How do i get rid of???

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

ANTS and lots of them all over my houseplants on my porch. I even have seen them in my house alot lately and getting bit by them at night. I have some sevin dust and some sevin concentrate can i spray the whole stand with the concentrate without hurting the plants?


North Augusta, ON

I got to walmart and buy a little bottle of ant poison. All you do is put a drop along the wall or wherever they are coming in and they take it back to the nest and it kills them all. Its called Raid Ant Killer and is easy to use and inconspicuous...I have 6 cats and a dog so cant use other poisons.

Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

This has nothing to do with getting rid of the ants that are already in your house, but I wonder if your plants have an infestation of aphids? Ants and aphids have a symbiotic relationship, and when my roses are infested I'll often find ants in on the roses and in the container, too. I wonder if you spray the plants for aphids if that might help stop the ants?


Get some of those ant houses at the grocery store or Lowe's etc and place them around. It has seemed to do the trick here.

1. Dust the ant-infested areas around your plants with Arm&Hammer Baking Soda. The ants eventually disappear because baking soda is poisonous to them.

2. Crayola Chalk-Draw a thick line of Crayola Chalk across the patio floor, sidewalk, or wherever ants tend to march. Ants will not cross a chalk line. Same thing with Gold Medal Flour and Johnson Baby Powder.

3. Heinz White Vinegar-Fill a trigger-spray bottle with equal parts vinegar and water and spray affected plants. The acetic acid in vinegar kills ants.

4. McCormick Black Pepper-Sprinkle McCormick Black Pepper wherever ants are giving you problems. Pepper repels ants. Same thing with Morton Salt.

1, 2, 3, 4 Taken from Joey Green's Gardening Magic Book.


Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks to you all for your ideas i will try them and see how they go.

I moved all my plants off my porch gonna spray them all and the porch and around the the house and see how that goes.

Again thanks alot,


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I don't know if this is true in your case, but sometimes these horrible ants have nests in the pots. I bought a plant the other day and yesterday I went to pot it up for the summer in a combo arrangement. When I took it out of it's nursery pot, out came hundreds of ants furiously carrying their eggs crawling up my arm and just going everywhere. It was one of the most disgusting things ever. My sister had ants living in her dracena pot indoors. She wondered why she kept seeing ants and where they were coming from only to discover the problem later. Out went the plant pot and all.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

we find them in our outside pots often.....bummer......

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