Plant ID Sight

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Y'all!

My mom is cutting back some of her house plants and I'd like to try propagaring her cuttings. Unfortunately I don't know the names of most of them, LOL. At one time I had a link saved to My Favorites that listed common house plants with basic care along with pictures of each plant. Does anyone know of a similar websight? If all else fails I'll just stick everything in water and see what happens, but it would be nice to have a guide to help me along.

Thanks in Advance,

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

La- maybe you can go to or and type in the search line what you want it might give you several websites to choose from that might be helpful?

(Zone 1)

Here's a website I found regarding water rooting and it gives suggestions on what plants will work. I root a lot of things in water, sometimes leaving them growing in containers of water for a year or more! I just like to try different things to see what works and what doesn't. Check out this site:

North Augusta, ON

I think the site you posted this question is the best for ID'ing plants. Just post a picture up in this forum and you will have an ID and care tips in a few hours...if not a few minutes :)))

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks everyone! I know the plant in question is very common but for the life of me I can't recall it's name. To our chagrin dad became impatient with the tree-like structure growing on his deck and hacked it down himself. Mom and I scrambled to save all the "limbs" and stuck some in soil, some in water and some in perlite. Hopefully we'll get at least one good rooting between them. I believe I will still post a photo as it sure would be nice to know what we're trying so hard to save.

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