Seed Swap

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Ugh, mine have been in the envelope since last weekend but Monday I got slapped onto 12 hour work days. Working, sleeping, and watering plants is ALL I've got done in the last 5 days! (with the occasional browse on DG) LOL

Never fear, I will still make the June 30 deadline!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Not a problem.

Just an FYI to all on something that I've learned along the way. I don't mean to sound rude and this is just a generalized statement, but if packets are not here when I'm ready to redistribute and send out, then I proceed without waiting. I also don't have time to chase after or remind anyone. Last year I wound up sending out the packets a month later than planned. I won't be doing that again. I picked the 30th as that is a mail day. It will take a couple of days to redistribute so I will be ready to mail out on the following weekend.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

"Never fear, I will still make the June 30 deadline!"

No Joke! I so appreciate you taking this on Anita.....I would never take advantage of your generosity by being the monkey wrench thrower. :D

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I know - I just needed to put that out there - in general.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Mine are in the mail :-)

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I mailed mine last Thurs (6/21), so you should have them any time now.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks - hope you are all enjoying the great weather!

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

I got several packages of seed from people this weekend and I am looking forward to getting these seeds.

My friend & I went on a pond tour this weekend and stopped at a GH, alot of the stuff I either had or have seed for. I told my friend I wanted another GH, she was saying something about I don't have very many seeds to want another GH. I just looked at her with that look that says "Are you NUTS", she said ok maybe you do, I told her she hasn't seen my seed collection. I have a toolbox that I keep them in and the bottom is about 3/4 full. I told her about DG and all the great people to trade seeds or plants with here. Maybe she will check out this site.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

What's a GH?

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Zone5 it stands for greenhouse :o)

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks! I didn't know either. :-)

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I have got a GH coming in about 10 weeks, we put the deposit on it last week. It looks similar to this one I really can't wait til it gets here :o) dh and I are going to start the foundation for it, the end of July or first part of August, he's even going to put me a little pond in the area around it.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh . . . you are sooooo lucky! It's beautiful! And DH is going to help . . . well, he must be a special guy - and you a special woman!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

or something like that rofl

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

that's beautiful! I would really love one...maybe someday :0)

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I am sooooooooooo totally jealous!!!!!!!!!! I'd love to have a GH!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Grampapa, someday maybe sooner than you think ;o)
DH bought his self a John Dear, so he bought me the gh.

I had been looking at GH's for some time online and came across the ones made out of Cedar. I love cedar, and the others just didn't compare when it came right down to it. The only draw back for me was the price, I really had a hard time with that. But then they raised their prices up $300. But being I had been talking to her, but couldn't make up my mind which one I wanted to get, she let me have it at the price quoted when we first starting talking. I like the idea of low maintance, no knots, and BUGS don't like Cedar rofl. Had to pay 25% down up front, and it will take 10 to 12 weeks to get it. It will be coming in 5 crates. AND I CAN"T WAIT :o) It should be here sometime the end of August or early September... That company is the only one that makes the Cedar built gh's. DH and I can do the insulation and inside walls alot cheaper than what they want to do it for. I am so excited... I was in shock when he told me he was going to buy it for me.

I can't wait to get it all set up and out there working in it. DH moved a table out in the garage for me to work out there, he got tired of me doing all my sowing and want not in the kitchen lol Now he is tired of me being out in the garage rofl But for now its better than the kitchen :)

Well I am off for the night, time to hit the sheets and dream.
Have a good night one and all.


North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I have come to the conclusion that perhaps I need a DH.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I'd have to give up flower beds to have one....I'm still working on turning the grass into paths...

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Anita, I hear ya...too little time, space, money, energy...pick one or 2 LOL

(Zone 7a)

Anita, I just got back from the local post office with the seeds I would have sent you. My plan was to send them priority and get them back by first class. Well, they insisted that the 6" x 9" bubble envelope would be $1.30 first class - not 75 cents - and over $4.00 (?4.50?) priority which is too costly for me. (First class has taken from 13 days to 6 weeks for me in the past, so it would have to travel to you by priority)

From what they say, I gather that it's the 1/4" thickness of the bubble envelope that is driving up the cost (which would be that thick no matter what you put into it, according to them).

Sooo, I have to go back to the PO later today anyway - would you let me know whether Plan B would be all right with you?

Plan B consists of taping the 10 baggies of seeds to construction paper so they are evenly distributed and anchored, with a 2nd piece of construction paper taped onto the other side, so that the seeds are sandwiched between. I'll write my list and a note to you on the back of one of the pieces of construction paper and mail them in a regular #10 envelope. I have done this internationally (with small seeds of campanula species) in the past with success, so I think it's worth trying here. Would you be willing to just stick the 10 packs of seeds coming back to me right back on the same tape holding the ones coming to you? And then taping back the 2nd piece of construction paper the same way it was sent to you?

