Any clue?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Does anyone have a guess as to what this plant might be? It has sort of waxy, glossy leaves. Thanks in advance for any help you may offer. The plant you see is in a 4" pot.

Thumbnail by Snowrose
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

It looks like a very nice variegated Balfour Aralia (Polyscias balfouriana). Looks like a new variety on the market.

(Zone 1)

It kinda sorta does look like the Balfour Aralia ... but I'm not sure, I don't remember ever seeing a Balfour with waxy, glossy leaves. It is Gorgeous, I know that!

Snow, where did you get this Beauty?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks you two! Yes, this is what it is...Balfour Aralia. I wouldn't have known without your help. I so appreciate it. The one I have from searching a bit on Google seems to be 'Pennokii' which is described like this one which caught my eye at a local nursery.


" Two common variations of Balfour aralia are 'Marginata' with leaves that are delicately edged with creamy white and 'Pennockii' offer foliage that is larger than the regular Balfour and is strikingly mottled with light yellow-green areas."

So glad to know what this is. Thanks again!

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

It's a very pretty plant Snowrose. Way to go Butch, your pretty darn good at IDing plants, and growing them too.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Yep, that's P b.. pennockii...I have one myself.

This one is *very* susceptible to spider mites....I think that's why mine has barely grown in the two years I've had it!

I have several Polyscias, and this one attracts mites the worst of any of them (just to warn you, snowrose!)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, rose318 - I agree on the very insightful and quick ID.

Thank you, Nan, for your confirmation opinion and your forewarning of spider mites. I will watch for them carefully.

Thanks for posting the pic Snowrose. These are showing up in the Wal-Marts in our area and I bought one. I don't know if I would have bought it, tho, if I had read Nan's remarks before. Anyway, it caught my eye because it is a new plant and it is just as cute as its picture.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Interesting, Susan. I imagine WM had it for less than I paid most likely. Mine wasn't too bad though....4" pot for $5.19 if I remember correctly. Seems we have similar taste. I do like it and hope it does well as I will be watching it like a hawk for spider mites. Cleaning with soapy water and rinsing every now and then should help prevent them.

That little plant is cute as a button! I'll be watching for one in my area. Love the variegation too! What a find - congrats.

Snowrose, the 4 inch pot at WM was $2.24. But maybe your plant is larger. :)
Anyway, I like to see new plants pop up. Lets hope I won't kill it. :-(.

Thanks again for posting the pic. I was going to try to describe it to see if anyone could ID it.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Snowrose, I always get excited to see your latest variegated plant!!!!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Me have great taste!!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Would you not wish you were sitting at her house looking at her plants in person..............she does have the best taste in plants!!!
Don't get worried, Snowrose, we promise we will not descend on you!!!!! We are content with getting ideas from you as to what we absolutely can't live without.....
Nan, I usually kill crown of thorns every time, but your cutting as really taken off with new leaves, etc.
The lipstick is healthy but no blooms is still early....

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

lol....Yes..that would be great, gessiegail!
I, too, promise not to show up uninvited, Snowrose! (Ü)

I did, at one time, frequent the HD that's about 75 miles from here...but I honestly haven't been there in about 2 years! That's probably a good thing! I'd be 'broker', yet!! LOL!! But I do miss finding all those 'new' plants.

So glad to hear that cutting is working for you, GG.....before you know it, it will be branching and blooming like crazy! You'll love it.

My graptophyllum is *fabulous*...I'm so happy with it and feel so 'blessed' to have it!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You two are extra nice for the things you say. If you came over here right now, you would see quite a few messes that need attention badly. This time of year, I spend lots of time outdoors working enjoying the good weather before it gets too hot and humid. So, as a result the inside gets neglected and I would die of embarrassment if you just dropped in on me. But, give me a little notice, and you would be more than welcome. In fact, it would be lots of fun to have you.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

We are just teasing you, Snowrose. I am neglecting my plants outside because the temps are already here for the summer. Anything that needs to be done has to be done by 9 in the morning. That sun is blistering already and I just run out the door to check on plumerias and adeniums in the sun .....can't get back inside quickly enough for me!!!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Lol....Snowrose, you're certainly not alone....we were discussing housecleaning -vs- 'gardening' in a thread on another forum, and the gardening seems to win, hands down!

My house is a perpetual mess.....I like the line some people use when they say the look is 'lived in'....that certainly describes our place!
Seems that within the hour after any room in cleaned, it's a mess again.

I guess, like my mom.....I'll be able to have a clean house once the kids are all moved out....but then I'll have that lonely dilemma to live with:(

It would be fun getting together, for sure!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Clean house or garden on a nice day is no contest! We can always do that when cooped up in the winter or in the air conditioning during the hot summer months. Any beautiful days like we are having now are meant to be enjoyed to the fullest. On that note, out I go...

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