are an issue. I put up a special long hook so it didn't hang against the wall and damage the siding, most of the time I took it down to water. All that said I just love them!!! I put some very pretty ivy in there along with impatiens and pansies. I still have the wreath with the ivy upstairs sitting on the floor in a pan. I'd love to display it hanging on the wall but can't figure out how to do it without a dripping mess. I plan to make more of them and my Greenhouse assoc. is doing them this summer as a project.
What is in your and how do you display it?
I was looking for a better picture of mine and can't find one so here is a picture of one at the Phipps Conservatory.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, all of those things are so true! They require quite a lot of maintenance - I usually hang mine on a fence or brick wall where it's not likely to damage what's behind it. Watering can be a pain, so it's much easier to take it down in order to water evenly. Sometimes I'll set it in a shallow pan of water for a couple hours.

Mine is a two piece frame which I picked up years ago while working in a garden center. We used to plant them up and then sell them for a ridiculously high price. I've tried lots of different plants in mine, but I was just thinking that I may do a combination of sedums next time - that's a great example from Phipps. Thanks!

I don't think I have any good photos of my past arrangements on this laptop, but I think there's one shot here on DG from a couple years ago. Lemme see if I can locate that thread...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Mine is two piece and came with a cloth like liner. Didn't like the look of the liner but the spaces between were pretty wide so I used the liner and then stuffed in the sphagnum moss between the liner and the frame. What I didn't like is the rounder part is really the bottom and the top is flat. I couldn't come up with a good way to fill it upside down. maybe if my plants had been smaller I could have filled the whole frame and then pushed them though. But my plants were too large to do it that way. I was thinking about one done for a shade garden in mini hostas. Of course a kitchen door one with herbs. The one I will be doing with the Greenhouse Assoc. will be sedums, hen's & chicks, and I was thinking about those pigs ears of Chantells. When we get the greenhouse built I could have lots of them maybe a tropical theme wonder how orchids would work?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Sounds the same as mine, though I've never had the liner. I did some searches on DG and only came up with one poor quality picture of the wreath in low light. Looks like I had just planted it simply with impatiens that year -- http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/fp.php?pid=4002299

I have some other frames, but I'd like to get more wreaths ... even if they can be high maintenance. :)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That looks very nice. I know I posted a closer pic earlier this summer of mine but can't find it. I feel the same way even though they are higher maintenance I want more. LOL

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Holly, that wreath is amasing!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Adina, How nice to see you posting. I haven't seen any of your posts since I stopped going over to the Photo Forum. I hope all is well with you and how is your house coming along?
Wrightie, You know I mentioned maybe doing a mini hosta wreath, well there is a Hosta Co-op starting up and they are offering a package that has 10 different mini hostas.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh, my! That could make for a Gorgeous wreath! I'm chomping at the bit, waiting for the caladium co-op to open, so I'm not sure if blowing a 2nd hole through the wallet right now is a good idea ... but I'm going to ponder that hosta co-op anyway. Thanks for mentioning it. I have some ideas of a hosta combination that could look spectacular in a frame ... hmmmm...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Are you watching the co-op forum? Caladiums are getting ready to open and Cannas are open now.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I sure am!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hey, HollyAnn, that's a super potting shed!! Makes us all envious, I am sure. I know you will enjoy gardening even more with it. That is a gorgeous wreath!! I haven't seen one quite like that, with live plants and all. It couldn't be more of a pain to water than ferns in a hanging basket.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Wrightie, I found the close up of the wreath I had hanging on the front wall.
I was at my HGA meeting and talked to a serious Hosta grower, he seems to think mini hosta would make a nice wreath. Wonder what would look nice with the hosta? I was thinking of mixing in some ivy but what I really want is something that would spray out long thin flower spikes. Wonder if coral bells would work, or would they get, too big? They had one of the forms we will be using and it is pretty much just like mine but metal and it has a sphagnum moss liner which I liked a lot.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly, yours looks exactly like mine with the vinyl coating, etc.

I think ivy and other trailing plants would look great. I've put in spikey celosia before because I was trying to get a 'starburst' effect around the outside, but it was only partly successful. The challenge is to keep turning it and position it to the sun so that the plants grow in the direction that you want. But, I'm sure you've already dealt with that, too! =0

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Holly, I'm glad to see you again too! Our house is finished and we are already living in , thanks for asking. I posted every step on the weather forum...Ric should have told you! I also followed the construction of your new room and I love it!
Now I'm amased of these wreaths, I wish I could make one myself...
Here is the house on the outside.

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

This is the sitting room on Christmas.

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Adina, That looks so very nice. I love your home, I can just see those balconies filled with plants. I must go over to the Weather forum and look at your pictures. Could you post me a link?
We didn't add a new room, but we have done quite a lot of projects this past summer and our son Josh bought his first home maybe that was what you saw?

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Holly Ann, I don't know how I missed this thread, as I was following along on Josh's new home thread. I'm glad you updated it. I just love the potting shed.

Adinamiti, What a warm and lovely sitting room. Congratulations on your new home.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Pam this was an old thread from back in 2007, that got bumped up while talking about Ric's many projects. I really love my shed and it gets a lot of use both in the summer and in the winter I can store a good bit in it. Last week Josh took another load of his stuff out of our garage, there is still alot of his stuff in there but I am gaining space every week and hope to have all the space for my craft and gardening items.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Holly, you had better hold onto that man. LOL. Where did you get your bridge? My Bob makes them and they are 51 inches long.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer

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