What is that structure sitting next to my house????

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

My DH Bob also makes Amish Covered Bridges.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Fritzie helps him in the shop. Here is Fritzie supervising Bob making his Gazebo birdfeeders.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Bob, does beautiful work. My little bridge (smaller than those Bob makes) was a Christmas present from a friend.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

LOVE that covered bridge.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

He does sell his work, as do I. If any of you are ever at the big Lititz craft show in August, look us up. We are in the park. We also are at Apple Harvest Festival in Arendtsville & the Shippensburg Corn Festival.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Bob does beautiful work for sure. Fritzie is a cool looking little dog. Love that right ear thing he has going on. Pam

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Check the back of his ears. Is he part Dalmation? LOL

This message was edited Jan 20, 2009 10:51 PM

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

He also prays. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This message was edited Jan 20, 2009 10:53 PM

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I think that's enough of Fritzie. I really don't want to upstage Holly and her purty shed.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Fritzie, Is cuter than my shed. LOL
You know these threads have a life of their own and my shed thread is pretty old so it had plenty of time in the lime light.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Adinamiti, Lovely house & living room. Where is the garden????? (LOL) Do you swap Romanian seeds? Let me know. I love growing seeds from all over the world.

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Buttoneer, thanks...the garden is about to be arranged this spring. I just moved in last summer and I only have a few plants I brought in from the garden I had before. Of course I swap seeds ! I'm going to check on my seeds and see what I can offer you.
Holly, sorry I didn't post the link to the weather thread... I'm going to search it right now, so I won't forget again.

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Here's the link to the last January's thread :


From here you can go to all thread until now.
If you want to send you a link from 2007, let me know.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

What a man.

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