Advice on potting soil

Mission Viejo, CA(Zone 10a)

I would love to find a great potting soil. I've tried so many brands but haven't been thrilled with any of them. The pricey ones with the fertilizer added (like MiracleGro) seem to compact very quickly. Last week I tried SuperSoil which was reasonably priced and seemed to be full of organic matter. Yesterday I noticed that every pot containing SuperSoil is growing tons of mushrooms. Does that mean it wasn't sterilized?

What do you all use, or do you mix your own?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't think any of the potting mixes that you can buy are sterilized, if you want it sterilized you have to do it yourself. I always use Miracle Gro, but I'm too busy (or is it lazy?) to take the time to mix my own even though I'm sure that would be better. If you want good recipes to make yourself, check out tapla's sticky thread in the container gardening forum, he's got some good info in there.

Mission Viejo, CA(Zone 10a)

I've been searching the wrong forum! Thank you, that's great information, just what I needed!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I still add perlite to Miracle Grow on outside containers..............more watering and fertilizing but worth the effort!!!
Heading in the direction of the container forum sticky!!!

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