REALLY stupid question Hyacinth bean vine seeds

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

cathy what is that that is photoed?? droooool yours blooming?

i didn't plant this goofy hyacinth bean vine until i am glad for any growth that i have...the ones that i planted indoors and brought out was the reason why i started this thread cause they stayed at 1 ft tall for next year i will plant seeds out more starting them inside:)

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Sticks, this is the pinky/purple hyacinth bean vine, i also have a white that is pretty. Sorry it is blurred when it blows up bigger. I'll try to get a clearer shot. You can just see the bean pod (dark color) on the right side of the pic. The white vine has a green bean pod. I love the purple one in the fall, it looks cool until frost hits hard.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

cathy4....hyacinth bean vine envy{{{{{{}}}}}}} wish mine would bloom:)

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

When I pulled out of the driveway this morning, I noticed a few blooms, finally.
I have them planted in a concrete basket that is about 3' tall. They are growing on a 7' piece of bamboo we stuck in it. Of course, they have wire around them to keep the deer fr stripping the vine of leaves & flowers.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

ahhhhhhhh i want blooms i want blooms!!!1

San Antonio, TX

Here's the pics......

Thumbnail by Anaid
San Antonio, TX

2nd view..... (dont pay attention to my Goodwill glider)

Thumbnail by Anaid
Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

I luv your GW glider. It has character! Good looking plants, also!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

anaid...the photo is the combo::)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I have a very similar one that I pulled from someone's trash pile, lol!!

I plan to replace the wood and tighten it up. I think it will be great when fixed.

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

seed....where have you been .....we need trash rescue stories!!!
what is peeking out behind the glider?? it looks like wrought iron....
is it working?? or is there some revamping to it?? you inspire me:)

San Antonio, TX

Oh how exciting!!!!!! Although I love my glider I've been a little embarassed by it's appearance. Now that I see yours I feel a little better. I wish I could re-do mine also but I dont know how to do those things. Be sure to post a pic of yours when it's finished .

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Sticks-
I haven't been on the computer much, and hubby said no more curb shopping. :0(
But, I am going to give it a few weeks and get back to it, though, (once he calms down about it), hee-hee.... He said I'm turning into a real "Sanford & Son", and he is a neat freak, so it is driving him crazy.

What bothers him most are these finds just sitting around waiting to be fixed. Personally I'd love to fix them immediately, but we have a little bit of a unique situation right now...we have a very elderly yorkie(turns 18 tomorrow), and he requires constant care(can't even walk anymore because his brain tumor caused neurological paralysis of his back legs recently), so I am quite limited to what I can do with him. He also hates the car now(used to love it), so it makes curb shopping stressful, and I can not leave him alone by himself anymore. Hubby isn't about to "babysit" so I can go shop for "more junk", lol...

Yes, that is a wrought iron bench(another freebee) behind the glider. I am very pleased to say that it actually is something that HAS been repaired, by a local welder, for only $30 and has also been repainted. It is now in the back of the house.

I must add he loves stuff when it is actually fixed and repurposed, but seldom has vision to see it as what it can be, instead of what it currently is/currently looks like...

hi. Pre-measure your wood, and then you can just buy new wood at Home Depot or Lowes, and also have them cut it the right lengths for you. Then all you'd have to do when you got home, is drill holes for the screws. (and prime & paint....) If your hardware isn't rusted, you can just reuse the same stuff & save yourself from having to buy new ones.

I'm actually going to try something a little bit different with mine,or it would already be done. I am going to replace the top two pieces of slat wood with one 1x10(which I think will help make it more stable) and then cut out in a fretwork design with my jigsaw. The white wrought iron bench had a scroll on it that would be perfect. I'm just waiting for my sister to come by and pick that piece up for me, because she is a teacher and can put it up on a projector, and enlarge it for me on multiple pieces of paper, taped together. Then I'll use that as my template, and transfer/trace the design and then cut it out. That is just for the top part. The other pieces will be just like they are, only new. That is the plan, anyway, lol...

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

seed seed seed cant believe hubby is taking awat ur pleasur(jut out oh hosp arm surg)

i hop u are out soon....i have been out prior to arm surg.....was quite a bad grl....mis seeing ur adventures on stuff...hurry and get back...

i understand about furkids we have a gillion....2 corgis & a bunch o cats

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Ouch...arm surgery?? That must be a REAL need two hands for just about everything!!
I sure hope you get better soon.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

yup....not good; thank goodness i got alot done in the yard except deadheading watering transplanting dividing etc etc grin

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL...never a convenient time to be without an arm for a while, but at least you waited until now. The middle of summer, or beginning of Spring, would have been much worse.

I hope it isn't too painful and you are well soon.

San Antonio, TX

I agree sticks, being without the use of one arm is real hard. I have lymphoma in the right arm and last year I had a very hard time at this very same time of the year. To top it off my dad passed and the combination caused me to have difficulties following thru with trades. A "select few" were very critical of my delay. I guess they have never had difficulties in life. Take it easy with the arm; I know your plants will understand.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

anaid cant believe u have lymphompa....; i hope all is well;
our trade will even more special due to the fact that we both have arm
ailments...but thank goodness my hand is fine...there is alot one can do
with one arm & a hand(thank goodness)...i broke this arm in 10/04 falling from roof level; the said that 97% of people heal with no surgery...that gravity was my friend on
this type o forward to now...i am the lovley 3% that didnt grow back;
plate and screws are my friend(g).....this has a 90% success rate....please pray;

anyway...i hope to get ur stuff out this next week...will email u status as i go.....i do know that i sure am up faster this time than last...he said it is cause this arm has actual less pain...whoooo hooooo

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

on a topic hyacinth bean vine of them any fact 2 that i plant and grew from seed bloomed....

the monster plant that i broke down and bought still hasnt bloomed....but watch out i think it is going to be heavenly)

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