I Have Roots

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi everyone, Been a while since I posted over here. Thought you might be interested in my roots. I cut 2 pieces off my Chinese Evergreen months ago ( I think it was end of Feb / beginning of Mar) thinking that it looked like it would easily root in water. Weeks went by and no roots, then I was told that they do not root in water. So I just left them sit in one of my rooting jars, they looked fine just weren't doing anything. Then last week look what I found on one of them. Roots!!
Must be those magical rooting jars from the Rooting Jar Exchange. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

You mean no water in the jar at all??
Nice roots!

I have had them root in water, but then again, there are times they haven't either!

(Zone 1)

hmmmm ..... I've found that most plants will root in water .... some take longer than others. I do remember somewhere on DG awhile back someone stated something about plants rooted in water tend to have very fine watery roots and it's hard to acclimate them to soil after rooting in water. I have had this problem in the past and never knew why the plants looked so sad after potting them up ... and some didn't survive after putting them in soil. I now use a very light weight soil - lots of Perlite when I transplant something that was rooted in water. Some thrive, some don't ... but it's fun trying. I have a couple of Chinese Evergreens that I might take cuttings from and water root them!

Great Rooting Holly!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi Holly-
keep that arm down
I rooted that plant with cuttings in soil and plastic bag tent. last summer. _ it did work but seemed very slow growing. Glad you got yours!

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