I will, of course, enclose return labels & postage.

Hoping to hear from you by 5:00 pm so I can get back to PO before they close today,

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

Lala Jane did you really mean DH for dear hubby or did you mean GH for greenhouse? Anita chimed right in, but I think she meant GH. Somedays I would give away my dh when it comes to getting his help gardening. It is slow at work today and I have been finding all kinds of plans on the internet for new projects to build. It's a shame we have to work to fund all of these projects, like grampapa says too little time, money & energy. I have plenty of space, just not enough of the other 3 to fill up my space.

(Zone 7a)

Well, Plan B didn't work because, due to the narrowness of a #10 envelope, the 2 rows overlapped which would have been too tempting to the maws of the PO's machinery; plus, most seed, I think, is just too big for this technique.

Sooo, am off to PO with a 6 x 9 BE sawed in half...hope this works out okay

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Dylan I did mean DH but it was meant as a joke.....for the most part anyway. I have always been single and have grown pretty independent in me old age. But every great once in awhile I wish I had help when I hear Pepsi talk about the GH her DH is building her, LOL.

(Zone 7a)

Remember those fund-raisers when a celebrity would raffle him/her-self off for a day for a good cause? That's what we need around here: a DH Raffle Forum - lol ... the imagination boggles at how that concept could be expanded ...

Anyhoo, seed went to Anita yesterday priority, confirmation # 0307 0020 0003 7269 3637

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Jane, I hear you on that. I'm single too and am getting way too comfortable with it. I think the good ones are far and few between as I haven't met one yet. My opinion so far is that they are far too much trouble than they are worth. You ladies that have found yourselves good ones, don't complain, but count your lucky stars instead.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

You are right, Anita. I am lucky. I have never met another I would want to spend my life with. Had I not met DH, I would almost certainly have remained single.

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

There are times my DH makes me so mad, but sometimes he spoils me terribly, not by most womens' standards but by my standards. Men are a 2 sided coin, some are great and some should just be shot and sometimes they are both. Marriage is definately give & take. I wouldn't trade mine anytime soon but I don't want another one just like him either. We had our 29th anniversary in February & you don't make it that long without teamwork. I believe that when this one is gone, for whatever reason, I don't think I will look for another one.

As far as hiring someone to help,
If you have an FFA (Future Farmers of America) chapter at the local high school sometimes they will auction "slaves" to work for you for a day.
If you have an Amish community, those children and young men are brought up to work.
Some larger communities have "rent a man" places where you can rent them by the day or hour.
That would be great, let them work and send them home, no supper to cook and no dirty clothes on the floor.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Oye, you mentioned the Amish Crews....I guess this is a good example of what I meant in my last post. I want a deck. A simple affair for the most part. Nothing fancy, nothing elaborate, just a few boards nailed together. (OK maybe I'm over simplifying just a tad LOL). But no matter how simple the design, it's over my head. I'm not afraid to plunge in when I have a clue, but carpentry is not something I have a flair for (Flair for? Who am I kidding? It took me over an hour to screw in 6 tiny screws from which to hang my planters this spring). All of my friends have decks or patios and they were all built by the DH of the household. But since there is no DH here, and since it will probably take more than 6 screw to hold the deck together I called in the Amish.

I live very near an Amish community and I know they are good workers. I also know their work is quality. But I just had my 3rd estimate and I will be working many, many more 12 hour days to cover the expense of my simple little affair.

I wonder if I offer to cook them supper and throw their laundry in with mine if I could get a price break. Hmmmm.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

LOL!! They may lead simple lives, but they are shrewd business folks, eh?

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

Very Shrewd!!! OK plan B. When I come up with one I will post it. LOL

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Excellent! Everyone's seed is in. I'll work on mixing it up and sending it back out. You guys gave me a hard job!!! Such wonderful seeds choice for everyone!!!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Anita, just checking in to see how things are going :o)

Don't know if I will be on tomorro so Happy 4th everyone.


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Same to you, Connie. Hope you all have a safe & happy holiday!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Happy 4th everyone - packets are done and will go out in tomorrow's mail. I hope you all enjoy the seeds you receive.

Floyd, VA(Zone 6b)

Anita, you have been such a jewel doing all this work! I cannot wait to see what is in the packet! I may start a few now inside and save the rest for WSing. Thank you, thank you.


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)


(Zone 7a)

What a treat arrived in my mailbox today - never would have thought of some of them, but glad to be able to try them. Thank you Anita for doing this and everyone for sharing your seeds

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I am pleased you were happy with your seeds - happy sowing

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, Thanks, Anita! Mine arrived yesterday. Lots of great seeds!

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